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  1. M

    My Charts with any info of my future at present?

    Hello Ecliptique, Thank you :) I have done that a little, I do know that I currently have Saturn transiting my Venus-Jupiter conjunction but an interpretation would be helpful thank you so much :)
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    My Charts with any info of my future at present?

    I love this response :) Thank you!
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    My Charts with any info of my future at present?

    Hey Nailu! Thank you so much for your response, sorry for the late reply I have seen your response but needed a little time to craft my own response. Ahhh my mars return, that makes sense haha. Yes, I do have a lot of motivation to get things done recently but at the same time feel I'm being...
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    My Charts with any info of my future at present?

    Hi everyone (ignore the title, I wasn't quite sure what to put), I’ve been a member of this community for quite some time now and for years had been devoted to researching astrology. I have taken a break on researching and learning for a while, maybe two years or so as I have been so focused on...
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    Does he like me too?

    Thanks so much ☺️
  6. M

    Does he like me too?

    Thank you so much, even if it is just a quick read every opinion is much appreciated :) So in regards to his feelings, he is definitely sexually attracted? And what in the chart shows that?
  7. M

    Does he like me too?

    Anyone else have a different opinion?
  8. M

    Does he like me too?

    Thanks Ilene :) I thought they were applying in a conjunction? So you see no attraction at all from him? Again, thank you for replying it's a huge help
  9. M

    Does he like me too?

    Just sexual?
  10. M

    Does he like me too?

    P Ok thank you so much for your help :) So what would you say his feelings are for me? Purely sexual? Or do you see anything else?
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    Does he like me too?

    Would you say the feelings are sexual attraction? Or just platonic attraction because I am definitely sexually attracted
  12. M

    Does he like me too?

    Ok, so there is mutual feelings? And of what nature? Thank you so much for responding
  13. M

    Does he like me too?

    Hi, just asking about this guy that I know that I've been suspecting could have feelings for me but the signals are very mixed and I am wondering about the way he really feels- perhaps horary will bring some clarity. I've been researching astrology for years and have quite a lot of knowledge but...
  14. M

    Is he cheating on me?

    That's right. I have noticed that when I do take a step back and just do my own thing, he comes crawling back. That is another one, I have been very bad at saying no to him, because if I do, he gets upset. I recently turned down spending time with him to spend time with my friends instead and...
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    Is he cheating on me?

    Thanks Elena, I do get the feeling that he is very insecure and just takes it out on me, he just pretends like he's not and has an ego or maybe he's not I just get that vibe. He is very wrapped up in himself at the moment. I, on the other hand am an insecure person so I do get worried sometimes...
  16. M

    Is he cheating on me?

    Thank you so much for the help :) We are in a committed relationship, he asked me not too long ago and I was a little shocked because I was under the impression that he wanted to keep things more casual but I certainly am committed to him and I love him very much, he also says that he loves me...
  17. M

    Is he cheating on me?

    Thank you so much for that, I have just been extremely paranoid that he may be. Certain behaviours from him are just confusing. Sometimes he'll be cold and rude and not affecionate at all and then out of nowhere he will be extremely affectionate and it makes me suspicious. I have just been...
  18. M

    Is he cheating on me?

    Can someone please read this chart and help me get some clarification on this. Have a strange feeling that he may be cheating on me, does this chart show it?? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much. I haven't been reading horary charts for a while so I can't quite remember how to...
  19. M

    Am I being stalked?

    I see, thank you for your input. I am speaking of a human. My mental wellbeing not great. I am probably just being delusional. I have little faith in my intuition at the moment
  20. M

    Am I being stalked?

    Is this sexual or romantic interest?