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  1. H

    Drs are stumped. Seizures and mini stroke!

    what do you mean with resolution? Contrast? I would like a check of the arteries. (Angio CT, Angio MRI) Doppler ultrasound of the neck arteries could also give important information
  2. H

    Drs are stumped. Seizures and mini stroke!

    Hi Jade, My astrolgical skills are poor, so I will not go into that. But what strikes me is your "thunderclap headaches", usually they have a an organic cause and most of the time they make severe damage which can be easily found like brain bleeding. So if you had brain CT or MRI this should...
  3. H

    Koh Tao: Is the murderer on Death Island still walking free??

    I posted the gruesome double murder of two young Brits on Koh Tao in Thailand a few months ago in the horary forum. The experts said it is to murky to use Astrology on it. What a pity. More unclear deaths of Tourists on this island have come to the surface in the meantime. Many people who have...
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    The eleventh house

    Julian gone? what happened?
  5. H

    Who is the murderer?

    may be it is this guy whom they are talking about, and there seems something strange about him anyway in this case the police came up with many stories that dissolved later...
  6. H

    Who is the murderer?

    exactly, he is the son of the wealthy island owning family. He works in the bar where the victims have been seen in the night of their death. The bar belongs to his father (or his uncle, I'm not sure)
  7. H

    Who is the murderer?

    the major suspect is a student, he disappeared for one week after the murder and then came up with a new haircut and a lawyer who showed a cctv picture as a questionable proof that the guy had not been at the crime scene. I am not saying he is the murderer or one of them - but what I am saying...
  8. H

    Who is the murderer?

    HM, You ask what is my connection to this case? I already mentioned I that like many others, feel emotionally involved because it seems like big injustice is done and supposed to continue. Apart from these young people having such a horrible fate it is the official handling of the case. One...
  9. H

    Who is the murderer?

    thank you among many other things it is not clear if the victims had sex together. It seems like it has been staged by somebody to make it look like that.
  10. H

    Who is the murderer?

    Thank you horarymaster for answering this thread again. I am sorry that I forgot to mention the source for the time range of the murders. Here are two sources which differ a little bit - anyway as with any murder only the murderer will know the exact time...
  11. H

    Who is the murderer?

    nobody interested in this? In a few weeks we shall know what the court says btw. I added charts of the time and location of the crime
  12. H

    Thai Govt Chides Astrologers for Earthquake Predictions

    What they are talking about is this: (just another example) ‘Nostradamus’ warns of earthquake doom for Thailand
  13. H

    Thai Govt Chides Astrologers for Earthquake Predictions

    http://www.khaosoden...wsid=1431324499 BANGKOK — A spokesperson for Thailand’s government has asked astrologers predicting imminent earthquakes to consider how their prophesies may affect the public. "I understand that the predictors have good intentions," said the spokesperson, Yongyuth...
  14. H

    Who is the murderer?

    Thank you very much Horarymaster, It is said the doublemurder happened on September 15, 2014 between 4:30 and 5:00 am on the small island of Koh Tao I attach two charts one for 4:30 and one for 5:00 am I am looking forward to your reading
  15. H

    Who is the murderer?

    Thank you for your reply, oddity I thought the rules of horary say you have to use the chart at the time when you ask the question and are aware of your intetnion to use horary. This is how I calculated the chart. Am I involved? You bet. And many are. Why? We have been watching a case and its...
  16. H

    Who is the murderer?

    I wonder why nobody wants to look at this chart- most people who observed the case (it was very public in the internet) believe the accused are not the killers and there is a high suspicion that someone else is who was continuosly and intenionally overlooked by the police. Even NGOs are calling...
  17. H

    Who is the murderer?

    Nobody interested in finding a murderer? This is a very cruel case. There is danger that innocent scapegoats are going to get a death sentence in 2 months can the court be trusted?
  18. H

    Who is the murderer?

    Now I see that Saturn is in the 1st house and the 7th house cusp aspects Mars. Does this mean the question cannot be answered?
  19. H long till I get my next job?

    Dear Golden Rose, congrats to your new job. May be this could be useful advice: Move from the victim perspective to the cause perspective change your viewpoint, don't hope that you are treated well but always ask yourself: Am I treating them well? Good luck