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  1. S

    Job changes.

    P S. I know that my ather colleagues like me very much ,i see this. I also know that they don't like at all one of those two from the CT department.I also know that my supervisor also dont like this guy,but the think is that this quy knows CT scan and MRI scan,so my supervisor keeps him because...
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    Job changes.

    Hi Chrysalis ,thank you very much for your answer. We don't have this department,we are not hospital. We are radiodiagnostics centers,we have blood department,X-ray, ultrasound,CT scan ani MRI scan. I am X-ray employee (this is my study). And yes i have empathy for patients healing and also i...
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    Job changes.

    Dear forum members hi. I have a question about my job. My question is :Will they let me be at the CT (diagnostic imaging technique) department?If yes when? I'm at the X-ray department for the last 6 years.At January the unit that i was ,had closed the second shift and they send me at another...
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    Question about Sosial media.

    Hi aqualovebot, thank you for your reply! Yes,i know that he only want sex from me and he just play silly games. I think that he expected to chase him ,or he expect that i will make a move after the blocking,but he lost -this is his loss. And that's why he made the fake profile at fb (so silly...
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    Question about Sosial media.

    So...i think i have some feedback Sunrise. Before 1 week he send friend request from fake account 😂 My gut feeling says it was him!Its a new profile and he has one friend, which is also my friend and before i delete and block him, this friend make some comments to one post of mine...I didn't...
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    Question about Sosial media.

    Hello I wanted to give you a feedback about the timing...i didn't had any pfone call from him these days. If we consider the 3 or 4 time units,are not days (today is the 4rth day). I will give you feedback for weeks.
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    Question about Sosial media.

    Good morning Sunrise Thank you so much for your answer! The thing is that iv blocked him from Sosial media because he didn't i said to my self,he doesn't want you,ok then. I know that i was a little bit unfair to him,the thing is that my injustice came from his attitude. I wanted to...
  8. S

    Question about Sosial media.

    So Im Jupiter at his 12 house hidden under his rulership,i liked him ok but im not in love. Im also very angry about him ,moon at Aries at 4 house. He is mercury and sun, he is strong ,he is occupied with him self at his 3 house the house of communication. He doesn't care ,he didn't upset. Did...
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    Question about Sosial media.

    My question is Did he saw that i blocked him from Facebook;Will he make a move; The story. I met him before one month (love interest), he made some mistakes,i also made some mistakes etc and we cut communication for about 2 weeks. Before 6 days i sent him a friend request at Facebook and he...
  10. S

    What happen -what will happen.

    Im sorry for the delay Waybread 😇 Feedback,of course nothing happened. Thank you again for your help!
  11. S

    What happen -what will happen.

    Dear Waybread thank you for your answer!🙂 I really don’t have any problem for the call,I mean I don’t consider him as a big opportunity! The immature idiot that I wrote it was just because he was thrilled ,I gave my number and then nothing 🙄 If he wasn’t into me why he was burning (let’s say) to...
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    What happen -what will happen.

    Gentle reminder, I will give feedback by end of July 🙂
  13. S

    What happen -what will happen.

    Second chart :Will we be in relationship until end of July?
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    What happen -what will happen.

    First chart :Why he didn’t call?will he call?is there someone else?
  15. S

    What happen -what will happen.

    Dear forum members hi 🙂 I’m really confused…long story sort,I know a guy that works at local supermarket. I gave him my phone number (actually my mother gave to him ,after he asked him if he’s single -he said yes- and after he told him that I’m interesting -he knows how I am-He was sooo thrilled...
  16. S

    Hello to all!

    Hello to all forum members! I'm new here! I'm woman, Aquarius with Cancer Ascendant... Well not so simple combination.