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  1. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    bob- but you did predict that the next time they will have a chance to cap this well is first week of july you were off by only few days that is incredible!is really true now...
  2. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    i saw the twits but am not sure...they so far said a lot that is not true time will tell- but at least maybe it will kill the tsunami fear and the florida underwater predictions- but is far from over...this thing is going to drag for years
  3. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    what is link to bp twitter i want to see this gibberish ...
  4. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    like things not working out like they try to fix then it goes worse that kind of boom? cause there is not going to be earthquake or tsunami!
  5. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    bob -what you wrote all of it is awesome! thank you for okay my intuotion told me there is not going to be tsunami! it annoys me anytime i read about it for some reason when people 'predict' florida underater so annoying what do you mean by Big Bang? you mena the end of...
  6. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    location is gulf of mexico off the coast from Grand Isle
  7. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    During March and early April, several platform workers and supervisors expressed concerns with well control. At approximately 9:45 p.m. on April 20, 2010, methane gas from the well, under high pressure, shot all the way up and out of the drill column, expanded onto the platform, and...
  8. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    all the videos are freaking me out-using my instinct here not astrology but astrology based in my strong 8th house- this tsunami is one big bs used by many to promote self and for a trip to paypals and or joining cults-it seems that greed made the spill happen greed made it worse and greed is so...
  9. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    huge skimmers arrived but is not capping the well... so many say is dangerous-might be a tsunami wionder if anyone sees any major disaster in august in the chart cause is when tehy will drill another hole -what happens then? these people don't really know what they are doing it seems
  10. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    so bp is driling reief wells in august what happens if that does not work? so far they made ony mistakes this is beyond scary and not blogger scary this is real
  11. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    the oil is still gushing now lets see what happens in july and check the first week of july prediction...
  12. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    as far as the goverment is concerned they do not take res[ponsibility or help at all in cleaning on land waters unless you can count obama fish lunch as help-yes we can!( eat fish-)-new slogan maybe?plus a good photo in front of us flag? while nthing is done-as far as bp is concerned cleanup (or...
  13. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    yes...well i was speaking from pain and some knwledge about it but this whole situtaion is like muddy waters for me i truly do not know who even cares anymore -the bloggers? the videomakers? sometimes i think they make stuff about gulf to promote themselves and even that part is the neptune...
  14. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    hey Bob, I went over your posts again and it all makes a lot of sense- people do sensationalize and make up stories to push book sales or get hits on videos...among all this gibberish is difficult to figure out what the truth is-only last night this woman on myspace claimed to be a psychic with...
  15. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    bob-could it be that..not the cleanup but spill will go well into december 2011? is this time a continuation of the spill? thank you for your insight !
  16. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    Neptune Rising i feel insincively very similar as for the money people need to realize this ocean is priceless
  17. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    quote"but with this huge Opposition the Criticism won't go where it belongs not at first with the 2nd House Involved there's too much Money at stake" this is genius! you whole reading i guess it explais a lot but so far what bothers me is why there is little public involvement in this and too...
  18. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    that horoscope link chart expired now...
  19. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    had enough of talk about race (is ridiculous pointless waste of energy plus this subjects interests me ZERO) and do not wish to dicuss politics with people who have no knowledge of FACTS who say things like....ooh lets not be angry with goverment while your ocean and air is being poisoned at...
  20. S

    Gulf Oil Spill

    i have to go out now but i promise will look at this link tonight and respond! please guys aymore readings about this oil thing -when how it will end -please post! i believe in astrology i believe many answers are there