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  1. D

    Birthday Reading-Love Forecast?

    Hello everyone, I’ve recently just celebrated my 27th birthday and would love to know, based on my astrology, what could come for love in the year ahead, what love would look like for me and a significant other, etc. any feedback would be greatly appreciated! ❤️
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    Birthday Chart Reading!

    Anyone wanna take a crack at this?
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    Birthday Chart Reading!

    Hey everyone! Today is my 25th birthday. I was just hoping to use this post as an opportunity to find out what this next year should bring. If you decide to take the time out of your days to reply, I would be really grateful. Thank you in advance beautiful people of the internet! :biggrin:
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    Just got a new job.

    This is so wonderful to hear. Thank you so much for your interpretation! Quick question for you. I'm turning 25 this month, so in 2027 I would be 31. Did you mean you see success when I turn 29 or in the year 2027? I really appreciate that you took the time to look through my chart. :smile:
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    Just got a new job.

    anyone wanna take a crack at this?
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    Just got a new job.

    Hey guys, I've been struggling for years to get a job post-college. I finally landed a paid, full-time, 7-month internship at an organization I've had my eye on for a while. After a very unlucky and depressing past couple of years, I'm really happy for this good news. My hopes are that this...
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    Feeling Directionless-Hoping for Clarity

    1. I'm actually very internal. I'm pretty uncomfortable talking face to face with someone about things going wrong in my life. As far as worrying, I would say I'm an over-thinker. I'm concerned about losing chances to achieve anything. Health-wise, maybe my weight but nothing dire. 2. As...
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    Feeling Directionless-Hoping for Clarity

    Hey all, I've been feeling pretty lost, confused, and isolated. I have no idea where my future is going (professionally or personally), what I should be working towards, etc. I understand a birth chart won't have all the answers I need, but if anyone would be willing to look at my chart and...
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    Anyone wanna take a look at my chart?

    Here is my birth chart!
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    Anyone wanna take a look at my chart?

    I'm kind of in a rut right now, between not being able to find a job post-college, having a nearly vacant social life, and moving back in one why parents. If anyone would like to look at my chart and give me some advice or predictions based on what you see, it would be most appreciated.
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    Nightmare Interpretation

    Hey all, So I usually don't dream (or at least, I don't remember my dreams when I wake up). However, tonight I had a nightmare that not only stuck with me, but whose story CONTINUED each time I went back to sleep. It started with me next to my car at night in an empty parking lot. I thought to...
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    What's my responsibility?

    My brother is bipolar and, after yet another explosive outburst, has left our house for who knows how long. It has me thinking a lot about my parents and what they've gone through and how they're still experiencing this. He's in his thirties and they're in their sixties. This can't last forever...
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    Nightmare Reading Request

    Thanks so much Rahu! I posted immediately after I had the dream, so my guess is it started on June 17 at 2:30 am and I woke up somewhere between 2:50 and 3.
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    Nightmare Reading Request

    Here you go!
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    Nightmare Reading Request

    Below I've attached my chart. No, I was not on any drugs
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    Nightmare Reading Request

    Here's my chart
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    Nightmare Reading Request

    So, a handful of times in my life I've experienced the sensation of touch while I was dreaming. Tonight was different than any other night and I'm a little shaken up. The dream started with my parents arguing in the typical way they do, then them revealing they're not my parents at all and I'm...
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    Recent graduate here: new job coming my way?

    Hey all. I've just graduated and am currently embarking on my job search. Any insight as to when a job might come my way (or anything else occupationally) would be extremely helpful!
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    Hey everyone, I'm graduating 5/13, aka Mother's Day. See anything for me on the horizon now that I'm almost done with school?
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    Dream Analysis Request

    Hey all, I don't know if anybody analyses dreams on here, but I figured I'd give it a shot. As I was sleeping I had the overwhelming sense that I was being touched. The first time it felt like someone was holding my hand. This was the only comforting touch. The second time felt like someone was...