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  1. N

    All things ASC and DSC!

    My emotions are very intense, consuming and affect my whole being. My Moon (Sag) is conjunct my Sun/Mercury/Jupiter/MC, squared by ASC/Mars in 1st on one side and by Pluto in 7th on the other side (angular t-square). It also gets a sextile from Uranus in the 7th. I don’t think I need to say more…
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    All things ASC and DSC!

    I have blue eyes and a very clear/pale complexion which I think give me a watery look. The inability for people to pinpoint me definitely comes from the Pisces asc as there is something quite ellusive about the sign. My moods change a lot, one minute I can be really chatty and warm, the next I...
  3. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    Saturn is not too heavy on my this year - a nice trine to my Pisces ASC/Mars (ruler of 8th) conjunction and an even nicer sextile to Venus in Cap (in 11th ruler of 2nd and 7th) all from the 8th. Except for a square and a conjunction to Chiron in Aries, Pluto and Uranus are not active in my...
  4. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    Oh great, another one - the last 5 years have been years of introspection! My solar return chart shows an emphasis on the 5th house and Leo ASC so I was hoping this year would be kind of fun...
  5. N

    All things ASC and DSC!

    How has it affected you physically? How is it aspected? Your ruling planet? I have a Pisces Asc conjunct Mars. While I do look like a water sign, Mars somehow tweaks the way I come across - I'm very fit and react very quickly. I am primarily ruled by a very strong Jupiter in Sag in 9th - I...
  6. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    That's the very question I ask myself every day. And I know a lot awaits me in the next little while... Next Friday Progressed Moon will move into Cancer in natal 4th and is already in the process of squaring natal AND progressed Pluto. Progressed ASC is reaching Algol at 26 Taurus Tr...
  7. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    Stuck with a back spasm right now :mad: and looking at my boxing gear with great frustration!!
  8. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    You are correct regarding the reasons for my anger and I forgot to mention that in addition to the conjunctions, this New Moon also squared my Mars/ASC conjunction. I honestly woke up exhausted this morning but also I must have made a decision during my sleep that I did not want to have...
  9. N

    Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12: Truth Serum 101

    This is so interesting Kimbermoon. This new Moon also conjuncted my Moon conjunct MC from the 9th house - Moon rules my 5th house. I spent last night, as the transit was taking place, obsessing (and getting quite angry) over a past romance with someone who is currently trying to reconnect...
  10. N

    Uranus in love! Share your Venus-Uranus experiences!

    I have Uranus in Libra in 7th square Venus in Cap in 11th. An astrologer explained to me that because of the houses being in mutual reception, friendships and relationships are tightly linked, whereby a friendship can quickly turn into a relationship and a relationship can quickly go back to...
  11. N

    How strong is your Jupiter?

    104 - no real suprise for me. My middle name is Jupiter :cool:
  12. N

    Oppositions galore - synastry

    What do you think? I have never seen a synastry chart like this one. I am the red chart... Thanks
  13. N

    Help please...Alone & depressed

    You need to follow the advice you've already been given. Go and see a dermatologist as your skin issues will not go away miraculously. You said you are a vegan so you are likely to not include all the nutrients your skin needs but only a professional will be able to assess that. I've...
  14. N

    Feeling let down by Jupiter

    Thanks Caro. I am aware that Gemini is not the best position for Jupiter, however, whether it is in a good or bad position never seemed to matter in the past - I had such great expectations when it was in Aries. Anyway, what do you mean by the Jupiter/Neptune opp? My Neptune is at 3'36 and...
  15. N

    Feeling let down by Jupiter

    As you can see, I have been blessed with an extremely strong Jupiter - in Sag in the 9th conjunct MC, ruler of my chart and most of my personal planets and except for a controversial square to Mars, very well aspected. Obviously, Jupiter transits are my number one focus and I am always...
  16. N

    Progressed Moon in Cancer

    Thanks !4C Luckily I am not naturally prone to depression and I am focusing on the fact that Moon is at home in Cancer and in the 4th house. But, it will also square natal Pluto in early Libra so I gather it could be interesting times.
  17. N

    Progressed Moon in Cancer

    Would anyone like to share their experience with this or Progressed Moon going through natal 4th house? I've been trying to gather info on this but there isn't much out there unfortunately. My Progressed Moon is still in Gemini for a little while and will soon move to Cancer, an energy that is...
  18. N

    A most unusual Scorpio

    Well, serafin5, I did think for a long time that it was all a mask but I have known her for a long time now and we've been in situations where the Scorpio should have come out and it didn't. I honestly feel more Scorpio than she is with my Sun-Pluto-Mars TSquare. You are right though, if...
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    A most unusual Scorpio

    Thank you Peregrine Moon for such an insightful response. I know her Mum, a very interesting woman who still lives in the 60s... My friend's dad unexpectedly died when she was a baby leaving her Mum to raise her by herself so they have that really special bond and they would do anything for...
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    A most unusual Scorpio

    I am having the hardest time understanding this chart. With such an emphasis on Scorpio planets, you would expect this person to be extremely private, deep and a shrewd business woman. The opposition from Saturn to the stellium would also emphasis the seriousness and focusness of the...