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  1. D

    Will I find a job this month?

    Hello, I was fired by the end of last year. I have anxiety when looking for job. I had some interviews in January but did not get the job. Will i find a job this month?
  2. D

    Should I apply for this job in X company?

    Thank you both for your insights. I appreciate it. :) I did not apply. Yeah, I was only interested in money and just having a job. I though it would be easier to get in because of my connections to former coworkers. I think maybe I don't even want to work in the field this company is...
  3. D

    Should I apply for this job in X company?

    Hello, I have a dilemma. I am an unemployed at the time. I have a huge procrastination which is related to a job search. One year ago I quit my long term job. Long story short I changed positions and some misfortune was hunting me. I felt tired, angry and sick of all the company and I quit. I...
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    Property registration

    Hi, ElenaJ, thanks for your reply. He definitely regrets having to deal with this agency. I again suggesting him just decline their services but he says he already paid and with each meeting he is leaving a 'little' amount of money for them. I offered to give him some money. I have extra. I...
  5. D

    Property registration

    Hello, my father build a house in his land/property. The land was his parents. His father, my grandpa, still alive and have half of it and other half belongs to my father and and his siblings. How I mentioned before, he build a house and now have some problems with formalizing house...
  6. D

    Common question these days... Will I get the job?

    Today I had another offer and I said yes but I still think about the first job I wrote. What do you think? There was no chance with the first one? Help
  7. D

    Common question these days... Will I get the job?

    Hello, today I had a job interview. This job is for an accountant position. The interview was held with some of the girls of the same position and a HR. I think they are picking a colleague for themselves and I was a bit overwhelmed. I really need a job in general but I am kind of interesting...
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    Rahu - Mercury Dasha

    I see I can post a screenshots :)
  9. D

    Rahu - Mercury Dasha

    Why is so? It feels unsafe to place my personal data to the public. What charts or information would be needed? Planets strength? Ashtakvarga, Sarvashtakvarga tables?
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    Rahu - Mercury Dasha

    Hello, I just started Rahu - Mercury Dasha. Will it be good?
  11. D

    Will he return to my life?

    Thanks for your reply. What indicate that he will return as a friend? And what obstacles do you have in mind?
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    Will he return to my life?

    Does Venus conjunct Mercury mean he have a girlfriend?
  13. D

    Will he return to my life?

    Hello, there was a guy... We had some sort of relationship and due to circumstances we went separate ways. I still think about him. Will he return to my life?
  14. D

    Does he think about me?

    I just have read that combustion in horary is the worst possible debilitation. Is this mean he have forgotten me? If sun is still in Leo does it count as combustion?
  15. D

    Does he think about me?

    Hello, there is an old crush of mine. I can't get him out of my mind. Mars and Venus conjunction - yes. What does sun conjunction mean? I guess moon in 7th means that i think about him :D Venus in Virgo is debilitated... He is not fond of thoughts about me?
  16. D

    Will I learn a new language?

    Hello, I have been trying to lean a new language since July 2016 with a big pauses. I just don't have enough willpower. I do start and than quit for months and start again. It's repeating itself till now. Sometimes I feel so tired and have other problems and can't put my attention to learning...
  17. D

    When will I find a boyfriend? (strange chart)

    Cloud you explain why the Cazimi is good?