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  1. E

    Rx Mars stone

    Natal mars is strong and direct. Rx movement is causing an unbalance with footing and accidents prone. Heightened
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    Rx Mars stone

    Im curiously inquiring which gemstone would be beneficial for rx mars?
  3. E

    Missing Phone

    You are pretty darn close. So it was found. Somehow when my puppy took off I must of placed it on her car. She left and my phone went for a ride. She turned out of the neighborhood and my phone slid off. It was in a ditch on the main road ran over and destroyed. Oddly, didnt know android...
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    Missing Phone

    I had my sons phone with me calling it.
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    Missing Phone

    I went ahead and drove over there and searched and didnt find it
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    Missing Phone

    Its definitely hard to see and hear wherever it is. I did look through my landscape. I think I will look again.
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    Missing Phone

    I did. She says its not there. The more I look at the chart, I feel like its in there. She doesnt get off work for a few more hours then she said she would look again. Per Deborah page, says moon represents missing item. Moon is cj ic. Home. I took a call as we were getting boxes ended the...
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    Missing Phone

    I misplaced my phone sometime this morning. Have been looking since. Not sure if the phone traveled along with my daughter or if my dog ran off with it. I kinda need it. The moon and 2nd house ruler are applying a trine. So I feel like it will be recovered. Does anyone have any idea where it...
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    Covid and blood in stool, refused in hospitals, how to proceed?

    I would be inclined to say a hemorrhoid. Perhaps you need a bit more fiber in your diet. As the 2nd ruler is in fall conjunct the ic. I havent looked at astrology in a few months. The 8th house is the exit way, naturally ruled by mars is in aquarius which rules the veins. What is a hemorrhoid...
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    Covid and blood in stool, refused in hospitals, how to proceed?

    hello. Hopefully you receive valuable feedback from others. However, I wanted to just add something here. Believe it or not, as alarming as seeing bright red blood in your stool. Its actually a good sign. When the blood is bright red, it's because while passing a movement there was either a...
  11. E

    Should the Electoral College Be Eliminated?

    postoffice couldnt even handle a sticker I purchased that was mailed in state. It was postmarked on July 20th that I just received today. Just a few zip codes over. The stockpile took a hit in 2001, 2009,and 2012 and has been 75% deficient n95 respirator and 25% on the face mask and other...
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    Should the Electoral College Be Eliminated?

    First, tb outbreak was considered a global pandemic . Not just an epidemic and killed a lot of people between 2018-2019. As well as h1n1 which infected 61 million people was also considered a pandemic. 2nd I guess you are going by his backtracked words of ppe shortage that was never replenished...
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    Should the Electoral College Be Eliminated? I was incorrect it was 2005, not 2006. Not true, he never said not to wear a mask. He has always said if you cant socially distance, to wear a mask.
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    Should the Electoral College Be Eliminated?

    One thing I wish he would have done was fire Foul chi from the start. Who was RESPONSIBLE for the outbreak of the Aids virus. Along with his ties to the Wuhan lab. He hasn't seen one patient in over a decade. I also think Dr. Birx is too an enemy of the state. As her husband serves on the...
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    Should the Electoral College Be Eliminated?

    why when Fauci said back in April mask do not work. Worldwide Tuberculosis outbreak killed 1.5 million people in 2019. Why wasn't that considered a pandemic?
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    Black Lives Matter, Marxist?

    Neither does Pelosi. People do what people do. Dave, follow the money trail. Black Lives Matter, which is not a 501(c)(3) charitable group, uses an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization — Thousand Currents — as its fiscal sponsor, and so donations made on the Black Lives Matter website through...
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    Black Lives Matter, Marxist?

    Their endorsement is sanders/warren. Follow the money trail. Blm donations are funneled through Actblue. Biden/sanders /Warren.
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    Black Lives Matter, Marxist?

    From MANY I have spoke with, the lack of leadership within their own cities are turning them off. With the quote " if you dont vote for me, you ain't black." As if black folks are not free to think for themselves. In addition to another quote "police are the enemies." Many black Americans want...
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    Black Lives Matter, Marxist?

    Soros hates trump and America. Using the blm to destroy America and point the blame back to trump. As if it is his fault. When trump has done more for black americans since Lincoln.
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    Black Lives Matter, Marxist?

    These 3 women are witches. Real witches. All three of these "founder's" are from the black skull and bones secret society. Sigma Pi Phi. Or the gatekeepers to the 9 roundtable boule society. There are 16 principles or points of demonic possession inside the Odu Ifa society and in turn there are...