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  1. L

    Experience with 12th house stellium and a lack of earth in my chart

    I have a stellium in the 12th house in the sign of sag (which is also my first house) with sun, pluto, moon and mercury all conjunct in my 12th. I have jupiter, mars, neptune, and venus in my first house. I have north node in libra and south node in aries. I am 26 year old and I have come to...
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    I am always lovesick over my exes

    I don't have venus-pluto aspects but I tend to be obsessed with lovers until a new one comes in even long after I break up with the last one. But I have moon, sun and mercury conjunction with pluto in the sign of sag. But I also have venus conjunction mars opposite lilith.
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    Black Moon Lilith on other female's lumnaries

    Females, I have a question for you: How do you feel around women who you have lumanaries conjunct your BML?
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    Madonna-whore complex in a male chart

    I think I'm going to comment again as I have thought about this looking at charts. You are right about Moon and Venus not being in alignment. So I'll say this, if moon and venus are not in the same element or even the same yin-yang polarity, there may be a layer of dissonance between what kind...
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    The art of seeing two fathers in a chart

    I think there are several combinations for it. I'd say the ruler of 10th, sun, ruler of 8th, ruler of 12th, or the planets representing these houses (pluto and neptune) NEED to be involved. For example sun conjunct neptune/ sun conjunct pluto/ sun in 8th/sun in 12th, 10th house ruler in...
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    The art of seeing two fathers in a chart

    I have 2 fathers. My uncle adopted me. So my father figure's brother is my real father. PM me for my chart and I'm free for a discussion.
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    Light luminaires but plutonic venus and vice versa

    How would you describe someone that has the luminaries (sun and moon) in aspect to pluto BUT has venus conjunct uranus in a light hearted sign? Do they come off as intense but then seem too flighty in relationships that doesn't correspond to their relationships? And then vice versa aka someone...
  8. L

    House systems-what have you found to be statistically more accurate

    I just was curious to ask, so people that practice astrology, what house system did you find to be the most accurate in everything from personality, appearance, and events in a person's life? Placidus versus Whole house?
  9. L

    Gen Z

    Gen Zs truly are a wonder. The other day a 20 year old posted on an astrological page and showed conversations between her and her boyfriend. I was stunned by the level of articulation of feeling between both of these individuals. I felt old. What's responsible for kids going from the...
  10. L

    What synastry aspects make you HATE each other?

    You need to have pluto, and saturn aspects, squares of luminaries and staurn and pluto on the davison chart. I met a guy with my pluto on his asc, my saturn on his moon, also his moon in pisces square my stellium in sag. We also have a mars trine pluto. We also have a moon-pluto-venus-mars...
  11. L

    scorpios should be careful right now

    Just wanted to say scorpios be careful at this time, an actress from my country was almost gangraped by business men and she had a scorpio stellium and 8th from that is now a stellium in gemini. I don't know her time of birth but it's not far fetched to say that scorpios are not having the...
  12. L

    People that are both Pluto and Neptune dominant?

    Anyone here both Pluto and Neptune dominant? Or 12th house and 8th house dominant? How has your life been like? General themes and feeling?
  13. L

    Madonna-whore complex in a male chart

    You have to look for extreme cognitive dissonance in a chart. I heard venus-pluto aspects were notorious for this. I dated a man who had a madonna-whore complex who had moon inconjunct venus and venus square pluto. He wanted to have sex with me while he made up delusions in his head that I was...
  14. L

    Can the natal chart show the probability of sexual abuse?

    Honestly Mars-Pluto and Mars in 8th house takes the cake. Pluto-asc is second, followed by moon-pluto in my opinion. Other aspects are lighter and will show something along that line like : Pluto with any aspect (sun-pluto, moon-pluto, venus-pluto) and (mars-neptune). I was doing research in...
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    Meghan Markle Interview with Oprah W.

    Re: Keep it to astrology Again, I don't seem my comment that I posted earlier but you're completely misinterpreting what I am saying.. (You probably deleted it) Also, please explain to me about her wanting to be president LOL I don't understand why people take these issues so personally and...
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    Obsessed with every lover that comes by

    You know Elena, you bring up a good point. I usually catch feelings after a sexual encounter.
  17. L

    Obsessed with every lover that comes by

    You're definitely right about unconscious unrequited love. But you're also right about needing something greater than one's self and higher learning.
  18. L

    Meghan Markle Interview with Oprah W.

    Re: Keep it to astrology Firstly, I'd like to say that I am not a big fan of the royal family and wouldn't be surprised if they had secrets lurking beneath such as: -Diana's death -Prince Andrew's allegation in relation to the Epstein's case -Connection to Jimmy Savile (He abused LOTS of...
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    Thread for people with stelliums in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses

    I have a stellium in the 12th.. I have a fire stellium in the 12th with three conjunctions with pluto including my sun, moon and mercury. And venus, mars and neptune are in the first (jupiter is close to my asc in my 12th). I am a hermit. I like be in my room, daydream and shut myself off from...
  20. L

    Why are Leo men compatible with Aries women but not Sag women?

    I am a sag stellium, I would never go for a leo man. You also have to look at nakshatras because they impact a lot. I am dating a sag moon man with sun in cap and he sounds like he would leos but me with my 12th stellium can't bear them for too long.