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  1. unukalhai

    Astrology Vs Christianity

    I've long been confused where people get the idea that Christianity is at all in conflict with Astrology, or vice versa. I suppose it comes from the social/religious stigma that astrologers are bad and we all ride a broomstick, but I know better than to put much weight on social stigmas. There...
  2. unukalhai

    The Nodes take no aspects.

    Exactly. They are receptive to active centers of energy, IE physical manifestations of energy, such as the planets. I wouldn't call them weak, as I've found the nodal returns and oppositions (every 9 years) are quite powerful turning points in one's path. I've seen this in my own chart and...
  3. unukalhai

    The coming nuclear war.

    The upcoming transits, especially over the next 10 years, are not pretty, but their manifestation depends greatly on the choices us humans make, especially those in power... But also those of the people, who do have the power to change things. The problem there lies in complacency, fear, and...
  4. unukalhai

    Grand Cross?

    I was thinking the same thing, but the angles are fairly unique in this chart. and MO/MA=Nodes as well!
  5. unukalhai

    Grand Cross?

    The angles in this chart are very unique. This is honestly the first natal chart I've seen where the 4 angles are not only in a perfect cross, but all on Aries point (0 degrees of cardinal signs) degrees. I too am interested in how this might manifest. The angles all on the cardinal points...
  6. unukalhai

    Astrology on news

    Some of you geeks might recognize this from "Office Space" :)
  7. unukalhai

    Astrology on news

    Agreed. I could say some pretty nasty things about newspaper astrology but I know better than to let my Scorpio Mercury and Sun-Mars square have free roam ;)
  8. unukalhai

    Astrology on news

    Newspaper astrology is essentially meaningless. You might as well roll a 12-sided die.
  9. unukalhai

    Comet Eruption!

    Wow... So much going on in the sky in the later part of October... harmonic alignments (Jupiter-Saturn-Chiron in the 7th), slow planet transits (Saturn-Southnode, Jupiter sextile Neptune, Pluto conjunct galactic center), powerful lunar cycles (Full Moon on Washington DC Midheaven), eclipse...
  10. unukalhai

    California Wildfires

    I think it has to do with Mercury (wind), Mars (fire) and Saturn (loss). Especially the Saturn-Southnode conjunction, two objects that are quite malefic in mundane astrology. Saturn is transiting the south node this week at the midpoint of a Mercury-Mars trine, together with the north node a...
  11. unukalhai

    What house has to do with astrology and sex?

    First off, I could really care less how many highly-touted traditional or modern sources claim something. What it boils down to is a biased debate over sources, rather than a logical and grounded analysis of chart factors. Just because joe schmoe of supposed astrological knighthood dictates...
  12. unukalhai

    why am i such a weakling?

    Your very welcome, glad we all could be of help :D Interesting, often Saturn represents a father figure of authority... It is said we go through experiences related to our ascendant, Cancer for you, as a path to our Sun's potential... Sun in Leo deals with expression, in hard aspect to Mars...
  13. unukalhai

    I am DUMB and have no business here...

    Don't worry John, I'd bet most people aren't familiar with solar houses. In fact it's a fairly seldom used technique, most applicable to folks with unknown birthtimes :) However, we can put any planet on the ascendant and see the other planets in it's houses... much like "turning the chart" in...
  14. unukalhai

    Planets in retrograde

    My experience with Mercury RX was best described in an interpretation by an astrologer whose name I cannot recall now as "learning through absorption" I tend to need to "absorb" the whole picture before I can understand it. It seems our learning style is to pick up pieces and assimilate them...
  15. unukalhai

    Tarot reading

    I'm no tarot master, but I would agree the death card is highly symbolic, and death in a spiritual and experiential sense represents endings in general. I don't have your birth time, but going with a midday (sun on MC) chart for your birthdate at shown location, your progressed Moon would have...
  16. unukalhai

    why am i such a weakling?

    The placements you noted certainly are indications of sensitivity and an unwillingness to assert yourself; a tendency towards being more passive and introspective. Mars, representing aggression, is even more passive and stubborn in Taurus, as you have him. Here he is "slow and steady" and...
  17. unukalhai

    Christmas: danger?

    More often than not what actually happens isn't nearly as ominous as it looks, it does take a pretty serious amount and combination of planetary interaction to manifest truly horrible circumstances. Still lots to learn myself, thats for sure! Mundane astrology, as it's called, is quite...
  18. unukalhai

    Christmas: danger?

    Check out these two threads for some good info... Probably the most important individual chart to analyze for December '07 is the Capricorn solar ingress chart, which will set...
  19. unukalhai

    Antichrist speculation..but no birthtime

    That's kind of how I see it, although I don't subscribe to the concept in general. As typical with ego-involved idealogical concepts, it's just another manifestation of "us vs them" mentality... those who are prochrist and those who are antichrist. It's also important to realize that the "end...
  20. unukalhai

    Friends? what are those?

    First thing to consider is 7th house (balance) south node indicates the soul's existing nature is to balance with others; subjectively this person isn't selfish but rather is more likely to consider things selfish if they don't involve balance on a conscious level. Thus, more likely to consider...