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  1. V

    What Happened Between Us?--Answered, I Think

    I posted a chart a couple days ago that I don't think was radical (late degree, void of course and unaspected moon) and the question I asked was confused and I think that is reflected in the unreadable chart. I got some new info today and I asked a better question, and this chart seems to tell...
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    Is This Comedian Into Me?

    Hi folks, I went to a show Friday night for a comedian I absolutely have a crush on, and who I have dm-ed (he's responded, but doesn't follow me and my profile is totally private, so no way to know who I was at the show). He ended up talking to me throughout the show from the stage, only me, and...
  3. V

    Will He Apologize/Intense Chart?

    Hi, and thank you for responding. You brought up a lot of interesting points, and I'm unaware of partiles--it's interesting to see the question in the light you described. He absolutely needs a lot of healing, and is not in a position to be in a relationship with me, which he has said and...
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    Will He Apologize/Intense Chart?

    Thank you for your thoughtful and compassionate reply. It is answering many questions for me. It makes sense that it is "on his terms" because this is the first time we've separated where he asked for no contact, not me, so he is in total control of whether or not we connect again. I don't think...
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    Will He Apologize/Intense Chart?

    Hi folks, Went no contact with this person in Dec 2023. We broke up for a couple years, and returned to each other to try to be friends/see if we could find a way to be together. He says I am the love of his life, and he is the love of mine, but even though it's painful, I told him we can't be...
  6. V

    Chart/Outcome Not Matching

    Thank you for your response! I do think ultimately that's what was happening--she was worried/stressed, he was just taking time to plan financially--he had to arrange some money to get there. Would it make sense that that is why he shows up in the 8th here? I think that my initial "yes"...
  7. V

    Chart/Outcome Not Matching

    You are, I'm just reading incorrectly!
  8. V

    Chart/Outcome Not Matching

    The woman who asked me to run this chart was heading on an international trip. She had asked a man that she is newly dating to go with her, and he did not say yes/make plans to join for a long time. He left her in limbo, and that is when she asked this question. When I pulled the chart I...
  9. V

    How Does He Feel About Me/Sun Combust?

    I loved this person very much, and we broke up because we became unhealthy for each other (I told him not to contact me, he said he would love to hear from me any time but he has respected my boundary). I think about him often because he had a big impact on my life and helped me to grow. I have...
  10. V

    Why is He Contacting Me?

    Thank you Waybread! This is in an interesting take too. I did wonder if the old gf showed in the chart somewhere. I know that he is still traveling overseas, but I don't know if he is still with her--they were going to connect for part of the trip, but not the whole thing. The trip was planned...
  11. V

    Why is He Contacting Me?

    Thank you for this thoughtful analysis Ilene! It is reassuring!
  12. V

    Why is He Contacting Me?

    Had a lovely, unexpected friendship/flirtation with someone this past spring that culminated in an expression of our feelings for each other but nothing physical. I put the brakes on that, because he was leaving for an international trip and had plans to meet an old girlfriend "casually" while...
  13. V

    Out of Sign Conjunctions by Transit

    I'm wondering how these are best to interpret, inspired by Pluto about to retrograde back into Capricorn for a few months. Are planets at 0/1 degrees of Aquarius still experiencing a conjunction, and is there a different flavor or meaning to what the transit brings when it's an out of sign...
  14. V

    Where is this Connection Going?

    Oooh thank you for this re-framing of the 12th house! I'm in a time of deep development of my spiritual landscape. I spend a lot of time alone with God right now. This guy and I actually had a funny convo where I told him that the cloistered nuns near my house had an appealing life and he was...
  15. V

    Where is this Connection Going?

    Ah these are good questions! Maybe the question is about having a committed ongoing relationship--the circumstances (him leaving town, etc) make it seem clear to me that that isn't possible, but something about how we're connecting makes me wonder if there's a possibility? We haven't actually...
  16. V

    Where is this Connection Going?

    I'm the 12th house moon?? :crying:Had a few really great dates with a guy--spent the entire day together having fun. Non-stop talking and laughing, lots of chemistry. We've been friendly for a few months. He's a little old fashioned, very respectful of me, appreciates my mind, but I ultimately...
  17. V

    Will We Get Back Together?

    Ah, thank you for this thoughtful and kind reply. I can't figure out why the piece me hangs on. A fear of some kind that I need to keep working on, I guess. I'm so glad I didn't reach out to him! This has to be closed by me, within me, without him, and your response is helping me to move toward...
  18. V

    Will We Get Back Together?

    Hi folks, I don't want to get back together with him, but I still love him. I think I always will. It makes me feel crazy that I still think of him, when our relationship was not so long and my life is very peaceful and sweet at the moment. At this point, I think I'm begging the stars to tell...
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    Will He Come Back to Me? (12th house, help!)

    Hi everybody! I know it's been a while but I have an updated--he came back to me in the middle of June, 6 months sober. Very proud of him. Not as wonderfully, he was about to move states, and he still wasn't the kind of person I need in my life for other reasons. I still love him, always will...
  20. V

    Will He Come Back to Me? (12th house, help!)

    ok thank you! Yes it was cast for that specific purpose and for the first time I asked this question.