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  1. P

    Leo and virgo love

    My friend wants to know something about their relationship. She is a Leo and her boyfriend is a Virgo. They have been together since 14.7.2011 from 4 am. They are really inlove with eachother, and they are hanging out everyday. But latly they fight a lot. She gets mad really fast and so does he...
  2. P

    Hello thanks fo help!

    Hello thanks fo help!
  3. P

    Libra man and virgo women

    hello guys Im dating a libra for a month. We started at 1st December. Should I ask him if he want a relatonship? Under there is ours charts :D.. Im virgo and he is a libra thanks for help ..
  4. P

    Help me guess my rising

    aa now my mum told me that it was 21.05 PM ^^ i will try it
  5. P

    Help me guess my rising

    dont know the hour c:...
  6. P

    Help me guess my rising

    Hello guys can you help me guess my rising? this is me on picture ty! I have sun in virgo and moon in cancer. My mars si Scorpio.. and my venus is libra ty :3 [deleted picture since it contained a person flashing the "swear" sign - Moderator]
  7. P

    Help me with rising

    To which rising sign do i look like the most?? ty for answers <3
  8. P

    Cousine ascendant??

    hey guys, my cousine wants to know which ascendant she is? ty for urs help :3 this is photo of her
  9. P

    My ascendent

    nah me and my friend making fun of one guy xD
  10. P

    My ascendent and btw chek me how i look in real thats me :D
  11. P

    My ascendent

    yp i know hehe tnx :D
  12. P

    My ascendent

    and chek my natal chart ^^
  13. P

    My ascendent

    why libra o :? which sign i look more close libra or taurus o :?
  14. P

    My ascendent

    21.05 why :D yes i know but asking what people think xD
  15. P

    My ascendent

    Guys, what do you think, which ascendent do I look like the most :D? Really thanks for answers! <3
  16. P

    Do i look like my ascendant?? :D??
  17. P

    Do i look like my ascendant??

    thanks : D !
  18. P

    Do i look like my ascendant??

    How can I post my natal chart XD?
  19. P

    Do i look like my ascendant??

    Im a virgo sun and a taurus ascendant, but do i look like an earth sing :D? And venus in libra and mars in scorpio? Moon in cancer :) some photos of me : :D