Can someone help me to interpret this synastry chart?
Im the inside and the other one is outside.
Both have strong scorpio placements.
Also included some asteroids.
Have anyone experience with vertex conjunct mars?
Thank you!
I posted my solar return 2024 and solar return together with natal.
I see that it looks significant years since im turning 33 and i have pluto in 1st house and venus mars conjunction…what can venus mars conjunction in first house indicate when square uranus in 3rd house?
Also atm this year is...
I think you have taken a look into this synastry before, but then I didn't add asteroids. :)
I, as an female are inside and male is outside.
Destinn is almost exact with descendant and conjunct with south node, but not with any personal planet.
So we have interesting things going on besides...
Thanks for your feedback!
Do you know which transits or solar return aspects indicated pregnancy and birth for that year?
I have really hard time falling pregnant.
Could those aspects indicate very difficult, conflicting or damaged personality and selfish behaviours? Possibly narcissistic?
Does this position indicate strong intuition and possibility to start doing spiritual practices?
I think this person needs therapy and could somethings alternative...
What to think of this person who have heavy pluto and saturn aspects in natal chart?
Scorpio 4th house with moon conjunct pluto in 4th house
Pluto square ASC
Pluto opposite sun and venus
Saturn opposite ASC
Saturn square sun,moon venus
My natal ASC is otherwise unaspected, not even minor aspects, but only things Kaali is exactly conjunct my capri ASC..
Haven’t found much info about only that someone could have strong kundalini. But what else? Does kaali have plutonian type of energy and could mean that one’s life path is very...
Yes, i think the why question is solely based on myself and what do i need to acknowledge about myself, so that i would attract different type of partners.
I have heard that in composite/davison chart sun is represent by male partner and moon female?
Or this statement isnt correct and should be looked as an combined energy?
I will bring out aspects and things I wonder about.
Like sun, mercury in 12, but does this manifest also in first house since it is close to ASC?
Can Saturn square mars and ASC possibly manifest as problems in sexual relationship and difficulty to build our life together?
Does saturn...
Other user suggested that since the problem is with the commitment then my question is not correct, but rather it should be : Will he commit to our relationship in the near future?
What you think the answer with this question would be?
Thank you!
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