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  1. S

    For my daughter - interpretations of Mars on the IC

    Thanks, Katy. This is really sound advice so thanks. I agree that the mars/Uranus does suggest a rebellious side. 3rd house presence suggests friends and sibling circle. Saturn applying to mars suggests obstacles and delays but Saturn always rewards in the end too (I have this aspect too) .
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    For my daughter - interpretations of Mars on the IC

    Hello! My daughter has a younger brother. They are close. Day to day environment - structured, she likes to relax, study, go to school. Close relationship with grandparents on both side. I think she has not seen any physical lacking in her childhood, this may make her less likely to compromise...
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    For my daughter - interpretations of Mars on the IC

    I would say her childhood right now is ok. She’s happy at school, comfortable at home. She sometimes complains I’m treating her brother better than I’m treating her. Sometimes I think I’m a helicopter mum trying to push her academically. The creativity in her is clearly there though!
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    For my daughter - interpretations of Mars on the IC

    Hello! Does this help? Thanks!
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    For my daughter - interpretations of Mars on the IC

    Hi team, I want to get a few honest opinions from some of you seasoned astrologists out there. I am attaching my daughter’s birth chart here, and I do have some understanding of astrology too so please don’t hold back! I think that ever since she was born, it has always plagued me that she has...
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    Manglik situation

    Does anyone have any other perspectives to offer? Thanks in advance.
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    Manglik situation

    Hi, Thanks for your feedback - agree that Uranus position and angles such innovative nature. Also that Uranus quincunx MC suggests fall from rise in career or status. What do you think of relationship area? Is mars in the 4th giving malefic portrayal? What do you mean by mars-Venus-ketu ...
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    Mars on the IC/4th house

    Hi there, I had my daughter this year and what was interesting to note was the location of mars directly on the IC cusp. My interpretation would be that mars could potentially cause conflict within relationships/domestic life. Also, the square to moon probably adds an emotional mix into there...
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    Manglik situation

    Hi, I had my daughter this year and have been told that she has a manglik situation in her chart. Could someone please confirm/explain/examine and see what the situation is. I see mars is in the 4th house and the potential for conflict is there. I was also looking here...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    I am aware of Dr Jonas' methods and research and this has helped me, it's just difficult to match to the woman's cycle a lot of the time!
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    What you're referring to is called a HSG, when they pump dye through your tubes to check for blockages. I think septums are generally quite uncommon in couples seeking fertility help. No, my husband has not been tested. Not yet anyway. The way doctors have been guiding me points to me that...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    I don't know, I think there is a lot of anxiety in me. Fears perhaps that I am inept because I cannot produce a child and some of the time, i feel that i am doing it because that might be what is 'expected' of me somehow. I've always wanted children and i wanted them when i first got married...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    I know what you mean. For some people saturn returns bring children but i suspected that wouldn't be the case with me. My mercury is in the 6th house in libra, ruled by virgo. I need to look into horary. I am not as familiar with this as i am with natal charts, transits and progressions -...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    Hi, I know what you're talking about. I've had a few ultrasounds including internally and this has not been picked up. I was thinking about this as a possibility. I will definitely look further into it although a lot of the time, i thought septums were responsible for second trimester...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    Hi, In terms of delay and difficulty, i think it is more delay. I have had some fertility checks done but they've given me the all clear. I would also associate saturn more with delay and maybe other planets more with health obstructions. Not sure. Going to have to ride the karmic wave!
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    Hi, thanks for your responses. I also feel that there is a delay. I am aware that the moon is transiting through the 12th house and it did ring warning bells for me. Also, the uranus movements in transits are probably causing the miscarriages. Yes, i think i am thinking about this compulsively...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    I have been trying to conceive for around eight months. My own analysis was making me suspicious of my potential to conceive. As it turns out - i was right. I have had two consecutive miscarriages, both early on and both without reason (despite some fertility testing). However, what concerns me...
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    Two miscarriages - what is wrong?

    I have been trying to conceive for around eight months. My own analysis was making me suspicious of my potential to conceive. As it turns out - i was right. I have had two consecutive miscarriages, both early on and both without reason (despite some fertility testing). However, what concerns me...
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    Miscarriages etc

    I have been trying to conceive for around six months. Around six months ago, I posted up my chart offering my delineation on my own chart and asking for input from others. My own analysis was making me suspicious of my potential to conceive. As it turns out - i was right. I have had two...
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    Astrologer says i'm infertile

    I was also thinking the same. Hopefully Jupiter suggests expansion and it is also going to be trine the ascendant. I think this miscarriage was caused by stress. I was under a lot of stress at work, so maybe you are right about the moon in the 12th house bit and undoing your self. I will...