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  1. S

    hallo i just read one of your posts regarding fixed stars and algol and really liked the way...

    hallo i just read one of your posts regarding fixed stars and algol and really liked the way your answer developed. if you have the time would you elaborate a bit on algol and cities ruled by this star? i heard thessaloniki in greece is one of those . what does that mean for those living there...
  2. S

    fire kite

    thank you for your time and your interpretations! your secondary - subtle aspects approach is very interesting!
  3. S

    fire kite

    hi again, here's my natal chart showing the fire kite with the two conjunctions. any input on how to handle the kite... will be most welcome - its a bit too windy lately : ) intention is to use it fruitfully and creatively!! thanks for your time and intuition s
  4. S

    fire kite

    hello, i have the following configuration in my natal chart been moving between different interpretations in the past few years and i would really appreciate any insights anyone may have regarding how to use these intense fire energies creatively in every day life! thanks in advance for your...