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  1. M

    Indications that this is the native’s last incarnation

    Through the magic of internet, we can aggregate the varied knowledge and experience of different practitioners in order to draw our very own conclusions. Of course some may not believe in incarnation at all, but since this is the karmic segment of the forum, it is safe to assume that many who...
  2. M

    Indications that this is the native’s last incarnation

    Peace upon all, What do you think indicates in a chart that this is the native’s last incarnation?
  3. M

    Neptune's a b*tch

    After reading this thread, I think we Neptune-in-Capricorn-in-the-3rd should have a club :lol:
  4. M

    Venus and Chastity

    He lived around the time of Lilly. He compiled a lot of ancient material into a large volume, called Astrologia Restaurata.
  5. M

    Venus and Chastity

    Pharaohs did publicly and with swag. It’s well-documented. The other well-documented thing is Greek historians’ (specially Herodotus) hatred and false historiography of Persia. That tradition still continues with movies like 300, that blatantly distort history. Some things haven’t really...
  6. M

    Venus and Chastity

    Yeah. Exactly. Actually, I based the premise of this thread chiefly on Ptolemy, Valens and Ramsay.
  7. M

    Venus and Chastity

    Thanks for your useful post. As we see here again, Ptolemy clearly associates an inflicted Venus with adultery and other orientations that he deems “unnatural”. It would be interesting to see if this judgement holds water across the cultural spectrum and specially in our own modern times, as in...
  8. M

    Venus and Chastity

    While I agree that planets represent archetypes first and foremost, I think that there is only so much that one can read into mythology. Venus is all about attraction, but let’s draw a line between love and sex as they are not the same thing. It stands to reason that if love is strong, there...
  9. M

    Venus and Chastity

    I can personally attest that configuration of Mars and Venus gives a very passionate nature :)
  10. M

    Venus and Chastity

    I agree with the cultural context, but not wholly with stability. For example, in Ramsey’s mundane volume, when talking about Aries ingress he says if Venus be such and such, the condition of womenfolk will be well, they will be chaste, there will be love and merriment between man and wife...
  11. M

    Venus and Chastity

    Thank you Jupiter. I’ll surely look at the other thread, too. By the way, which signs are scaly?
  12. M

    Venus and Chastity

    Peace upon all, Traditional texts say that a «*good*» Venus (in dignity, free from infortunes, etc.) gives chastity and a «*bad*» Venus the opposite. (Specially once configured to Mars or a bad Mercury) It is important to note that by Chastity, they mean no «*illegitimate*» sex i. e., out of...
  13. M

    All Time Lord Techniques

    Thank you for your comprehensive post. What is the exaltation method?
  14. M

    All Time Lord Techniques

    Thanks for mentioning. Added. I have read a brief explanation of Dawr, but have no working knowledge of it. Would you explain it in full? Thanks.
  15. M

    All Time Lord Techniques

    Peace to you all, Let this thread be a comprehensive list of all Time Lord Techniques from all the traditions, like Hellenistic, Medieval, Vedic et al. Please list every timing technique that you know with its explanation and say what it is used for if it has a special use. Also it is...
  16. M

    Which Divisional Chart Should I Read to Judge A Contest?

    Thank you. I have been doing exactly that, and my results are quite good. I asked about divisional charts, because I am looking at every possibility to improve my predictions.
  17. M

    Which Divisional Chart Should I Read to Judge A Contest?

    Hi all, I am new to Vedic astrology, so please correct me if I’m wrong. If you want to see how someone would fare in a contest, which divisional chart would you use? Thank you.
  18. M

    Does making a prophecy changes the outcome?

    I am aware of the meaning of karma and it is obvious that there is no action without reaction. I was talking about the view that doing the occult, such as astrology is a sin.
  19. M

    Does making a prophecy changes the outcome?

    Very thoughtful and interesting take. Reading your answer and the link you’ve provided, my thoughts wandered to our own brain waves. Our brains produce electromagnetic waves and if they are strong (or constant) enough, they should affect things constructively or destructively. Yes? Also, you...
  20. M

    Does making a prophecy changes the outcome?

    Exactly. That’s why I permitted in the premise of my question that the prophecy can be either right or wrong. This question is a «*development*» on the Zen Koan which says: «*if a tree falls in the forrest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound*».