Hey Epoch late reply lol, but your analysis was def on the right path, my dad surprisingly said i can send you there and back on frequent flyer miles he had so i did end up going even though i have no money at the time hah:)) But i didnt ask him he just said i can give my points so it was very...
Hi guys, this is my 2nd post. My stolen car was found by the police yesterday (dont know the condition yet) however my tennis rackets 2k worth were taken from the car as was suggested by the chart sun being in detriment .....i am selling my property on my own with no real estate agent and have...
Hi guys i have moon L1 going conjuct L2 into the new sign, however L1 and L2 will conjuct L7 , any thoughts on will this mean ill get my stuff back but it will be damaged ...It was a car that was stolen with lots of sporting equipment in the boot....curious to any thoughts cheers Xen
Hi guys
I asked a question "will i be able to travel to chiang mai next me month in april" because not sure if i will have enough money. Can anyone please tell me should i be looking at lord 1, lord 2 and lord 9 condition? thankyou Xen
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