Obviously your Chiron has very strong influence in your chart. I have few aspects up to 3 degrees, Chiron is also relatively close to ascendant. In combination with my Moon, I am overly sensitive, but it is not really a mental health disorder.
IMO, the definition of a prominent Chiron depends on orbs your are using for Chiron aspects. There are so many different criteria, especially with aspects to asteroids and lunar nodes. Are you using the same criteria as for the planets, orbs up to 3 degrees, other combinations?
Europe is not excluded from this global network of conspiracy theorists and attacks on democratic institutions. In 2022, German hereditary prince Heinrich XIII and co-leader of a right-wing terror cell was plotting to overthrow the German government. He is the ringleader of a far-right terrorist...
Is your source/role model below mentioned Tommy Robinson?
Tommy Robinson, is a British far-right, anti-Islam activist, and convicted criminal on multiple counts of violence and fraud as well as other crimes. He is the co-founder and former leader of the English Defence League, and later served...
Since I have mentioned Milošević and his extreme nationalist propaganda in the other thread, I would like to answer this. Cap, you have not mentioned at all what crimes and by whom were commited in Bosnia and Herzegovina or Croatia and why the west has reacted at the first place.
Do you agree...
Hoax or not, Europe is extremely hot and dry:
It's our reality and it seems our future, too.
Putin is using, abusing and manipulating the ethnic minority question the same way Slobodan Milošević did in ex Yugoslavia, with similarly horrific consequences. Putin is abusing the history of the Wold War II the same way Miloševič did. They have both build personality cult and attracted many...
I'm sure we are dealing with stereotypes here. Are we talking about the Sun sign or strong cancer energies in the natal chart? It's not my experience that Cancer Sun is more manipulative than any other Sun sign. On the other hand, you can find real predators with any Sun sign, including...
I don't know any Cancer or Pisces with trust issues, especially not leading to defense. Some people can simply have predatory traits, using manipulation, I just don't know how manipulative Cancer is different from manpulative Saggitarius or Virgo, for example.
Any Sun sign can be manipulative. I'm sure there are plenty of stories, I have my own. Sensibility can be abused for manipulative purposes, unfortunately.
What about astrologers who are twin flame chasers when it comes to clients, what about astrologes who are convincing their clients they were past life lovers?
There are typical psychopathic patterns.
I know nobody has asked me for the opinion, but it's hard for me to read this. Abby, I think you should protect you and your family from toxic people. I won't involve any further.
Wars are supported by millions of people. People who do not support war or hatred against other racial, national, religious groups are usually criminalized. Wars are always a product of a collective mind, not one single psychopath.
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