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  1. S

    Neptune in Aries - what will it mean?

    I think putting pressure on ourselves to be "fixed" is even worse than the original problem that you're trying to fix. There's so much stuff out there that claims to heal, but doesn't.
  2. S

    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Moon is sextile Pluto. Natal Ceres is conj. Uranus. I have a Sun Taurus so sweets, etc. have always been close to my heart. I watch the sugar nowadays though, but always was a skinny teenager so I could eat whatever I wanted.
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    Does Your Moon Sign Reflect Your True Emotions? 🌙💭

    Good question. I think of the Moon as our comfort level or "go to" way of processing emotions.I have an air Moon so If I feel something, my first instinct is to think about what I'm feeling. I analyze my feelings because I'm wired that way. But, w/ Saturn opposing the Moon, it's a sturdy...
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    Gem, Sag and Virgos - how was that Neptune transit for you?

    xtclx-hope things start turning the corner for you. Neptune doesn't really move away from my Gemini Moon till next year. This year, it will be past it, at 1 and 2 Aries, but rx back to 29 Pisces, close again. I don't even think I attributed some of the emotional stuff to Neptune till lately...
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    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    When I was teenager, my friends would be at the normal hangouts and I'd be home reading, probably something health related (Pluto sits in my 6th and anything health related has always been an obsession w/ me) and baking, trying to figure out how to make the perfect cream puff. They are more...
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    Gem, Sag and Virgos - how was that Neptune transit for you?

    The way the planets can affect our lives, ah.
  7. S

    Gem, Sag and Virgos - how was that Neptune transit for you?

    Interesting, when Neptune tr square your Uranus, the changes occurred. Your natal Uranus must be in good shape? I will soon have tr Neptune on my Asc.and it will trine natal Uranus for quite a few years. I know Neptune/Uranus transits can be consciousness raising times. I had them both conjunct...
  8. S

    Gem, Sag and Virgos - how was that Neptune transit for you?

    I have Nep/Moon trine natally, now the square to my Moon. Yes, overwhelming. Neptune sq. Saturn, too, prior to this. And, then there was my Progr. Chart w/ Neptune all over it, which has eased. Next few years Neptune will be tr conj. my Asc., but at least in Fire!
  9. S

    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Yes, I think depth w/ these aspects. The price of the depth is an overactive, investigative brain it seems..that needs to relax sometimes and let things just be. :)
  10. S

    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Some well known people w/ Pluto/Mercury aspects. Actors Opposition- B. Reynolds, P. Newman, G.Hackman, O.Winfrey, M. Zuckenburg, J. Grisham (writer), R. Duvall, B. Willis Conjunction-K.Reeves, M. Damon Square-P. Brosnan, B.Stiller, S. Shepard, L.Nimoy, S. Silverman (comedian), M Weatherly...
  11. S

    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Never heard of Palm Leaf astrologers. Vedic is quite the study.
  12. S

    Elements that are absent in the chart

    Oh boy. Jeremy Irons nailed it. I watched it years back. His affect alone was so bizarre. Her chart w/ all of the 12 th house highlighted so much. Mars/Uranus 7/1. It was thought maybe he had given her an overdose of insulin, as I recall. She had taken some on her own to lose weight. Whole story...
  13. S

    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    I was reading recently about Akashic Records and how some readers can tell you what Star group you belong to. Don't know much about any of this, but it sounds interesting. I think different groups have different characteristics, some are more advanced sent here or there, to incarnate, to try to...
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    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Me, too. I always say to myself that the truth is better than a lie, even if it's a real difficult truth, I'd rather face it then lie to myself. When they say the lies you tell yourself are the worst ones...I get that. I've always been obsessed about finding out what's true or "real." I think...
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    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    My understanding of lower self, higher self and personna comes from studying w/ Barbara Brennan in the 90's. She used Pathwork process in a lot of her healing work. Lower self as the anger, hatred, envy, greed, etc. we all have as being human, but need to accept it and not deny it. Our energy...
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    February 2025 Astro

    I've been the Queen of Bad Temper lately, too. I just got over Sat. conj. Mars which lasted about one year. Joy. I think Mars rx has been a factor in my irritation, too. Neptune has been square my Moon and will be all of February. I think strong Neptune transits can be difficult to deal...
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    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    I don't know the astrological symbolism or planets of the "lower self," but it's probably in the 8th house where we are forced to transform or change w/ heavy planets there. In the 9th, we're more integrated beings. then, we can more merge w/ God/universe whatever you call it and experience...
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    Elements that are absent in the chart

    W/ a missing element, do you overcompensate w/ the other ones that are readily available? LIke, w/ J. Nickelson's chart, tons of earth, water and fire, but no air. He became an actor, reading scripts all day long and in his head, using his thoughts to create or think like that character that he...
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    Pluto/Mercury... a dark mind?

    Pluto in the 9th makes sense. House of "religion," but also of faith and widening, broadening our views to become part of the whole or something larger than ourselves. People who go to mediums can have transformation also (Pluto) because they can experience and know that consiousness survives...
  20. S

    Elements that are absent in the chart

    Didn't know lots of water in a chart significant for those committing heinous crimes. Maybe it crowds out air element, needed to be rational and contemplative?