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  1. T

    Foreign Travel/Residence Indicators In Solar Return

    Hello :) I quite literally woke up this morning with an "itch" to travel to a foreign land (France to be exact, I currently live in the USA). The feeling is almost intuitive. I've never contemplated travel/a move like this, and I have never researched this type of thing...
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    Another Birthday, Another Solar :) Sun in 5th, Experiences?

    Hi guys! So my 2017/18 solar is upon me as of yesterday. I'm curious to hear ya'll experiences (if any) when SR Sun was in your 5th, as well as any other SR positions/transits that influenced 5th house issues: Children, games of chance, creative endeavors, etc? Especially if you take points...
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    Predicting Upcoming Love Opportunities With Progressed Aspects (& Some Solar Arcs)?

    Predicting Upcoming Love Opportunities With Progressed Aspects (& Some Solar Arcs)? I *think* I’m seeing some favorable aspects pointing to opportunities for “love,” however interpreting progressed and solar arc aspects are my astrological weakness. I’m hoping someone can help confirm if the...
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    Nodal Transits To Asteroids Eros and Karma: Significant? Or Fleeting Effects?

    Hello! I’ve been searching around the ‘net for any interpretations involving Nodal transits to Asteroids - specifically to Eros and Karma. I’m guessing there’s not much of a significance/impact since I’m unable to find information - or the transit is too quick/fleeting to “trigger” events (if...
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    Nessus, Deianira, And Other “Intense” Aspects In Synastry Chart = Run For The Hills?

    I recently starting dating a man whose personality is very “Alpha,” to which, I like/the kind of personality I’m attracted to. (Despite my sun sign, I am pretty laid-back and don’t mind the man “wearing the pants” in the relationship. I attribute that to my Moon in Libra. However, if I feel as...
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    “Strength" of Fixed Stars Aspects in Progressed Chart?

    Hello :biggrin: I have a question (bordering on concern) about my progressed chart and fixed stars that I hope someone can shed some light on: - Progressed ASC is conjunct Algol (arguably the one of the most malefic stars in the galaxy) in my 2nd House (Possessions, Material Goods, Money) =...
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    How Astroid Aspects Effect Synastry?

    Hi! I’m curious to find out if any one has information or experience(s) with the following asteroid aspects in a synastry chart and/or how influential these are/can be. Though I’m just starting to get to know this person, there’s definitely a karmic-type “heaviness” I feel between us and, in...
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    Transit Sun Conjunct Progressed ASC - Event/Timing Trigger?

    Hello! I was looking at my current transits and progression charts and noticed that transiting Sun will conjunct my progressed ASC (and POF) in a couple days (on/around May 16th). I was curious to find out if this aspect is “significant” in terms of timing/life events? Or is the transiting...
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    Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse-Moon Conjunct DSC, How To Interpret?

    Hello! So looking at my transits, it seems as though I have some interesting aspects coming up with the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse happening on April 4, 2015. My question is: How do I interpret it's (possible) effects when it's straddling my DSC. Would it effect/influence 6th house matters...
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    Vertex In The Progressed Chart - Useful?

    Hello, I was looking at my progressed/solar arc chart and noticed some Vertex activity (listed below)... I'm pretty new to Secondary and Solar Arc interpretations. My question is: Is the Progressed and SA Vertex used/considered in predictive interpretations? And, if so, any notable aspects one...
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    Strong Past Life Indicators In Synastry and Fated Meetings In This Life

    I also just noticed we have a Eros/Psyche double-whammy - though it's a wide (orb) conjunction. Yet another "fate" indicator? :andy: When I started to search for more information about this specific aspect, it brought me back here :joyful...
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    Strong Past Life Indicators In Synastry and Fated Meetings In This Life

    I recently met a man that is 12 years older than me. It was a brief encounter, a mutual friend introduced us at a event - “Hi, nice to meet you…” and that was it. But when I saw him, I immediately felt that “I know you from somewhere” feeling, something “clicked", so I took a look at our...
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    Transit North Node Conjunct DSC & Vertex - Meaning?

    Wow Rahu, thank you for such an in-depth reply! You interpretations are correct: Over the past couple months or so, I have felt as though there has been a veil lifted - in a emotional sense. I've been very sensitive to other's feelings as well as my own. Almost to a point to where I think I'm...
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    Transit North Node Conjunct DSC & Vertex - Meaning?

    Found some helpful information pertaining to my question (listed below, with source link), but would love to hear if anyone has any personal insight/experiences with these transits...
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    Transit North Node Conjunct DSC & Vertex - Meaning?

    Hello All, So I've been trying to figure out what to expect from this transit: Transit North Node Conjunct Natal DSC I've searched the forum, and I found an informative thread (, but I'm a little confused as to how to...
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    Vertex Conjunct Vertex in Synastry? Highly fated relationship?

    Hello all, My question is more of a general one: I was wondering if anyone has experienced the aspect of Vertex conjunct Vertex with a significant other in a synastry chart? Or if someone can translate the meaning of that aspect? I have read a lot of sources that explain aspects between the...
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    Pluto, Vertex, and Eclipses Oh My!

    Hello :) There's been a lot of crazy energy going on in my chart/life in the last month. Major life changes of note: - I was laid off from my job early Sept. 2014, the tail end of the Pluto retrograde in my 10th house. (Although it's not a great thing being laid off in general-I was working...
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    Natal Vertex Conjunct Solar ASC + Midpoints = Fated Meeting(s)/Changes This Year?

    Hello! My Solar Return is coming into effect this moth, and I've notice a couple interested aspects in my Solar Return Chart that I would like second opinions on, if any one has any input or experiences with these transits: -Natal Vertex Conjunct Solar Return ASC (3°) = Fated Meeting(s)...
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    Age Difference, Outer Planets, & The Vertex-Synastry Question

    Hello there :) I would love some input on the outer planets aspects to the vertex in a synastry chart. Attached is synastry chart with a man I just met. There is a 14 year age difference between us. Is it "common"/or some sort of "generational aspect" for the older person's slower moving...