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  1. R

    Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

    I claim Six of Wands for my question “my next action towards my friend”. I leave: Two of Cups.
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    How Does She Feel About Me?

    Hi, I’m asking how someone I like feels about me. It’s hard for me to interpret the question the way I worded it. Does anyone have any insights to share? Thank you in advance.
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    I hate my Mars in pisces

    Hi! You have Neptune, Pisces ruler ascending on your chart, and your mars in the first house conjunct your north node The first house gives mars that Aries edge it needs. That’s probably where you get your energy from. With mars conjunct your north node, you are meant to be a fighter. An athlete...
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    Venus Mars conjunction taking its time

    Hi Elena J! Thanks for your input! I noticed the North node, but not the south node in the first house. Lol! It is like a caution sign! That’s how I’ve felt about this. Like I need to be cautious. The Venus/Mars in Capricorn does really sum up the attraction and feelings well. The conjunction...
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    Venus Mars conjunction taking its time

    Hi, So I checked, and actually Venus and Mars conjunct in Capricorn minutes before turning to Aquarius. So that is a perfection of an aspect. I do wonder if this taking place in the last degree of a sign means anything?
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    Venus Mars conjunction taking its time

    Hi, At first glance this relationship Horary chart looks like a crystal clear yes. Yes that we will get into a relationship since the significators are Venus and Mars and are about to conjoin. But I researched when the conjunction takes place, and it’s a few weeks away. Does anyone have any...
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    had to take my cat to the hospital—is he going to be alright?

    I do see the north node conjunct the pets house, the sixth house. I also see that the Jupiter and Saturn are out of sign conjunctions, which don’t mean anything much in Horary charts. But I also don’t see Jupiter or the moon aspecting anything.
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    had to take my cat to the hospital—is he going to be alright?

    Did you do anything? I'll research this chart. I have a little experience with pet horarys.
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    Should I travel home or stay where I am? - URGENT

    Hi, I’ve never read a travel or disease horary before, but your moon and ninth house ruler are in the ninth house. I’ve used the ninth house as a significator because your asking about travelling between two countries. your significatior is in the twelfth was which rules disease. I feel that...
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    Exciting! Congratulations!!!!
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    Will Saturn Return Ruin Relationships?

    I think natal Saturn in the seventh house experiencing a Saturn return would probably only ruin and prevent you from successfully having a string of exciting lovers. I imagine you might actually cringe from that idea anyway. I think that the placement and transit will test a relationship to...
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    Hi, I'm wondering if you have anything to share? I do hope your health balances out for the good.
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    Big hugs. Have you been helping or healing others at this time?
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    Hi! I’ve taken a leave of absence from my work. I didn’t ask. I contacted them a week later to see if I could make plans to come back in a month. Humbly of course. They agreed. I just will not pretend all is well in this world and sit around not doing anything to help out in a crisis. I’m doing...
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    I'm excited to see how our shared experiences with this transit unfolds. Today is January 11. A few days ago I got in a heated argument with someone who had a lethargic opinion on a topic that really impacts our particular community. I value respecting peoples opinions, but realize I really need...
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    The Pluto/Saturn conjunction will be squaring my Aries sun and nodal axis. It’s taking place in my first house. Honestly, I’m already feeling ambitious!
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    Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

    Hi, I noticed a lot of people are asking questions about how the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction impacts our birth chart. Why don’t we compile our questions and then share our experiences together so we all have an opportunity to really learn about this important transit and cycle.
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    Missing Cat

    Wow! Talk about mercury retrograde! This is my 3rd time trying to answer your question, and where my post did not get posted. I created a chart on using the regiomontanus house system. The 1st house was my significator and the 6th was hers. You can read the chart, and the house their...
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    Transit Chart for Date of Frozen Embryo Transfer

    Hi Cancer Gemini, Are you showing the transits for the time of the frozen embroyo transfer, or a horary chart? I think a horary chart would be a good chart to cast for this sort of question. I did notice that the ascendant is in the late degrees of Cancer which rules the moon. Im not sure if...