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    Worried About California

    So, I assume it’s okay for us to bring astrology back into the conversation when a posting is not related? Or is there an unspoken rule not to do so?
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    Worried About California

    Astro theme posted 9:32am San Jose CA. This makes Scorpio rising, Jupiter 29 Virgo in the 11th and ruling the 3rd and 5th. Equal houses might shift that to 2nd house rulership. Btw, packed 12th house Libra with Venus and moon conjunct in Scorpio just on the Ascendant
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    Worried About California

    why not post California’s chart and talk about its astrology?
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    my PhD seems to be an obstacle now.

    A couple observations: Your midheaven is in Aries with its ruler in Aquarius- both signs of independence. along with this, your Sun is in Aries, not a sign that does well with restrictions to its enthusiasms. Next year, Neptune will transit to conjunct with your Sun, and when this happens...
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    Yes, a stelli I believe so, but not sure. It is still available online
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    Yes, a stellium
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    Steven Forrest - 2016 blog: Welcome to Discordia- the Current Uranus-Eris Conjunction Her also has another essay written I believe in 2021, linking Pluto and Eris to Covid if I remember correctly
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    Eris discovery chart
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    I am strongly attuned to justice/injustice and struggle with sometimes feeling the outsider. Fairness is and has always been extremely important, which is so funny because in myth, Eris, having NOT been invited to the big wedding, threw a golden apple with a tag “for the fairest” into the party...
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    I will try to dig up the correspondence. Btw, Eris is exactly on my Ascendant which I why I have such interest
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    No- the only reason I know this is because we briefly corresponded about Eris after he posted some of his writing on the subject.
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    Will I have financial issues when Saturn enters my 8th house next year?

    Consider that Pluto is waxing to an exact square to your Taurus sun, a slow excavation of your values. Since Pluto is in opposition to your Sun in your natal chart, I venture to say you have familiarity with the demands Pluto makes. So this energy is not new to you but a square implies...
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    I believe S Forrest also has his moon conjunct Eris…
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    Old newbie

    Hi all, Used to follow and sometimes post on the Astrodienst boards, so it is nice to find this forum. Been dabbling since I was 13 or so, was an energetic healer for awhile and now just enjoying life. Not too active with astrology right now, for a number of reasons. But happy to follow some...
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    Is Eris an astrological planet?

    Much could be learned about Eris by delineating her discovery chart. It is easy to conflate her myth into some significant theme in a given chart. But like all planets, she has darkness and light and these threads can be unraveled thru her chart. Btw, I have Eris conjunct my Ascendant.