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  1. T

    thank you

    Thank you....I was arare of the saturn aspects as well and yes they have made it hard to create finance and yes.... a relationship did break up but i am happy it did.
  2. T

    aquarius Sun/Sag Moon/Gemini Rising

    Hello everyone! I am glad to have an opportunity to join this forum and perhaps use the knowledge I do have to help others....and obtain new knowledge with the help of others. I am Aquarius Sun/Sag Moon/ Gemini rising......I probably should be exhausted by now... but most of the time i am...
  3. T

    thank you

    Even dunno why an astrologer told me it was aspecting my ascendant,,,,,Dunno and am just glad change in some form will take place....things have been stagnant and Aquarius/sag/gemini can't stant stagnant... Thank you so much for looking at this for are very...
  4. T

    thank you

    Oh...I have a pluto solar arh aspecting my aascendant right now...that could cause some change
  5. T

    thank you

    Thank you....all that seems quite accurate to me......:biggrin:
  6. T


    I am posting the chart of a little boy with aspergers syndrome ( a form of autism) i was wondering if it shows in his chart.....
  7. T

    What Sun Signs like to eat and where

    I laughed....its cute.....but i am not eating any thing from a thirdworld country:sideways:
  8. T

    thank you

    LOL....guess noone wants to reply:sideways:
  9. T

    Hi....Hope to continue reading your posts

    Hi....Hope to continue reading your posts
  10. T

    worst sign combinations in romance!

    As an aquarius i have only found on leo male who didn't drive me nuts....I simply don't understand them.....I guess it may be that my mars is in leo and they bring out the worst in me....
  11. T


    Here is a copy of my chart.....
  12. T

    Proud of my Mars Retrograde

  13. T

    All we need is Love

    I have Venus in Capricorn in the eighth house and moon in Sag in the seventh..... I find most men are attracted to me in a " mid life crisis sort of way...then leave me hurt..... I need this to stop....
  14. T

    Is there any hope for me? I think I know the answer but would love another opinion :)

    From what i can see you would do well with :love:a Piecies
  15. T


    Will I find a long term love again in my life?:love: February 18th 1963 11:31 am San Francisco California
  16. T

    What Rising Sign Has the Best looks

    Scorpio.....because it isn't just the's that energy that ***** me an and I get lost in it.....thank you God for scorpio men :devil:
  17. T

    thank you

    Thank you for taking the time to view my chart. I seem to be lost right now and have been for a while. It has been impossible to find work and i have lost my home, my family and have never really found love out side of abusive relationships. i have brushed myself off over and over only to...