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  1. M

    Timing a question & Validity

    Hi all! I feel really silly for causing this confusion and now I know I shouldn't have done that. Lesson learned. Lol ....:poop: I recently consulted an astrologer with a horary question and was curious to see if my interpretation matched theirs. I cast the chart for the moment I sent the...
  2. M

    Will he initiate contact the next contact? Aspect but no reception?

    Alright, I got it ! Thanks. :) I'll post the answer to whether he initiated contact or not - just in case anyone wants to practice.
  3. M

    Will he initiate contact the next contact? Aspect but no reception?

    Hi IlleneK, Many thanks :) - I understand ! --> Completely right, this is my real life feeling aswell. He also do lives far away. So the conclusion could be: He could initiate the contact il like 5 units of time but the lake of connection could compromise it. Right? What about him changing...
  4. M

    Will he initiate contact the next contact? Aspect but no reception?

    Also: I saw that he will change sign, so Sun will be in exaltation but Venus in detriment. Does this mean, now he like me as a person but is not attract physically ? :unsure:.. I'm struggling with reception lol
  5. M

    Will he initiate contact the next contact? Aspect but no reception?

    Hi Everyone, I'm seeking some help with interpreting a horary chart. The question is: Will he initiate the next contact? This is a guy I am interested in - Here are some key points in the chart: L1 (Sun) is me, and L7 (Saturn) is him. There is no mutual reception between Saturn and Sun (only...