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  1. P

    Not happy relationship with parent

    Dear Madame, Thank you for your time and expert advise. Here I made a 2 wheel chart of my parents. Does it show anything about : 1. I do not really understand 'what love is?' 2. Why I am here in this world? Their sun and moon oppose almost completely What does this mean?
  2. P

    Not happy relationship with parent

    Thank you R4VEN, for your time and compassion. I highlighted everything that were true.
  3. P

    Promiscuity - Boy/girl craziness

    Dear Haizea, Thank you for your time looking at my post. I started a new Thread "not happy childhood" in Natal Astrology - Psychology section. I hope you can read at least one of them
  4. P

    Not happy relationship with parent

    Would someone please kindly interpret the chart. It is my mothers chart. Many were afraid of her accusative emotionalism I was too. Since I have: Sun Moon opposition in my chart, my parents did not love each other Gemini ASC indicates that I did not fit in well into my parent's...
  5. P

    Promiscuity - Boy/girl craziness

    I underlined all the statements that were very accurate Hi divine g, I underlined all the statements that were very accurate. Thank you four the time looking at these charts. 2nd and third chars were of mine, and the last one is for my fiance over 30 years ago. I and my fiance are cousins...
  6. P

    Promiscuity - Boy/girl craziness

    This makes the native physically attractive, stands out even in a crowd. This lures physical attraction in the first place. I am a male but women were actually waiting for my first move. If it does not happen, then they just leave me forever. If I make a move, some tend to look for motherly...
  7. P

    Promiscuity - Boy/girl craziness

    Hello Everybody, Both my Mars and Venus trine loosely my Libra Neptune. I have the same condition. Venus Trine Neptune. I lost many relationship being not fast enough to show physical love. Women thought and told me that "I was not really interested in them". But I had very different mother...
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    Promiscuity - Boy/girl craziness

    Hi, Iam gemini stellim (Asc/Mar/Venus/Uranus in Gemini, I agree I never liked Sagitalius because they always show up late but it seems that they like to pursue Gemini Stellium (opposition in polarity makes them secure for some reason. Most of Sagitalius women I know looked like birds as well
  9. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Re: Thank you for the time spent on my chart Hello WaterLily, WaterLily is a lovely name for a sister plant of lotus in western buddhitic canon I am impressed your thorough knowledge of transit. I would very much like to find a way to develop an optimism regarding possibility of obtaining...
  10. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Do you see any sign of her lonely soul and a mild sex reversal in Venus /Uranus Affliction? She is another victim of male chauvinism by father. She was put in adaption agency in Manille. He expected a boy. Like a Scorpio, She wants to hide anything she puts her hands on - my self or just a...
  11. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Re: Thank you for the time spent on my chart Hello Waterlily, WaterLily is a sister plant of lotus in western boddhitic aqnon
  12. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Do yo mean that I should also get along with someone born on July 12 with 19:15 into cancer?
  13. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Thank you for the time spent on my chart Hi Waterlily, Thank you for the time spent on my chart. What Exactly do you mean by transit? I am Just a beginner. would you kindly explain? I have not had any fufilment since 6-21-2007 or what kind of chart should I post to get help on future...
  14. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Thank you for prompt diagnosis When I think about them I have a poem in my thought about them Most of them Dreamers=(Libra and Aqualius)like it, but not for Realists=Aries/Cancer
  15. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    What is the choice you are trying to make here? I think that the language is a bit confusing to follow. I am not making any choice here but have to work to find a way to retire back in Japan.In the course of my life, I unknowingly used 1 out every 4 women (including Harumi make pay sacrificial...
  16. P

    Were my parents-Unfit to be parents?

    Hello Astrologer50, Thank you for your comments and help. Since then, I have replaced chart by your recommendation as follows. Thank you for your time.
  17. P

    Were my parents-Unfit to be parents?

    My Questions: My Parents-Unfit to be Parents? Never seemed to show the value of Honesty! I suffer from Childhood Influence.Women tried to give me a chance but I lose every one of them or I left them in fear of what I owe for their clemency and patience. Am I considered Selfish and...
  18. P

    Please suggest how to heal the damage between us

    Thank you for your expert thoughts. Very realistic and acute analysis. I always had ego problem openly saying to them there are hundreds of fishes in the sea, I can replace you with someone equally beautiful or better. I realise this is very inhumanistic way to treat anyone thinking of them just...
  19. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Hi Stephanie, Thank you for your time and initiative in helping me. Both charts have air the most. Mine 7 Hers 5 She is blessed with financial success as well. I envy the people like her with well balanced moon, venus not affected by Uranus or Neptune affliction such as this female chart, at...
  20. P

    I am confused about where I belong

    Two Cancer Charts Hi Stephanie, Thank you for your time and initiative in helping me. I envy the people with well balanced moon, venus not affected by Uranus or Neptune affliction such as this female chart, at a half of my age, she has accomplished more than twice that I have. She has very...