Well you are right about everything lol Well i don't know if it's so hard for them since most of them were medical students of course they were young so yeah maybe you are again right.Lately it's the very first time that i'm in love with someone older [7 years older] he's a very mysterious...
Thank you!!!Well i usually find attractive guys that are eccentric,weird & spiritual ,i like freedom but that doesn't mean freedom in cheating.My love feelings are always deep ,last for a long time & are exclusive to one person.I've almost never been in love with 2 people at the same time.I...
Thank you!!I would count it as a conjunction because i feel Saturn (& Scorpio] in my love feelings a lot!
Actually i lost my mom a few days ago & i'm afraid none else will love me ever again maybe subconsciously that's the reason i made this thread.
Well i guess my moon in 12th mostly shows my disability ,i'm paralyzed since i was a baby & moon being ruler of my 1st house could express that my physical body is limited since i can't move.It's true though that sometimes i can't feel what's happening the moment it's happening ,i need to stay...
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