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  1. P

    Moon-Saturn dasa analysis

    Dear astrologers, After almost 7 years of suffering, I hoped the Saturn transit to Aquarius gave me hope that things will get better in life. But no sign or whatsoever. So much tension, pressure and unclear future. Somehow career is good which is making me hang on the edge. Apart from that...
  2. P

    Will the nose surgery finally happen?

    Dear experienced astrologers, I seek your help today to check my chart and let me know if the upcoming months will indicate the period of a major nose surgery? Birth details: 22/03/1998 (22nd March, 1998) Time: 9:21 AM Place: Coimbatore (North), TN. Detail: Still living abroad(since 2021). I...
  3. P

    Marriage related question

    I live abroad and next year will be going to India to visit family. With no signs of love life, my parents are asking if they will look for a bride when i visit here and possibly the maariage to be held in 2024. I would like to hear your answers on what my chart suggests about my life partner...