12th house ruler in 8th

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Oct 22, 2024
Could you help me interpret a natal chart where the ruler of the 12th house Venus (12th house in Taurus) is located in the 8th house in exact conjunction with the Sun at 26° Capricorn?
Hello Doremi369,

for more precision, you should display your birth chart from the exact data of your birth (time of the birth certificate).

Ecliptique. :)
The 12th house doesn't seem so important in your natal chart, but the 8th house looks like a big focus, with your sun, Venus, and Mercury there.

Assuming this is your horoscope:

It looks like your Venus is cazimi, meaning it is within 17 minutes of conjunction with the sun. This is very favorable. Your femininity (Venus) is probably very important to your sense of self (sun) and you are able to express it well.

The 8th house is the traditional house of death, so it is a good placement for something like palliative care nursing or hospice work. But the other meanings are "shared resources' such as through a will insurance, or investments. The 8th house also rules the genital and eliminative organs of the body. My experience is that 8th house people tend to be very private.
Thanks for the insight! As a surgical nurse, it makes sense that the 8th house would be highlighted—life, death, and transformation are part of my daily work. The Venus cazimi definitely resonates too, as I feel like I express that energy in my profession. I’ll keep an eye on those 8th-house themes, especially when it comes to balancing the deeper, private aspects with my work. Thanks!!!🍓
Some stuff I noticed after you added this bit of context...
As a surgical nurse
For profession, we usually take a look at the Medium Coeli [MC] (the cusp of the 10th house).
- The lord of your 8th house, Saturn, is conjunct your MC, so it makes sense if you're in close contact with those kinds of environments.
- Under the context you've given, your radix's lord, the Moon, located in your 10th house may mean that you feel expressing yourself at fullest, when you, through your profession, ease other people's times (the Moon and asteroid Ceres represent the most nurturing sides of ourselves), let it be people suffering, or people already having a good time. Just be careful to not take your experiences in your profession to a very personal level (where the Moon lies is a very sensitive point in what to emotions refers, so you may be prone to feel emotionally down when something in your profession doesn't go as expected, or some field fellow makes a comment with elephant-touch about how you fulfill your duties. That configuration may also refer to the fact that you may use self-seclusion as a coping mechanism in your professional life).
- Your MC lord, Neptune, is conjunct Mars, meaning that in your profession you may be constantly exposed to either sporty places/people, or, most probable, in contact with blood or surgical procedures (Mars represents metals as well, so, in a surgery, the surgeon's tools are usually represented by Mars, as it represents both blood and the surgeon's dexterity); As a nurse, it makes more sense that you're in contact with Mars (blood and metal) than the surgeon's procedure itself (some Astrologers refer the Mars-Neptune combination as some kind of syringe injection, if it serves any interpretative purpose for you).
- Uranus is conjunct to your MC lord as well, so, perhaps, at some point you will consider (or have considered already) dedicating to something Uranian (often represents high technology and pioneering fields. In the context of medicine, Uranus is usually attributed to any procedure involving any kind of scan, such as X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, etcetera, and also to the act of performing out a prognosis).
Wow, I wasn’t expecting such an in-depth analysis! It’s fascinating how much of my profession as a surgical nurse aligns with what you’ve pointed out. Saturn on the MC really hits home—I’m constantly surrounded by intense situations, and it seems the universe approves! The Moon in the 10th house makes a lot of sense too; I’ve always felt a strong drive to care for others, but I’ll definitely have to work on not letting the emotional side of things weigh me down too much. This is the Mooooost difficult thing for me. 😬

The Mars and Neptune connection also really stands out—between the blood, surgical instruments, and injections, it’s like you’re describing my daily routine. I hadn’t thought of Uranus that way before, but the connection with advanced tech is intriguing. Maybe it’s a nudge toward exploring more cutting-edge medical fields in the future. :)

Thank you for this thoughtful interpretation—I truly appreciate it!