2025 Astro!

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Jan 5, 2023
It will be Christmas in 5 minutes time! And then the new year will be upon us before we know it!

Let's look at what Astro Easter Eggs of fun and surprise are in store for us. Looks like plenty of changing of the old guards, what with the number of planetary sign changes!

Feel free to discuss how you'll be affected, as well as what you feel may happen on the world stage too 🙂

11th Jan - North Node enters Pisces

7th Feb
- Neptune conjunct North Node at 28°09' Pisces

23rd Feb - Mars goes direct at 17°01' Cancer

1st Mar - Venus retrograde at 10°50' Aries

14th Mar - Lunar Eclipse at 23°57' Virgo

29th Mar - Solar Eclipse at 9°00' Aries

30th Mar - Neptune enters Aries

12th Apr
- Venus goes direct at 24°38' Pisces

21st Apr - Saturn conjunct North Node at 26°51' Pisces

24th May - Saturn enters Aries

9th Jun - Jupiter enters Cancer

15th Jun -
Jupiter Cancer square Saturn Aries at 1°18'

18th Jun - Jupiter Cancer square Neptune Aries at 2°07'

7th July - Uranus enters Gemini

11th Aug -
Saturn Aries sextile Uranus Gemini at 1°12' Pisces

28th Aug - Uranus Gemini sextile Neptune Aries at 1°26'

1st Sept - Saturn retrograde re-enters Pisces

7th Sept
- Lunar Eclipse at 15°22' Pisces

21st Sept - Solar Eclipse at 29°05' Virgo

22nd Oct - Neptune retrograde re-enters Pisces

23rd Oct
- Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 24°35'

7th Nov - Uranus retrograde re-enters Taurus

20th Nov
- Uranus Taurus sextile Neptune Pisces at 29°29'

21st Dec - Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 22°40'
Whoa Neptune will enter my 3rd house?! 😮😮

It's been a gazillion years of Neptune in my 2nd house, I think since the mid 2000s (2nd house is 13° Aquarius). Still unclear on what that transit has been about the whole time, too long to gauge 🤔

Looks like Saturn will enter my 3rd house as well, or just about scrape the cusp before going retrograde.

Jupiter will enter my 7th house for a very long stay of nearly 2 years.

Uranus will enter Gemini still in my 5th house.

The last Jupiter square Chiron will be directly affecting my natal Mars in 7th, with Jupiter conjunct Mars exactly.

And it's a Mars profection year for me as well so that transit could be noteworthy.

Forgot to add, Venus stations retrograde right on my birthday/Solar Return 🤦
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It will be Christmas in 5 minutes time! And then the new year will be upon us before we know it!

Let's look at what Astro Easter Eggs of fun and surprise are in store for us. Looks like plenty of changing of the old guards, what with the number of planetary sign changes!

Feel free to discuss how you'll be affected, as well as what you feel may happen on the world stage too 🙂

11th Jan - North Node enters Pisces

7th Feb
- Neptune conjunct North Node at 28°09' Pisces

23rd Feb - Mars goes direct at 17°01' Cancer

1st Mar - Venus retrograde at 10°50' Aries

14th Mar - Lunar Eclipse at 23°57' Virgo

29th Mar - Solar Eclipse at 9°00' Aries

30th Mar - Neptune enters Aries

12th Apr
- Venus goes direct at 24°38' Pisces

21st Apr - Saturn conjunct North Node at 26°51' Pisces

24th May - Saturn enters Aries

9th Jun - Jupiter enters Cancer

15th Jun -
Jupiter Cancer square Saturn Aries at 1°18'

18th Jun - Jupiter Cancer square Neptune Aries at 2°07'

7th July - Uranus enters Gemini

11th Aug -
Saturn Aries sextile Uranus Gemini at 1°12' Pisces

28th Aug - Uranus Gemini sextile Neptune Aries at 1°26'

1st Sept - Saturn retrograde re-enters Pisces

7th Sept
- Lunar Eclipse at 15°22' Pisces

21st Sept - Solar Eclipse at 29°05' Virgo

22nd Oct - Neptune retrograde re-enters Pisces

23rd Oct
- Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 24°35'

7th Nov - Uranus retrograde re-enters Taurus

20th Nov
- Uranus Taurus sextile Neptune Pisces at 29°29'

21st Dec - Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 22°40'
Thanks for starting the thread! :)
It looks like 2025 is a very busy year with many planetary changes. Neptune entering Aries, along with Saturn, Uranus entering Gemini, not to mention the nodes entering the Virgo/Pisces axe. For this reason, it has been described as the year of change by many Astrologers, as the planets change sign, so their expression as well as the field through which they operate changes. That can shake things up, there won't be stagnation, new things will come into our lives, new experiences, hopefully mostly positive ones.

Personally, I do not know how much change there can be into my life. I have a Solar Return Sun in 12th along with Saturn, although separating from conjunction. The 12th does not promise much activity. The previous time I had SR in 12th it was the quarantine, I spent most of the time at home studying! It wasn't so bad, because I originally enjoyed my long vacations, until I got terribly bored, of course! If I start studying again, I may get a Masters degree this time! (joke, too old for this!) :LOL:
Of course, the Nodes will enter the Virgo/Pisces axes, the sign of my Rising sign and where my natal Sun is, so I will be hit by eclipses and I do not think that I am looking forward to it! To be more specific, the LE on March 14th will be in 1st house and conj. n Pluto, the LE eclipse on September 7th will be tightly conj. my n Sun! I'd rather not think of that, as eclipses tend to change my life for better, or worse, when they hit a Luminary, or angle of mine! Maybe I am so dramatically influenced by eclipses, because there was a LE just a few hours before I was born.

T Saturn and Neptune will transit opp. my n Moon in Libra and that is another thing I am not looking forward. Saturn transits in harsh aspects to my Moon have been hard, I really hope this is not the case this time (fingers crossed!).

I am in a Venus Profection year, it is in my 9th house Taurus, but Venus is out of sect, in Detriment and terribly maltreated by conjunction to Saturn, so it does not seem optimistic. In Solar Return it's condition is not good either, it is in 1st, but Aries and rx! 😱

It could be a year of preparation for something to manifest the year after. This is the positive scenario and I will not talk about the negative one!
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I can't wait for Neptune to enter Aries, I'm so done with Neptune Pisces!

Even though Neptune is in domicile in Pisces, it didn't necessarily mean "better", it just meant it operated on a much more heightened level, for good and bad.

Curious about Uranus Gemini, although after spending time in it's fallen sign of Taurus since 2018, and the damage that has done so far to all sense of security (food, finances, resources, also our mental and emotional resources have taken a battering)

What will Uranus be taking with it from Taurus, when it enters Gemini? I hope it's not an increase in mental health issues.

Why am I so moany today?! 🤷😂
Some rather remarkable observations on the North Node Pisces ingress in January 2025

The North Node Aries transit opened in July 2023 with an immediate square to Pluto, which had returned back to Capricorn in June 2023.

It coincided with a New Moon at 24° Cancer, forming a Grand Cross, with the North Node at 29° Aries/South Node at 29° Libra, and Pluto at 29° Capricorn.

As we near the end of the transit in January 2025, the ruling planet of the Aries North Node, Mars - will be retrograde and in its Fall in Cancer, and trine Neptune.

This may start to dilute and temper down the abrasive, aggressive, combative Aries North Node traits we have seen play out over the past year and half

Aries is Mars-ruled, masculine-ruled, dominance, aggression – the North Node is about the increase in those traits.​
Libra is Venus-ruled, feminine-ruled, harmony, compromise - the South Node is about the decrease in those traits.​

And even more spooky, the day after the North Node enters Pisces, we have a Full Moon ..... at 24° Cancer!!

So the same 24° Cancer is active at both the beginning and the end of the North Node Aries journey!!!

Have a look at what happened, or started, during the New Moon Cancer in July 2023, especially if you have any placements in Cardinal signs between 22° - 29°. Come the Full Moon Cancer in January 2025, those themes may be up for a conclusion and resolution, especially given the North Node Aries journey has come to an end.

Mars will exactly trine Neptune at 27° Pisces, when the North Node enters Pisces. This will give us the foundations for the bigger Neptune ingress into Aries at the end of March 2025, heralding in a subtle paradigm shift.
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New Moon Cancer - North Node enters Aries. South Node Libra ruler Venus, is stationary retrograde.


Full Moon Cancer - North Node enters Pisces, and conjuncts ruling planet Neptune domicile in Pisces

It will be Christmas in 5 minutes time! And then the new year will be upon us before we know it!

Let's look at what Astro Easter Eggs of fun and surprise are in store for us. Looks like plenty of changing of the old guards, what with the number of planetary sign changes!

Feel free to discuss how you'll be affected, as well as what you feel may happen on the world stage too 🙂

11th Jan - North Node enters Pisces

7th Feb
- Neptune conjunct North Node at 28°09' Pisces

23rd Feb - Mars goes direct at 17°01' Cancer

1st Mar - Venus retrograde at 10°50' Aries

14th Mar - Lunar Eclipse at 23°57' Virgo

29th Mar - Solar Eclipse at 9°00' Aries

30th Mar - Neptune enters Aries

12th Apr
- Venus goes direct at 24°38' Pisces

21st Apr - Saturn conjunct North Node at 26°51' Pisces

24th May - Saturn enters Aries

9th Jun - Jupiter enters Cancer

15th Jun -
Jupiter Cancer square Saturn Aries at 1°18'

18th Jun - Jupiter Cancer square Neptune Aries at 2°07'

7th July - Uranus enters Gemini

11th Aug -
Saturn Aries sextile Uranus Gemini at 1°12' Pisces

28th Aug - Uranus Gemini sextile Neptune Aries at 1°26'

1st Sept - Saturn retrograde re-enters Pisces

7th Sept
- Lunar Eclipse at 15°22' Pisces

21st Sept - Solar Eclipse at 29°05' Virgo

22nd Oct - Neptune retrograde re-enters Pisces

23rd Oct
- Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 24°35'

7th Nov - Uranus retrograde re-enters Taurus

20th Nov
- Uranus Taurus sextile Neptune Pisces at 29°29'

21st Dec - Jupiter Cancer square Chiron Aries at 22°40'
Uranus will enter Gemini in July and it will trine the point of the last Great conjuction (between Jupiter and Saturn at 0 Aquarius), thus activating it. Note that t Pluto is at 0 Aquarius too. I am particularly interested as to how that will play out, as my son, has n Neptune in 10th conj MC at that degree and he is an actor. Maybe that will trigger something-hopefully positive; fingers crossed-. Later on, t Saturn will sextile the point of the Great conjunction too!
1st Mar - Venus retrograde at 10°50' Aries
29th Mar - Solar Eclipse at 9°00' Aries
Both at nearby degrees. It's interesting that my Sec. Progressed Venus is there, on that degree, a few minutes away! It rules the 2nd and 9th.
9th Jun - Jupiter enters Cancer
I cannot wait for that! It will trine my n Sun, both my daughter and husband have planets in Cancer too! Jupiter is exalted there, maybe it will signal something positive, or my expectations are too high? Jupiter in exaltation can express itself with ease, so it's benefic nature, but with less stability than when it is in Domicile.
Penguin Trauma said:
Curious about Uranus Gemini, although after spending time in it's fallen sign of Taurus since 2018, and the damage that has done so far to all sense of security (food, finances, resources, also our mental and emotional resources have taken a battering)

What will Uranus be taking with it from Taurus, when it enters Gemini?
I am wondering the same too! Gemini is related to commerce, however. I wonder if there will be some sort of instability in the region.
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Very interesting video - should have added the following:

30th Aug - Pluto enters out of bounds at 1°49' Aquarius

It will dip back and forth out of bounds from 11th Sept 2025 to November 3rd 2035 (corrected), reaching its turning point in October 2030

This is a OOB to the South which signifies paradigm shifts via revolutions, collapse of societies, and overthrowing of old power structures. The power shifts strongly to the people instead of leaders.
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Very interesting video - should have added the following:

30th Aug - Pluto enters out of bounds at 1°49' Aquarius

It will dip back and forth out of bounds from 30th August 2025 to November 16th 2035, reaching its turning point in 2029.

This is a OOB to the South which signifies paradigm shifts via revolutions, collapse of societies, and overthrowing of old power structures. The power shifts strongly to the people instead of leaders.

Shift of powers, yes, but I am not sure if the people are taking the lead, and if now it seems to, Pluto is merciless, a time is coming where the manipulative powers are going to take over. Unfortunately. We need to look beyond the media, or to look on what the media doesn't want to show of what is happening on the ground, behind the scenes. we need to dig down to see clearly.
I have to think of the film Triangle of Sadness at this moment, Pluto and shift of powers, ironically ..:LOL::cry::LOL:
Fascinating video and article about Pluto OOB, thanks @PenguinTrauma

The fact that it is the last OOB for thousands of years does seem to 'speak volumes'. It is a huge change and may well indicate the worst. Rosie Finn does seem to touch on these but is more focused on looking at the positive.

The next 10/11 years seem to be crucial for our survival, but I guess we already knew that? 😱

Personally, my Pluto is OOB, as is my Uranus. Perhaps that explains a lot 🤣
Personally, my Pluto is OOB, as is my Uranus.

That is fascinating! How does that play out?

I agree, it's intriguing that it will be the last OOB Pluto in thousands of years, especially as we will get to witness it in our current lifetime. We are alive in interesting times!
I'm wondering about Saturn at end of Pisces in sextile to Uranus at end of Taurus. Both planets ready to move on, but compatible w/ each other at that point. Maybe assimilation and softening of Uranus change agent w/ Saturn status quo? In April/May they're close and end of year into Jan. '26, exact at 27 degrees. Saturn will outpace quickly in '26 so it won't last that long.
It's difficult to be objective about how Pluto and Uranus both OOB have played out @PenguinTrauma, I have always had them in my chart!

Not sure this is the thread for gruesome details but I guess that I have experienced both the worst and best sides. On the Astrodienst forum archive there is a thread I started in the Psychological and General section titled "Soul". My posts numbered 165 and 203 are apposite but there's no need to go there. I know from my voluntary work that others with similar experiences do not have Pluto and Uranus out of bounds.

I think that it may be more difficult to assess the effects of the outer, transpersonal, planets out of bounds. Whereas it's often easy to spot people with the personal planets OOB. I was listening to Cher on Desert Island Discs this morning. Her birthday is 20 May 1946 and so her Pluto is also OOB but her Venus is too. She does seem to show Venus OOB so strongly.

Looking at Greg Wallace for example his BML is OOB. :eek:

When I have watched some amazing scientists and truth explorers on YouTube, I have thought - oh you must have Mercury and Mars OOB. And they usually do!

There will be some members here who also have Pluto OOB. It would be interesting to hear from them but I would think we would need another thread!

I'm wondering about Saturn at end of Pisces in sextile to Uranus at end of Taurus. Both planets ready to move on, but compatible w/ each other at that point. Maybe assimilation and softening of Uranus change agent w/ Saturn status quo? In April/May they're close and end of year into Jan. '26, exact at 27 degrees. Saturn will outpace quickly in '26 so it won't last that long.
Great note! T Saturn sextile T Uranus Apr 4. I see in April both Venus, Mercury, and North Node will be A stellium. Mid April Saturn-NN conjunction may feel heavy. We also have Transit Jupiter sesquiquadrate T Pluto April 17.

Neptune enters Aries March 30. Curious how Neptune will already be in Aries and North Node in Pisces (passing the baton) in a sense.