3rd house neptune / learning difficulties

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
NL, Canada
I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.


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I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.

3rd house is his experience of early schooling, to get insight on how he/she learns, look at the state of mercury. its in sag in 2nd conjunct chiron, pluto, sextiling neptune in 3rd. this is a child who thinks in big ideas and concepts, not details. he/she probably has some sensitivities about learning, do they think they cant learn well? do they beat themselves up about it? their intellect is intrinsically tied into their self worth (2nd house).

a good approach to teaching this child would be to get the child to teach others - chiron is a great teacher. maybe get them to teach younger students, but give them the instruction to start with a big concept and then go smaller, ie: hello 1st grader, i'm going to teach you about the number system. we use the number system to keep track of things, to count things, to put values on things. the numbers start at 0 and increase infinitely. the numbers are 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5... etc.

in the example i gave above, you can see that the teaching method starts off by introducing the broader idea, and then narrows down into the specifics. try suggesting that this child teach younger children different things using this concept. it will bring him/her a renewed sense of self esteem in regards to their intellect, and help them learn in the process.

the sextile to neptune in the third indicates that this child can intuitively learn from their surroundings. teaching a kid math? take them to visit a bookeeper for a day to see how numbers are put into play in real life. let them hang around and explore and figure things out intuitively.

you need to give this child a *reason* to learn - rote is not going to work. explain the bigger concept behind the lesson first, show them why its important, and then get to the specifics at the end.
Hey, Milkywaygirl... that is so insightful. I see this in the child and have been tying to explain it to the teacher. I understand it totally.... thank you for your answer... I will look at this and see where I can go with it to explain it. It's almost like he is ready to go to work and worry about the details later. I am sure the child could build a house right now.
I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.

Artistic, emotional, sensitive, mediumistic, wandering, ­sentimental, subtle, deceptive, subversive, imaginative, rhythmic, spirituality, unstable, sacrifice, head in the clouds.

Rules Drugs of all types , alcohol, tobacco, heroin, ether & anaesthetic, Gas lighting. Anything elusive, water has to be put in pipes.
* * * * * *

Wherever your Neptune is, "is where you carry your cross and where you will be called upon to make a sacrifice!".

True sacrifices are never usually recognised, or else they could turn into martyrdom!

Neptune 3rd House – cadent house
How you think ‑ ideas (Cadent house). True inspiration and keep this to yourself! Spiritual experiences ‑ mental things you won't want to speak about. Very good imagination with possible uses such as writing books, fairy stories, romance stories. Called to make sacrifices for siblings. Possibly never had time to be a child. Dyslexia possible ‑ foggy and woolly mindedness ‑ head in clouds if badly aspected. Clear in your mind as to what you want to say, but doesn't come out how you mean it to! Procrastinate ‑ will put things off ‑ worry about it tomorrow attitude. Capacity for visualisation is often well developed. Musical. Telepathic tendencies. Inclined to study occult and mystical subjects. You feel you must share your knowledge impartially and act as a panel for information.

Neptune IS sextile mercury (communications) and is neptune is apex for very common T Square configuration. Mercury is also conj Pluto which has great analytical ability and research, but on the negative side can suggest verbal lacerations when older...

Scorpio Asc is a very private sign and keeps more below the surface than t shows. Venus so close to Asc suggest good fashion savvy and wanting to dress and look the part. So modelling, accessorising and presentation will be very important. Venus in scorpio is very sexual, jealous and stubborn

Saturn is a singleton and retrograde (going backwards) suggesting father had limited input in early childhood and could have been missing altogether or simply ineffectual..
Venus is also a singleton ie: only planet in water element.

Singleton planets
“If a planet happens to be the only one in an element, quality, or house type, that planet is a Singleton and it can funnel all of the “energy” of the horoscope. This planet is often the most important one in the horoscope. In other words, if you just interpret the position of this one planet by sign, house, and aspect, you will get to the “heart of the horoscope”. The effect is the same as if that planet were the only one on one side of the chart.”
(There is a book out by Shirley Lyons Meier, "Elemental Voids, More than Meets the Eye", which gives a good discussion of missing elements.) The Inferior Function can be a source of great motivation and creative expression.

Lack of elements http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18077

If this kid, on the verge of "teenagehood" did NOT have such a really bad issue with "authority figures" I might think he had a learning disorder.
However: his issues with learning that which is not easy can be explained by aforesaid authority issues. It is up to the teacher or teachers to find a way to teach a child who has no interest in learning.

I would suggest the following: first, get a tutor....make sure the tutor is the exact opposite of the type of teacher he has now. For instance, if the teacher is a young woman, get a slightly older man as a tutor. If the teacher is an older woman, get a young man as a tutor...maybe even a college student.

If the tutor makes any headway, perhaps the child can get a different math teacher in school.

Authority issues are a major reason that kids don't learn certain subjects. A child needs to trust the teacher and want to please the teacher.
If this child does well at home (chores, homework in other subjects, etc,) then I would stop thinking of the child as having a learning disability.
I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.

I think it is not related with Neptune. 3rd Lord Saturn is afflicting 1st lord Mars and also Venus in 1st. It is Saturnine influence. Child can learn through toys and probably computer games. Give it a try teaching mathematics this way.
And I am posting this, just to say that mabye anyone with a Neptune in the 3rd House, will probably deal with some sort of issue in early education/development. Wether a mental problem, or just some sort of coping issue, i don't know.

I have a third house Neptune, did pretty well in school though I daydreamed quite a bit. :smile:
I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.

I am going to throw a stone in the water AND reply to your original post. Learning difficulties fall under Mercury. Mercury is the rational mind, literal thinking style of the left brain. Air is the element associated with the ability to learn and think rationally.

You refer to problems with maths in particular. If this child's birth time is correct, he doesn't appear (to me) to have trouble with rational thinking style (aside from his Mercury conjunct Chiron). He's got a good amount of air in his chart and his Mercury is well aspected. But then there is his Mercury conjunct Chiron. Maybe there is some childhood wound connected to communications or learning, self-worth in connection with authority figures (Mercury conjunct Pluto)?

Maybe the fault really is with the teacher. Maybe what is needed is either a change of math teacher or extra classes. Maybe what needs to be determined is where this child got behind with maths and fix the gap.

Maybe this soul choose in this lifetime to have this particular difficulty for some reason not apparent at this age? :ninja: I agree with what someone else said about this child being a 'big thinker' and he possibly also enjoys learning but perhaps not in the traditional school environment (pluto). In the coming years the old structures of learning like universities etc is going to change and there is going to be more home learning and at your own pace. This will be good for people who can't learn in the traditional, linear way.

all the best
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