I have a chart with this and right now the person is struggling in school, the parents have no idea how to teach math creativily and the school don't see that this could be anything besides something with a lable. How do you get teachers to undersatnd 3rd house neptune.
3rd house is his experience of early schooling, to get insight on how he/she learns, look at the state of mercury. its in sag in 2nd conjunct chiron, pluto, sextiling neptune in 3rd. this is a child who thinks in big ideas and concepts, not details. he/she probably has some sensitivities about learning, do they think they cant learn well? do they beat themselves up about it? their intellect is intrinsically tied into their self worth (2nd house).
a good approach to teaching this child would be to get the child to teach others - chiron is a great teacher. maybe get them to teach younger students, but give them the instruction to start with a big concept and then go smaller, ie: hello 1st grader, i'm going to teach you about the number system. we use the number system to keep track of things, to count things, to put values on things. the numbers start at 0 and increase infinitely. the numbers are 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5... etc.
in the example i gave above, you can see that the teaching method starts off by introducing the broader idea, and then narrows down into the specifics. try suggesting that this child teach younger children different things using this concept. it will bring him/her a renewed sense of self esteem in regards to their intellect, and help them learn in the process.
the sextile to neptune in the third indicates that this child can intuitively learn from their surroundings. teaching a kid math? take them to visit a bookeeper for a day to see how numbers are put into play in real life. let them hang around and explore and figure things out intuitively.
you need to give this child a *reason* to learn - rote is not going to work. explain the bigger concept behind the lesson first, show them why its important, and then get to the specifics at the end.