5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy

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KEY POINT: Unlike most highly organized genocides, the 5G depopulation conspiracy is unusually indiscriminate and brazen. This is the one we’ve all been hearing about for years and how they plan to reduce the global population from 7 billion plus to 500 Million. What makes 5G vastly different from so many other fastidiously controlled genocides is that the power elite themselves will become collateral damage. Why?
Answer: Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?


5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium

Why is the 5G freight train seemingly UNSTOPPABLE?

Because it’s not just an out-of-control freight train; the 5G roll-out is a global Government-Corporate Juggernaut of immense and unparalleled proportions

An old-fashioned juggernaut parked before its ‘people-crushing journey’.

The 5G juggernaut will crush anything and everything in its path.

State of the Nation
This exposé is not an April Fool’s gag. We wish it was.
The 5G roll-out that’s currently rolling across the land like a full-blown juggernaut is unlike anything the world has ever seen.
Volumes could be written about how the stealthy worldwide deployment of 5G is unfolding like no other major technological implementation in modern history.
Not only has 5G BROKEN all the rules of the required health and safety testing in nations large and small, the rapidly intensifying 5G roll-out is occurring surreptitiously WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT.
Here’s what one very wise woman living in Manhattan just experienced while dealing with her [VERY SNEAKY] Internet service provider.
Here’s how they are stealthily doing the 5G roll-out in NYC—WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT

What’s the real deal with 5G?

Like every New World Order globalist scheme to further control humanity and lock down the entire planetary civilization, 5G is the capstone of the furtive One World Government project.
Toward that end, it ought to be easy to understand just how essential the “5th Generation” of cellular mobile communications really is.
5G is, after all, the critical piece of the Internet of Things (IoT) puzzle which represents the ultimate control mechanism designed to monitor and control the human race.
Only when TPTB throw the switch on 5G will the Internet of Things truly be live and ready for prime time.
Unfortunately for humanity, when that day comes — if it comes — every person on the planet will be transformed into live wire … and most will be unaware of it until they simply can’t get out of bed one day.
But what’s really driving this out-of-control juggernaut?

In short, the ongoing global implementation of 5G represents the single greatest business venture of all time.
There is nothing even close — not even the multi-decade hydrocarbon fuel paradigm that has made trillions by extracting oil and gas on land and in the seas—EVERYWHERE.
In point of fact, the 5G international development project is the largest global enterprise on Earth today … … … and we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Here’s what the Internet of Things looks like.

Just for a moment, imagine what the build-out will look like to create (almost form scratch) an Internet of Things everywhere around the globe.
The Internet of Things is really the main driver — on one level, that is — of the premature push toward comprehensive 5G implementation. The obvious reason is that the Internet of Things requires a much more powerful, resilient and extensive network to operate seamlessly and reliably. Therein lies the real problem.
You see, everyone wants their technology to function well and without interruption. Given the great variety of wireless devices hitting the market every year, the manufactured need of 5G networks nationwide, which efficiently accommodates each device individually and collectively, has created extraordinary demands. Welcome to 5G—the solution to all of those challenges and demands…and there are many.
Much more importantly, however, is that the IoT cannot really function as the comprehensive Global Control Matrix that it’s meant to be until 5G is firmly in place worldwide.
(Source: 5G ROLL-OUT: An Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People)
When the IoT is fully operational across the USA, every home, every business, every government office building, every NGO, every corporate office, every vehicle, every mall, as well as every restaurant, retail store, hotel, motel, vehicle, smartphone etc. will be rewired and hardwired to accommodate the 5G technological paradigm.
There will never be a bigger opportunity for the globalist control freaks who run the world today than 5G.
We’re talking about tens of TRILLIONS of dollars of investment capital necessary to carry out this clandestine scheme to chip every person after they newly hardwire every location on planet Earth to accommodate 5G.
KEY POINT: The crux of this exposé is this: the vested interests aggressively promoting the 5G roll-out are the most powerful investors in the world. The greatest economic and financial powerhouses in the West are perfectly aligned around this 5G buildout. The forces of international commerce and trade are vastly arrayed and singularly determined to have their 5G; therefore, IT APPEARS that only a Phoenix Moment can stop it at this late date.
So that’s the short story about the high-pressure 5G roll-out that this Alt Media platform will focus on during this month of April. More than any other driving force behind the 5G juggernaut, it’s the humongous projected corporate profits that are making everybody see GREEN, and not the RED flags flashing about a looming public health crisis.
The reader can now apprehend why even the Wall Street Journal is regularly featuring full-page ads extolling the virtues of 5G … before it’s even tested for health concerns and medical risks.
The bankster-underwritten investment capital and corporate capitalization of Big Telcom now driving 5G is so ginormous that not even industry insiders can conceive of how big this thing really is.
The following video provides a rare glimpse into the real workings of the juggernaut. What you’ll see is Big Telcom’s version of Dr. Strangelove when a deranged Tom Wheeler was the FCC Chairman and the primary cheerleader for the national 5G roll-out.
5G NUTCASE: FCC Pitchman Demanded Buildout Now, No More Safety Studies Necessary Before 5G Rollout (Video)

There you have it!

We really are dealing with a globalist cabal itching to exert total command and control over every square inch of Earth.
Their maniacal and malevolent push to get this done is truly symptomatic of the camarilla of incorrigible criminally insane psychopaths who are calling the shots. They really can’t help themselves they’re so giddy with the prospect for profits that would make King Solomon’s treasure pale in comparison. As well as the potential to control everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Extinction Level Event

Lest the reader incorrectly surmise that this article contains even an iota of hyperbole, please read the following “global appeal” which links to numerous scientific research papers documenting the extremely serious health risks associated with 5G.
Wireless Radiation: Stop the 5G Network on Earth and in Space, Devastating Impacts on Health and the Environment

We hear a lot about ELEs these days because many of the most critical trajectories are truly reaching points of no return in all the vital spheres of life. As a matter of fact, the environmental and ecological breaking points are so profound and pervasive that the biosphere in now under severe threat.
In fact, the coalescence of some of these downward spirals, if left alone as they race to the bottom, will certainly spell the end of the human race. However, in view of the military-type deployment of 5G now taking place, some of those trajectories will surely be put on SUPER STEROIDS.
Here in America, for instance, there are now several major cities that are undergoing the covert buildout of infrastructure in locations that will guarantee a mini-Apocalypse whenever they do flip the switch.
That’s exactly how this slow-motion Extinction Level Event will transpire over the coming years. The USA will see a series of highly localized EMF and Microwave-driven ELEs, each with their own unique set of public health disasters and medical crises.
The different manifestations will vary because of the types and levels of EMFs and Microwave Radiation that are disseminated in each city. Similarly, each community will be victimized by various chemical geoengineering programs where the composition of the chemtrail aerosols dictates the effects within the respective 5G environments. In other words, the perps can produce different desired effects by conveying 5G frequencies and radiation through varying chemtrail aerosol formulations. And each particular combination of 5G and chemtrail brew results in a different outcome.
These predictable 5G + Chemtrail realities will translate to many inscrutable health predicaments that will be extremely difficult to properly diagnose, much less successfully treat. The creators of the 5G platform may not even know the extent to which populations exposed to this regimen will suffer greatly, on both individual and collective basis, because of how elusive will be the invisible causation.
For these and other significant reasons, the only way to avoid an ELE is to prevent the deployment of 5G from occurring. The crucial point here is that it’s always much more challenging to get rid of a menace after it’s firmly established; and much easier to stop it before it’s gotten off the ground.
KEY POINT: Unlike most highly organized genocides, the 5G depopulation conspiracy is unusually indiscriminate and brazen. This is the one we’ve all been hearing about for years and how they plan to reduce the global population from 7 billion plus to 500 Million. What makes 5G vastly different from so many other fastidiously controlled genocides is that the power elite themselves will become collateral damage. Why?
Answer: Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?
Action Plan

There’s only one way out of this Extinction Level Event!
People everywhere must make their demands known … to every elected representative and government official and corporate CEO/President and Chairman of the Board who are misguidedly supporting this planet-wide calamity.
Here’s the strategy in a nutshell.
The administrators in the middle — in government, corporate and NGOs — need to have their feet held to the fire like never before.
In other words, those responsible for making the decisions and executing the 5G implementation plans need to have the livin’ S*IT scared out of them.
KEY POINT: Every 5G booster in any leadership capacity needs to be denounced as a political pariah and the menace to society that they truly are. Any leader, in any community, who hawks 5G for Big Telcom should be lambasted mercilessly for being the corporate prostitutes that they really are. In this way 5G can be elevated as the most influential hot-button issue during the 2020 campaign season. Only in this fashion can the American people hope to stop the 5G juggernaut dead in its tracks.
Only when these order-following folks are more afraid of We the People than they are of their Deep State handlers and Shadow Government masters will they make decisions and act in the best interest of their respective constituents and customers.

Let’s get busy sharpening those pitchforks and lighting those torches because we’re gonna need as many as we can muster.
Of course, this war to save humankind from a full-blown ELE will be fought on the Internet—first, second and third, yes?
Every patriot and truth-seeker can begin by releasing a thousand flaming arrows into the Deep State castle—each and every day—via their smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop.
Here’s just one example of the kind of wrench we can throw into the machinery (read: 5G Juggernaut).
We the People Will Not Accept the Stealthy and Fatal 5G Roll-out

This is how we keep them off-balance while we execute our secret strategy completely under the radar.
Stay tuned for that Plan B and the secret strategy! And, NO, this is not an April Fool’s gag.
This well-planned 5G genocide and depopulation plot is clearly “The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium”. For those who still refuse to believe, please watch the following MUST VIEW video.
5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control


If ever there was a defining moment in human history for people of every nation to come together to terminate the New World Order agenda with finality, that time is now.
The past 100 years has seen many opportunities for the Truth Movement to confront the dark side. The number of outright assaults on both personal and national sovereignty is staggering … and yet here we still sit like frogs — in the proverbial stew pot as it gets hotter by the minute.
May we suggest that every concerned reader deeply contemplate what’s at stake with an unimpeded 5G roll-out. Think about the children and the grand-children who will not even have a chance coming out of the womb as the first toy put in their tiny hands is a smartphone.
What’s the point?
If not us, then who?

If not now, then when?

If not here, then where?

If not this, then what?

In other words, this bold and life-threatening 5G energy attack on all of us represents the final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Hence, there’s really no other option but to fight with all our heart and mind, body and soul.
One excellent way to do this is to make 5G the biggest campaign issue of the 2020 election cycle. If this strategy is effectively carried through, the electorate should see every candidate — at the federal, state, county and municipal levels — screaming at the top of their lungs about how they will kill 5G however they can. The best way to rain on the 5G parade, then, is to get them all to beat each other up with anti-5G speeches and campaign spots, legislation and rule changes.
By the way, each and every one of us can begin by speaking truth to power about 5G hazards like there’s no tomorrow, because if we don’t, there just may be no tomorrow.
State of the Nation
April 1 2019

5G Causing Two Periods for Women! Depopulation Red Alert!

Thursday, April 4, 2019 21:50

Stew Webb (www.stewwebb.com) was joined by the crew from Seattle Public Television when a shocking call came at about the 13 minute mark. It was a woman named Amber who lives in a neighborhood in Bakersfield California where they’ve installed 5G onto every telephone pole! There are 10 women she knows in the neighborhood who are having two periods every month! These two periods are lasting 9 days each! The pain she is experiencing twice each month is worse than child birth! We owe it to her to get her story out there to millions and raise a big stink about it to the Congress! This is far worse than I thought it would be! You can listen to the audio on www.stewwebb.com


When Insiders Are Forced to Βlow Their Whistle - What 5G Actually Does

5G Roll-Out Facing $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit


— Longtime Personal Injury Attorney & Environmental Advocate

“Let’s see them square off with a phalanx of personal injury attorneys and cadre of environmental lawyers who will be marshalling through $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit.”

State of the Nation
That Big Telcom in tandem with government officials really thought they could get way with the 5G roll-out is the greatest example of raw hubris and unfettered arrogance ever displayed in broad daylight.
Truly, that the vested corporate interests along with their enabling governmental representatives attempted to arrogate such sweeping powers unto themselves reflects an extraordinary level of endemic corruption and serial criminality.
The chutzpah and recklessness and audacity and insanity associated with the ongoing nationwide roll-out of 5G exceeds anything ever seen in the history of the United States of America.

Find Out More >


(Source: 5G ROLL-OUT: An Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People)
Of course, the biggest concern about what is essentially a military deployment of 5G is that it represents “The Greatest Public Health Disaster in US History“.
A Clear Violation of Everything

Lest the reader wonder exactly what the legitimate legal basis is for this $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit being filed to terminate 5G, please consider the following indisputable points of fact.
The very essence of the 5G roll-out, as well as the manner in which 5G is currently being deployed across the USA, are patently illegal, unlawful and illicit according to many generally accepted legal principles and standards.
This extremely dangerous interstate deployment of 5G is being conducted in such a way that it clearly violates the U.S. Constitution as well as various federal laws, state statutes, county codes and city ordinances. Such an inherently harmful power grid also transgresses international law, natural law, universal law, divine law and scriptural law.

Find Out More >

KEY POINT: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Why is the UN’s health watchdog allowing humanity’s health to be put in such great danger with 5G and other EMF assaults?
The foisting of 5G digital cellular networks on cities and communities throughout the United States is likewise a clear violation of human rights, civil rights, constitutional rights and natural rights.
In other words, 5G in in’s current form is a “A Clear Violation of Everything”!
Therefore, those individuals who have attempted to shoehorn this exceedingly destructive technology paradigm into communities will eventually be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
What follows is a statewide initiative that can be taken in any state as a first step to holding the perps in government accountable. Remember, were it not for utterly corrupt elected representatives and government officials, the 5G rollout could never have been advanced so quickly and stealthily.
5G CRISIS: This is what “torches and pitchforks” looks like in the Digital Age

$1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit

Perhaps the quickest way to bring this 5G government-corporate juggernaut to a screeching halt is to do so with a binding federal injunction.
This necessary legal process can be carried out in a number of ways, but the best is to bring an emergency legal action which can be quickly heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. Similar lawsuits can also be filed on a state-by-state basis where a single victory can set a strong precedent for the rest of the nation.
However, it is the various threats (in the form of enormous legal and financial liability) contained in a $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit that is the most effective way of rapidly chilling the economic and financial forces that are behind the out-of-control 5G freight train.
For it is the stratospheric revenue projections that are associated with both the 5G roll-out and build-out of the Internet of Things (IoT) that has really created this devastating juggernaut to proceed with constraint.
Therefore, were the moneyed vested interests and major potential investors to understand that their 5G investment could go up in smoke, they would quickly tamp down their wild-eyed enthusiasm.
Herein lies the method for arresting the 5G roll-out in those cities already targeted by the Big Telcom companies which are determined to put 5G in place without an iota of informed consent. See: 5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium
When the corporate attorneys grasp the sheer enormity and profundity of the upcoming $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit, they will immediately recommend to senior management and board of directors that all 5G deployment operations cease and desist post-haste.
It doesn’t get any better than this legal wrench thrown right into the gears of the 5G juggernaut … where it will remain until the criminally insane psychopaths who advanced the project this far can be arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated for life.
Each and every corporate and government official who has conspired to execute this ongoing crime spree must be held to account or else they will be emboldened to try it again.

Severe deterrence is the only sure way to scare these truly predatory capitalists and governmental corruptocrats straight. Throwing a good number of the co-conspirators in prison would set an example for the rest of the world as well, especially wherever 5G gangsters are running their “Let’s fry humanity!” game.
No one is ready for the tsunami of Fifth Generation (5G) radiation that has been unleashed by the Federal Communications Commission, whose only health concern is whether or not 5G will “heat-up” human skin past a certain degree.
Only when 5G is “cooking” human beings will the FCC and the Health and Human Services consider any negative health effects of this new generation of “beyond microwave” 5G millimeter (milli-wave) radiation that will be beamed from 300,000 new cell phone towers in every US community – coming to the utility pole near you. Perhaps the FCC should put their collective heads into a microwave oven, turn it on, and then say that microwaves and milli-waves are harmless.
(Source: 5G: The Most Dangerous Technological Development of the Millennium)

The most meaningful aspect of filing this $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit is that the discovery process will reveal the extent that so many laws have been outright broken, statutes violated, codes ignored, rules skirted, regulation circumvented, etc.
The fear of so much exposure will, alone, so frighten the 5G movers and shakers that they will scatter like rats fleeing the sinking 5G ship.
Big Telcom, and all the other related industries that hope to gain from this epic crime wave will vacate the premises so fast so as not to lose their current licenses, certifications and registries to operate in their respective regulated industries.
The bottom line here is that there is a massive criminal conspiracy that has permitted this highly illegitimate enterprise from getting this far. And, it’s about to be blown wide open.
How exactly things developed to this point must be investigated so as to preclude a repeat performance in the future.
Highly destructive and deadly schemes like the 5G roll-out simply never should have made it this far—EVER! See ULTRA-SOS: 5G Roll-out Seriously Endangers Every Person on Planet Earth
*This post is the first installment of a 3-part series of this unfolding $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit; please check back for further developments.

State of the Nation
April 12, 2019
Citizen Action Plan

Here’s What Everyone Can Do to Stop 5G
BOYCOTT the companies listed in this “5G perpetrators” exposé
5G EMF & Microwave Radiation: How folks can protect themselves where the roll-out is occurring
Plans for a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless internet in Brussels have been halted due to fears for the health of citizens, according to reports.

In July, the government concluded an agreement with three telecom operators to relax the strict radiation standards in Brussels. But according to the Region, it is now impossible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for the service.

"I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not," Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz.

"The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt," she added.

Health Concerns Pause Brussels 5G Implementation

A pilot project is not feasible with the current radiation standards, and Fremault told Bruzz that she does not intend to make an exception.

The Brussels region has particularly strict radiation standards for telecom applications. The standard of 6 volts per metre has already led to problems in the past with providing fast mobile internet via 4G in the capital.

Last week, the various governments in Belgium once again failed to reach agreement on the auctioning of the 5G licences. The file remains stuck on the distribution of the proceeds. It will be up to the next government to handle the proposal, said Telecom Minister Philippe De Backer (Open VLD) last week.

Reference: The Brussels Times

4 Children & 2 Teachers Diagnosed With Cancer: Parents Blame The Cell Tower On Campus

Parents in California are requesting that a cell tower located on the campus of their children’s elementary school be removed. This comes after four students and two teachers were diagnosed with brain cancer in just three years, although the tower has been there longer than that.

Some students at the school have already left as a result of the spike in cancer cases and recently, 200 parents attended a school board meeting demanding action. It’s a kindergarten through eighth-grade school that has approximately 400 students.

The School Board has said that tests on the cell tower showed that it’s well within safety standards, begging the questions: What are our safety standards, and are they good enough? Has this technology even been through proper safety testing?

It’s important to keep in mind that there is no direct way to prove that this cell tower on campus actually caused these cancer cases, but we can prove that there is sufficient evidence showing that they are and can be very harmful.

The truth is that cell towers and cell antennae mounted on buildings have radio frequency emissions. The closer you are to the antennae, the more radio frequency radiation you are exposed to.

Cell tower radiation exposure is different than cell phone exposure in that a cell phone to the head focuses an extremely high amount of radiation to a specific brain region. Cell tower emissions are at lower levels than cell phones. However, with cell tower exposure, the exposure is non- stop day and night and full body exposure.

A significant body of peer-reviewed research has found harmful effects from cell tower radiation. Read the peer-reviewed research here.

RT points out:

“We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” said Ferrulli to CBS Sacramento, and added that an inspection of the tower arranged by parents showed much higher readings than the RUSD-hired engineers found in 2018.

The school district, who reportedly receives $2,000 per month for the tower, has said while they empathize with families, they have no out clause in their 25-year lease contract with Spirit – the company that owns the tower – meaning both the school district and Spirit will have to mutually agree on a relocation. (source)

This isn’t the only case like this. We recently published an article regarding a cell tower installation on a fire station, whereby the firefighters were all found to have abnormal brain chemistry.

Fire Captain / Union President at Los Angeles County Fire Fighters Dave Gilotte, who is also a 25-year veteran fire fighter, gave his testimony at the Los Angeles California Board of Supervisors meeting in 2016.

In fact, it’s important to note that firefighter groups in the United States have long opposed cell towers on their stations. Not only that, but in California, they have been able to be exempt from the forced placement of towers on their stations because of the strong opposition they have due to health concerns from the radiation. (You can read more about this story here).

This wasn’t even a 5G tower, which is what we are heading toward next.

Dr. Gunnar Heuser lead brain studies on firefighters following a cell tower installation on their fire station and found that their brains were all abnormal.

His SPECT brain study in 2004 focused on firefighters who complained of neurological problems following a cell tower installation at their fire station beforehand. The symptoms they experienced were: headaches, memory problems, sleeping problems, depression, and anxiety.

Dr. Heuser published a study recently on fMRI showing abnormalities in EHS similar to brain injury. Original study published in July 2017, without the controls, full text: Corrigendum to the study, which includes fMRI scans of the controls (non- EHS).

Letters From Doctors Regarding Cell Tower Installations Near Schools

There are countless letters from doctors regarding concerns about this type of technology near youngsters.

These letters in combination with all of the published peer-reviewed research, some of which is linked above (another great place to access this information is the Environmental Health Trust), make it clear that we need to talk about this more and question our federal health regulatory agencies and ask them why appropriate safety testing of this technology has not been done.

You can view some of these letters HERE.

Furthermore, it’s important to mention that multiple countries have now completely banned WiFi and cell phones around schools, young children and fetuses. Take France for example, they passed a law in 2015 banning WiFi from all nursery schools.

In addition to that, the law states that WiFi must be turned off in all elementary schools when it’s not in use. A wired connection, if possible, is preferred. When it comes to cell phones in France, all advertisements must recommend headsets to reduce the phone’s radiation exposure to the brain.

Furthermore, advertisements directing cell phone use towards young children are banned. It’s not just a concern for children, as the French National Library along with several other universities and establishments have completely removed all Wifi networks. It’s also banned in many municipal buildings. You can read more about that here.

The issue is that the levels of electromagnetic radiation in our environment far exceed what the natural levels were when we weren’t as technologically developed. It comes in various forms from multiple sources, and this is the main issue.

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is that you can do something about this. You can have a wired connection at home, you can unplug and shut off your EMF emitting devices (like your cell phone, computer, TV, etc). You can buy EMF protective clothing and paint, you can use the mind-body connection to help mitigate any effects, and you can live a healthy life style with good food and exercise.

It’s actually quite remarkable to see just how much awareness on this topic has hit people. Much of the global citizenry are clearly awake, and soon enough North America will follow measures taken by other countries mentioned above.

Reference: Collective-Evolution.com

5G is the “Stupidest Idea in the History of the World” - Washington State Biochemistry / Medical Science Prof

A study titled “Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression” published in the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy outlines this quite clearly, and it’s only one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies raising multiple concerns in regards to this type of technology.


Is there really any concern for the well being of humanity within these institutions? If not, why do we continue to support them? Is it because we’re under the illusion that there is actual concern? And why do we continue to take power away from ourselves by electing corrupt politicians?

Anyways, in this article, I’d like to draw your attention to Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University.

Taken from his report titled “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field(EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them,” he states that:

“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”

That report goes through a lot of science, which only adds to all of the science that’s already available regarding the harmful effects of 5G technology.

If you’re looking for more information, I often point people toward the Environmental Health Trust because it’s a great resource that gives you access to more science.

This is not new information. For years, numerous studies have been published proving the health concerns regarding 5G technology and hundreds of scientists have petitioned the United Nations about them.

These initiatives started as a result of the work done by Dr. Marin Blank from Columbia University’s Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics.

According to him, with regards to wireless radiation in general:

“We have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. Before Edison’s light bulb there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment.

The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels, and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation. Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely.”

Again, it’s unbelievable that these technologies are being rolled out without any safety testing done.

How is this even allowed to happen? The thing is, if there was safety testing done, there would likely be no changes made anyways, and these corporations would be allowed to rollout and utilize these technologies.

Seeing how this article is about the work of Dr. Pall, below is a lecture that goes into detail about his research and why we should be concerned with 5G technology.

It’s alarming that some people have been made to believe that this is “pseudoscience.” Not only is this surprising, but it’s also very concerning.

During the “Health in Buildings Roundtable” sponsored by the NIH and co-organized by the US CDC and several other organizations, Dr. Martin Pall from Washington State University (WSU) concluded that the “5G rollout is absolutely insane.”

In this short presentation, Dr. Pall confirmed that the current 2G/3G/4G radiation the population is exposed to has been scientifically linked to: lowered fertility, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, major changes in brain structure in animals, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormonal disruption, cancer, and much more.

Dr. Pall briefly explained the mechanisms of how the electro-smog emitted by our cell phones, wifi routers, cell phone antennas, and other wireless technologies affect human cells.

What You Can Do. We Don’t Have To Be Afraid

We’ve written about this topic in depth, and below are some recent articles we’ve published that go into more detail if you’re looking for more information.

On a side note, a lot of this information can spark a fearful reaction, and that’s normal. It could elicit the same fearful reaction you may have to other humanitarian issues including the massive amounts of pesticides being sprayed in our environment and on our food, the rising deforestation rates, and several other aspects of the human experience that need to be changed.

As important as it is to not react with fear and panic, it’s even more important not to completely ignore these things and think everything will magically be okay.

Earth has become engulfed with this mess as a result of our ignorance, as a result of us ignoring important scientific findings such as these.

If we continue along this path, disease rates will continue to rise. Awareness is key, and simply being informed about this issue is a huge step in the right direction.

So, what can you do? You could purchase some EMF protective clothing and bedding, or you could even paint your home with EMF protective paint.

You can unplug your computer when not in use, turn off your cell phone, and unplug all your electronic devices before you go to sleep. You could have a wired internet connection, which is actually much faster than any wireless connection.

You can live a healthy lifestyle, and you can use mind-body healing techniques to help you.

I write a lot about parapsychology, and it’s quite clear that our minds can have a significant impact on our biology.

I know it sounds a little ‘new agey,’ but the truth is, if you don’t believe you are being harmed, odds are that the impact on your biology will be significantly different than someone who is fearful and stressed out about health concerns.

Consciousness is huge, and it is one of the biggest factors in regards to preventative measures.

5G Has Not Been Proven Safe for Human Health
While telecom companies are moving full speed ahead to put up millions of small cell towers for their new 5G (fifth generation) cellular communication system in the United States, the public is waking up to the fact that 5G has not been proven safe for human health.

by John P. Thomas

The health concerns actually go far beyond the 5G cell towers that are being placed approximately every 500 feet on the streets of America’s urban areas. It has now been revealed that 20,000 satellites will be soon put into orbit around the Earth to broadcast 5G microwave radiation over every square foot of ground on our planet.

As has been discussed in my previous articles about the 5G cellular microwave communication system, it will be much faster than the current 3G and 4G systems.

However, it will use a much higher frequency range in the electromagnetic energy spectrum. These frequencies in the gigahertz spectrum have not been used for public communication. And these millimeter frequencies have not been tested for safety.

5G Phased Array Antennas will Shoot Beams of Radiation at People and Equipment

The 5G communication system will use phased array antennas, which will shoot beams of microwaves at 5G phones and other equipment containing 5G capabilities such as new computers, automobiles, and Wi-Fi hubs.

The beams of microwave radiation will follow a person who is holding a 5G phone or who is moving with one of these phones on his or her body.

These beams of radiation have to be strong enough to penetrate walls and human flesh such as hands and heads, because you won’t know the direction from which the microwave beam is coming.

The beams of non-ionizing microwave radiation used by this technology also have to be strong enough to pass through the bodies of other people who might happen to walk between a person using a phone and the tower that is beaming the microwave signal at them.

5G smartphones will broadcast and receive microwave signals that are 10 times stronger than the current 4G smartphones. Wi-Fi systems using 5G will use microwave signals that are 150 times stronger than a 4G phone. [8]

Don’t Worry – the FCC Says it’s Safe

Despite the lack of testing to prove that 5G is safe, telecom companies and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are in agreement that no one should worry about health effects of 5G.

Their advice to the American public is based on assumptions that were made in 1998.

But, the research at that time was questionable because it only examined health concerns related to the heating effect of the microwave radiation.

Background on 5G and other Radio Frequency Health Risks

This article will look at some of the newest information about microwave radiation risks and the concerns that are being raised by those who have been studying this form of non-ionizing radiation.

For those who are new to this topic, you may wish to read some of my previous articles about health concerns related to radio frequency pollution to obtain background information about 5G and other wireless communication systems such as Wi-Fi.

Radiation from 2G and 3G Cellular Systems is Associated with Cancer in Male Rats

In a ten-year study of rats and mice conducted by the National Toxicology Project (NTP), government scientists in collaboration with non-government scientists concluded that there is “clear evidence” of an association between microwave radiation exposure from what is known as the second generation (2G) and third generation (3G) cell phone systems and the formation of cancer in the hearts of male rats. [1]

2G and 3G are still being used for cell phone voice calls and text messaging.

NTP scientists use a four level rating system for describing the degree of association between exposure and harm to health. Their rating system indicates: clear evidence (highest association with harm), some evidence, equivocal evidence, and no evidence of association (lowest). [1]

Their November 2018 final report found that there was clear association between exposure to 2G and 3G microwave frequency radiation with the formation of cancer in rats. [1]

These government scientists won’t say that radiation from 2G and 3G cellular technology “causes” cancer in rats or in humans.

To those of us on the outside of scientific laboratories, it sure looks like exposure causes cancer and numerous other serious illnesses. (See my previous articles for details.)

I base my conclusion on thousands of research articles that have been published over the last several decades and the conclusions reached by hundreds of physicians and scientists [2, 3], which clearly show serious risk to human beings when we are exposed to non-ionizing radiation from cellular systems.

When the NTP began their study 10 years ago, 5G did not exist. Thus, NTP scientists made it very clear in their report published in November of 2018 that their findings say nothing about the safety or risks of 5G or Wi-Fi systems.

So, here we are at the end of 2018 with 5G radio frequency radiation systems being installed in many cities across America, and no one has studied the safety of this new technology.

If there is clear evidence that microwave radiation exposure from 2G and 3G is associated with rat cancer, then this should be a bright red flag that should alert us to the potential risk from the newest 5G cellular system.

I must wonder if we will have to wait ten more years while government scientists study 5G and Wi-Fi before they conclude that there is clear evidence of risk from these systems.

Based on the potential of microwave radiation in 2G and 3G systems to cause harm, there is no reason to assume that the millimeter microwave radiation used in 5G will be safe.

It is not a farfetched assumption, based on the lack of 5G research, to conclude that there will be an even higher level of health risks associated with the close proximity to the new 5G small cell tower and phased array antennas.

Evidence is mounting that 5G will be very dangerous for adults and especially for children.

FCC regulators are ignoring the precautionary principle and are doing nothing to slowdown the implementation of 5G while they study the safety of this system.

As it stands right now, telecom companies are running full speed ahead to install their 5G system even though the health risks of that system have not been studied.

How many millions of people will be sickened, and how many will die before the 5G system is studied? The system could be fully implemented in many urban areas before the studies even get off the ground.

Pediatricians are Concerned about Childhood Exposure to Wireless Radiation

The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) has added its collective voice to those who have been advocating for research into cell phone safety.

The AAP contacted the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 2012 to ask that they reopen their study of cell phone safety. Since then, they have been warning of potential harm to children. [4]

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the largest US medical association of pediatricians and pediatric specialists, recommends that the US government tighten wireless exposure limits and that the public reduce children’s exposure to cell phones and other devices that emit wireless radiation. [4]

The AAP reminds parents:

Children are not just little adults; their growing minds and bodies make them uniquely vulnerable to the effects of the environment around them, including cell phone radiation.
Because technology is being adopted by children at younger ages than ever before, it’s even more important to investigate if cell phone usage is a health hazard. [5]

The AAP notes that the FCC has not revised the standard for cell phone radiation since 1996. They are concerned that the FCC “safety levels” were based on large adult bodies and did not consider the effects on children. The AAP indicates that children’s skulls are thinner and can absorb more radiation. [5]

These physicians are encouraging parents to limit cell phone use for children and teenagers. They point out that cell phones are not toys, and are not recommended for infants and toddlers to play with.

They recommend that parents limit children’s screen time and limit their exposure to cell phones and other devices that emit radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF). [5]

Members of Congress Question the FCC about 5G Safety

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut and House Representative Anna Eshoo from California sent a letter to Brendan Carr at the FCC. They are asking the FCC to prove that 5G is safe.

An article published in the CT Mirror stated:

Senator Richard Blumenthal is leading a campaign to determine whether new “5G” wireless technology is safe and is asking the federal government for proof the cutting edge radio frequency does not pose health risks – including cancer.
Senator Blumenthal said the new technology “offers the tremendous promise of higher speeds and reliability. — But there is also a peril of health hazards associated with radio frequency that is higher and requires more transmitters and antennas,” he said.
In his letter to Carr, the senator said “most of our current regulations regarding radio frequency safety were adopted in 1996 and have not yet been updated for next generation equipment and devices.” [6]

This kind of intervention is crucial, because the FCC is clearly under the control of telecom companies, and the FCC does the bidding of corporate interests. Only Congressional action at this point can turn the FCC around.

5G from Space

5G technology and space exploration companies are also moving forward with the creation of a system of satellites that will use phased array antennas and millimeter microwave frequencies to communicate with 5G equipment on the ground. They intend to launch 20,000 satellites over the next few years.

Their systems are not specifically called 5G, but they will contain all the components of 5G and operate in the same way as ground-based 5G.

The satellite system will provide telecommunication coverage over every square foot of the Earth. There will be nowhere to hide from being exposed to this form of microwave radiation.

See: 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

What Happened when the First Satellite Phone System was Turned-on?

At present, there are satellite-based cell phone providers who use current generation cellular systems to serve their customers. On the day that the first of these satellite systems was activated, there were thousands of people who had physical reactions to the sudden increase in microwave activity in their environment.

Arthur Firstenberg, a researcher, writer, and advocate for protecting people from exposure to wireless communication signals described what happened when the first space-based cellular system was turned on. He stated:

On September 23, 1998, 66 satellites, launched into low orbit by the Iridium Corporation, commenced broadcasting to the first ever satellite telephones.
Those phones would work equally as well in mid-ocean, and in Antarctica, as in the middle of Los Angeles — a remarkable achievement.
But telephone interviews revealed that on that day exactly, electrically sensitive people all over the world experienced stabbing pains in their chest, knife-like sensations in their head, nosebleeds, asthma attacks, and other signs of severe electrical illness. Many did not think they were going to make it.
Statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control reveal that the national death rate rose 4 to 5 percent during the following two weeks.
Thousands of homing pigeons lost their way during those two weeks, all over the United States. [7]

What should we expect when the 5G Ground and 5G Satellite Systems are Turned-On?

Well — no one knows. This is another grand experiment on humanity to see what will happen.

Mega-size telecommunication companies have taken control over the FCC, which is supposed to protect the public from harm.

As a result, the FCC will do nothing to insure that 5G is safe. In addition, the FCC has established regulations that prevent people from trying to slow-down or stop the implementation of 5G at the local or state level.

It will take action by congress to demand that research be done to prove that 5G is safe.

Given the thousands of studies that have already been done on other type of radio frequency hazards, it is very doubtful that any well designed scientific study could show that 5G will be harmless to adults or to children, so we shouldn’t expect to see the results of 5G safety studies for many years to come, unless there is a strong outpouring of public and congressional pressure on the FCC.

Please contact your representatives in Congress and ask them to demand that research be done on 5G safety before there can be any further implementation of 5G systems in the United States.

Conclusion – Thinking about the Future

Please give serious thought to not getting on the 5G bandwagon. There will be massive advertising campaigns in the months and years to come, designed to get everyone to switch over to 5G phones. You don’t have to bite the bait. 4G smartphones and 3G phones for voice and texting are adequate for everyday use.

We don’t need 5G technology to live happy and productive lives!

You might even consider whether this is a good time to just turn off your cellular service and live a less hectic life. You could join the small minority of people who are minimizing their microwave exposure by simply living without a cell phone of any type.

It is important to consider that the demand for better cellular service is not coming from consumers, but from mega-corporations who are trying to create a market for a new set of products.

It’s not really about better service, but about greater profitability for corporations who don’t mind killing off people with microwave radiation in order to turn greater profits.

It is also about creating a system that will enable central control over every aspect of human life.

5G is not a vision of something better, but an omen of something much worse.


[1] “National Toxicology Program releases final reports on rat and mouse studies of radio frequency radiation like that used in 2G and 3G cell phone technologies,” 11/01/2018.
[2] “Updated Research Summaries,” 12/15/2017.
[3] “Statements by Physicians, Scientists and Health Policy Experts,” Cellular Phone Task Force.
[4] “The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation,” Environmental Health Trust, Blog Archive.
[5] “Cell Phone Radiation & Children’s Health: What Parents Need to Know,” HealthyChildren.org, 2016.
[6] “Blumenthal wants FCC to prove 5G wireless technology is safe,” Ana Radelat, CT Mirror, 12/3/2018.
[7] “Wi-Fi in the Sky,” Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force.
[8] “5G – From Blankets to Bullets,” Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force.

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Firefighters Report Neurological Damage After Cell Tower Installation Near Their Station

Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world” – Martin L. Pall, PhD & Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. – 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them.

The conversation about 5G within the mainstream is becoming quite concerning for onlookers, as there’s been an increase in awareness about the health concerns of wireless radiation. Sure, there are natural sources of electromagnetic radiation on both ends of the spectrum in our environment, but never before has humanity experienced this much.

The main reason why this is so concerning is because...

“Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now: there is no question We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, neuropsychiatric effects.” (Dr. Sharon Goldberg, 5G Small Cell Tower Hearing In Michigan)

“You don’t have to look hard to find the scientific research pertaining to wireless radiation, cell phones, electrical lines, etc. That being said, “waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof before taking action to prevent well-known risks can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco.” (The European Commission).

Here you can find a list of citations for 1,670 peer-reviewed scientific papers about electromagnetic fields (EMF) published in scientific journals dating back to 1979 all the way through to 2018.

The statement above comes from Martin L. Pall, PhD & Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. He wrote a very informative report, titled 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them.

That’s also something you may want to check out.

What’s really concerning here is the fact that this issue is completely ignored by our federal health regulatory agencies. I’m more so referring to North American agencies, as multiple countries around the world have completely banned wireless technology inside of schools and nursery homes due to health concerns.

Take France, for example. They passed a law in 2015 banning WiFi from all nursery schools. The law states that Wi-Fi must be turned off in all elementary schools when it’s not in use. A wired connection, if possible, is preferred. This could also be a great solution for your home, and a wired connection is much faster than a wireless one. France is one of dozens of examples.

It really highlights the connection between big corporations and our federal governments. In North America, corporations control science, safety, what gets approved and what doesn’t get approved. It’s a huge problem.

“Because there’s absolutely no question. There are people in government, who truly agree when I talk with them, they agree that this mine shouldn’t go ahead, or that **** shouldn’t be built, or Monsanto shouldn’t be allowed to test its seeds here. It’s corruption really, the might of money, the corporations that hold governments in their hands, because of lobbying power and so forth, it’s really frightening.” – Jane Goodall

That being said, it’s great to see so many people taking initiative. We must act, and we must continue to create awareness and help shift human consciousness in several areas. Take, for example, a city by the name of Peterborough in Ontario, Canada, near Toronto where Collective Evolution is based.

They have developed an information sheet to help organizations accommodate individuals who have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity include headaches, concentration difficulties, sleep problems, depression, a lack of energy, fatigue, flu like symptoms, and much more.

Scientists, researchers, and people of all backgrounds have been creating awareness about this subject for a long time, but we have not heard much from mainstream media. And it seems that when they do cover it, it’s often a ridicule piece hinting at ‘pseudoscience.’ Again, this is quite concerning.

Below is an example of what I am referring to, something that goes beyond the science and into actual human experience, as many of us are feeling the effects of EMFs. The video is from of Dave Gillotte, Fire Captain and Union President at Los Angeles County Fire Fighters.

Dave Gillotte

Fire Captain / Union President at Los Angeles County Fire Fighters Dave Gilotte, who is also a 25-year veteran fire fighter, gave his testimony at the Los Angelas California Board of Supervisors meeting in 2016.

In fact, it’s important to note that firefighter groups in the United States have long opposed cell towers on their stations. Not only that, but in California they have been able to be exempt from the forced placement of towers on their stations because of the strong opposition they have due to health concerns from the radiation.

This wasn’t even a 5G tower, which is what we are heading for next.

Dr. Gunnar Heuser lead brain studies on firefighters following a cell tower installation on their fire station and found that their brains were all abnormal. His SPECT brain study in 2004 focused on firefighters who complained of neurological problems following a cell tower installation at their fire station beforehand. The symptoms they experienced were: headaches, memory problems, sleeping problems, depression, and anxiety.

Dr. Heuser published a study recently on fMRI showing abnormalities in EHS similar to brain injury. Original study published in July 2017, without the controls, full text: Corrigendum to the study, which includes fMRI scans of the controls (non- EHS)

Below is a video of the hearing mentioned above.

By Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution.com (excerpt)
you can tell the trolls are mossad/cia on this site because they just deleted my experiences with the tracking abilities of these satanic covert agencies (well I was able to post by editing this time)

My CIA informant/mossad demon brother, tito anthony torres, planted nano transmitters in my neck while I was sleeping back in 2014. Before that they had planted transmitters on my clothes and backpack. This was in a period they were actively tried to eliminate me. But for some reason after they planeted nano transmitters, they ceased to immediately eliminate me, but are now progressively poisoning me with nano mrsa in food, water and in the air of the condo.

Throughout the day I hers these subtle electronic beeps.they can tell where I am, when I am awake and when i meditate. Whenever I begin to meditate, they immediately “beep” me. So it is clear they can discern ones mental states.

Jesse Ventura: Targeted Individuals - Are You A Target? Voice of God Weapon, Synthetic Telepathy, Cybernetic Hive Mind
There are people who claim our government is targeted them. Some think spree shooters are triggered by technical situations such as the weapon the voice of God.

Jesse Ventura is the former Independent Governor of Minnesota. He is also a former U.S. Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, movie actor, and a visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

He is currently the host and executive producer of TruTV’s Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. He has a reputation as the ultimate non-partisan truth-seeker; he has no qualms about questioning authority.

with the 5G microwave system, communication with the top of the pyramid will be instantaneous with the lowest demon under the Rothschild control. The Rothschild control the elite and they control the addicts on the street. But there is a time lag now between when orders from the top are given and when the murders on the street receive their assignments. With 5G the order will be receive immediately.
This along with the black magic propelling prez dumpf, assassination will become more common of anyone who see through this black magic.


5G, IoT, A.I. Surveillance and Smart Cities = Enslaved Citizens

People who have a modern smartphone normally think of 5G as nothing more than a progression from 3G and 4G. Offering fewer dropped calls, faster data transfer, and more convenience. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology.

This thinking barely scratches the surface. There must be a greater reason why CEOs of major cellular carriers are breaking their necks to railroad the fastest implementation in history of a new communication standard.

This reason has little to do with your personal cellphone and everything to do with the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) where all electronic devices will be connected together in real-time. Collectively, the IoT is the core technology used to implement Smart City makeovers.

“Real time” is a magical tech term. 5G is at least one order of magnitude faster than anything before it. It is comparable to everything being connected directly by fiber-optic cable where as soon as you touch the send key, your data transmission is received at the other end, faster than a blink of your eye.

Let’s do some math. 4G can transfer data at 100,000,000 bits per second (which is 10 megabits per second). That’s really fast!

However, 5G blows out the same data at 10,000,000,000 bits per second, or 10 Gbps (Gigabits per second). This is 100 times faster than 4G. Secondly, 4G has a typical “ping” factor between 10ms and 50ms (milliseconds) that measures the time needed in order to send a single packet of information. 5G drops that time to 1ms.

In spite of the cutthroat American race between wireless providers like AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, China has declared that it intends to emerge as the global leader on 5G rollout to its own 1.4 billion citizens. China is also mass-producing the technology to sell to the rest of the world.

In the U.S., 5G is being heavily promoted by the Trump Administration. The Federal Communications Commission issued a ruling in September that blocks cities from charging higher fees for installing 5G infrastructure. Loud protests have been registered from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Association of Counties, the National Governors Association and the Nation Conference of State Legislatures.

Why? Because the FCC’s actions are unconstitutional and cities are being stripped of the little sovereignty they have left. Thus far, the FCC is undeterred in its position.

Smart City technology is brought to us exclusively by Big Tech corporations in the name of Technocracy and Sustainable Development.

With the advent of sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs, massive amounts of data collected from sensors of all types can be analyzed in real-time, displaying the results in a multi-dimensional model.

What are sensors? Cameras, microphones, self-driving vehicles, license-plate readers, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, Smart Meters and all connected devices in Smart Homes.

Thanks to real-time connections between autonomous vehicles, road censors and central computers equipped with AI, they will be able to navigate any and all roadways with authority and impunity. They will also inform on you every inch of the way.

In China, where all of this massive surveillance is weaponized against civilians, Technocrats have implemented a Social Credit Score assigned by algorithm, to all 1.4 billion inhabitants.

By 2020, China intends to have 600 million facial recognition cameras installed, or about one camera for every 4 citizens. All of them will transmit their images in real-time to central computers running sophisticated AI programs.

Each person in the big-data database will have their personal data pulled from every conceivable location in the nation. By the time that they know who you are, what you are, what you do, what you think and what you intend to do, their AI algorithms will calculate and assign to you a Social Credit Score that will limit or expand whatever privileges you will have from that time on.

The Social Credit Score system is coming to America as well, unless we somehow convince our own officials that this is a horrible idea that will utterly destroy the American dream.

Nothing has changed in the 85 years since Technocracy, Inc. defined its original mission in 1938:

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.

Scoffers may argue that history does not mean anything and there is no relevance to modern times. If they understood history, they would not say such a thing.

For instance, consider ‘ride-sharing’ schemes where nobody owns a vehicle and everyone shares a common pool of community owned autos. This idea is not new. Technocrats had it in their sights as early as 1934:

The Automotive Branch of Transportation would provide a network of garages at convenient places all over the country from which automobiles could be had at any hour of the night or day. No automobiles would be privately owned.

When one wished to use an automobile he would merely call the garage, present his driver’s license, and a car of the type needed would be assigned to him. ‘When he was through with the car, he would return it either to the same garage or to any other garage that happened to be convenient, and surrender his Energy Certificates in payment for the cost incurred while he was using it.

I will suggest that the modern world cannot be even remotely understood except in terms of Technocracy and its inevitable outcome: Scientific Dictatorship. Every major meme in global geo-politics, economics and globalization, devolution of national sovereignty, etc., is dancing to the Technocrat drumbeat.

As to today, 5G is about to deliver the ultimate tool for total control over Americans, and it has nothing to do with your cell phones getting a speed upgrade.

Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order is available on Amazon.com
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you might look at this video ,it cover most of the points of contention.

I watched this hour video and will summarize .

5 G is a military weapon right now. it will blanket theentirecoubtryand world with hugh energy micowaves
insurance companies will not insure the telecommunication companies deploying 5G because %G is flat out deadly to life forms.

5G affects the human DNA but it is even more destructive to the DNA of microbatceria . the human body is made up of 1%human DNA and 99% microbaterial DNA.the human system could not live without bacteria in the body.

the chemtrails have coated the world wth nano particulate. everyone's body has these particulates in them now. the 5G system would allow the government to track every person because these particulates would glow phosphorescent.

nano particles can interfere with your dna receiving biological signals

1000's of peer reviewed studies have show that EMFs/5G can cause adverse health affects:
cancer,oxidative damage,DN damage,DNA failure,dizness,anxiety,brain fog,headaches,nose bleeds,cognition problems,exhaustion,cardiopathology, short and long term memory loss,lower reaction times,involuntary of muscle cusing misalignment of spine and jaw,breast cancer I women with noDNA disposition,disurpted immune functioning,change in stress protiens,reproductive and fertility affects, irreparable damage to sperm,gliobastoma,increse in all neuro transmitter diseases,ALS,alsheimers disease,parkinsons disease

EMFs damages ovaries in embryos,damage will show up in grandchildren and by the 5th generation all will be sterile.
5 G is musted in crowd dispersion weapon. these have been used inengaln to dispense atni nuclear bomd protestore and against catholic protestors in northern Ireland.

LED street lights can casue nose bleeds and can be tied into 5G technology to
penetrate your home through concrete

5G wa first used in ww11 by the germans for radar. these Nazis war criminals in some cases were brought to the US by the CIA illegally and started working on these technologies here.

cell phones start to work a .oooooooo2 micro watts/centimeter squared.
at .05children have head aches and learning problems

at.01 extreme concentration problems
at1.0 sperm fragmentation
at 2.5 calcium absorbtion intered with by muscles inthe heart
6.0 DNA damage in cells
7.9 smart meters
9.5 standard in Russia poland china
19.8 smart meters in apartment complex
600-1000 microwatts per centimeter US Canada standard
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Microwave Radiation Warfare - 5G Apocalypse Killer: Stop Everything You're Doing, You Might Wanna Watch This Video Right Away..!

I thought in late 90′s that 2.4 Ghz was dangerous. I guess now we’re f*cked.

5G "Extinction Level" Slow Kill by Microwave Experiment Has Begun in These American Cities!! See if Your Community on the Early Rollout Schedule!!

Imagine an industry that can basically say they can fry all living things with microwaves… and you can see the legal f*ckery that must have happened at some level to roll out a technology that has such widespread repercussions… WITHOUT PROPER EXPERIMENTATION ON THE HEALTH EFFECTS AND PLANETARY EFFECTS. What about the bees? Do we need them for our food or what???
People… most do not realize what the health implications are, for what is literally, “living in a microwave”… 24/7… nor have they thought about, if the food is microwaved 24/7 by 5G technologies!!
Yikes, where is everybody on this issue???
It is an extinction level event for sure, if people do not respond with hearts and heads.
Creator gifted us all with brains and hearts… why don’t we use them to make a better world?
Let’s do it!
Let’s not watch each other die in a microwaved environment, while shaking our heads than some one shoulda helped.

Hundreds of Birds Dead During 5G Experiment in The Hague, Netherlands
About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along.

However, when about 150 more suddenly died — bringing the death toll to 297 — some started to take notice.
And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station.
And harm happened, indeed. Immediately afterward, birds fell dead from the trees. And the nearby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal.
“If they all got heart-failure with an healthy body, no signs of any virus, no bacterial infection, healthy blood, no poisons found etc. etc. The only reasonable explanation is, that it is from the new 5G Microwaves having an huge effect of all birds hearts! … It heavily resonates with certain ERRATIC PULSED Microwaves (millions per second!) which can be proven to have biological effects on organs! … Am not kidding here! …
“Some people assume Microwaves at lower wattage “can not harm” because “it does not cook you” … that very flawed “logic” is what they want you to repeat over and over! … Search in “Google Scholar Search Site”: Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Microwaves and be ready to be shocked how stupid most sheeple really are in believing blindly the so called “experts” & ” authorities” of FCC, Telecom & Wireless Industry propaganda!” — John Kuhles, founder of Fb.com/groups/Stop5G & Fb.me/Stop5G owner of Stop5G.net
This wasn’t proof though. It was initially just conjecture…Continue article here
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Former Nat’l Security Director Says 5G is “Terrifying”: “Previously Unthinkable Surveillance Potential

The New Yorker published an article yesterday – “The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network.”

In 2018, Robert Spalding’s job as senior director for strategic planning at the National Security Council included studying ways to insure that 5G can be made secure from cyberattacks. He seemed more than qualified for the job.

In his interview with The New Yorker, he provides intricate details of why we should all be freaking out over 5G regardless of who installs it. His warnings also go beyond cybersecurity risks:

“What is existential to democracy is allowing totalitarian regimes — or any government — full knowledge of everything you do at all times,” he said. “Because the tendency is always going to be to want to regulate how you think, how you act, what you do.”

More from Spalding:

“I wasn’t looking at this from a policy perspective,” he said. “It was about the physics, about what was possible.”

Even before the introduction of 5G networks, hackers have breached the control center of a municipal dam system, stopped an Internet-connected car as it travelled down an interstate, and sabotaged home appliances.

Ransomware, malware, crypto-jacking, identity theft, and data breaches have become so common that more Americans are afraid of cybercrime than they are of becoming a victim of violent crime.

Uh-huh. This has been reported many times before by many sources.

Adding more devices to the online universe is destined to create more opportunities for disruption.

“5G is not just for refrigerators,” Spalding said. “It’s farm implements, it’s airplanes, it’s all kinds of different things that can actually kill people or that allow someone to reach into the network and direct those things to do what they want them to do. It’s a completely different threat that we’ve never experienced before.”

So the “Race for 5G” is for “all kinds of different things that can actually kill people” and Spalding isn’t the only one to say so. Fabulous.

“It was meant to be a nationwide network,” Spalding told me, not a nationalized one. “They could build this network and then sell bandwidth to their retail customers. That was one idea, but it was never that the government would own the network. It was always about, How do we get industry to actually secure the system?”

Many other articles and at least one book have been written about how the American government and telecom regulators seem to have no right to ask the Telecom Industry to do much of anything. Telecom expert, Bruce Kushnick has written A LOT about that.

Even before Spalding began working on his report, the telecom companies were rolling out what they were calling their new 5G services in test markets around the country.

Many Americans (and British people) have been fighting this in their communities.

Last summer, New Yorkers reported becoming sick after 5G was installed. Their pets were sick too. Some were putting their homes up for sale. Last year, the first 5G court case was won in England but not after it had been installed, people became sick, and some women delivered stillborn babies.

As the Clemson University professor Thomas Hazlett told me, “This is just the transitional part. You have various experiments, you do trial in the market, and various deployments take place that lay a pathway to something that will be truly distinguishable from the old systems.”

It sounds like Professor Hazlett is saying that telecom companies are allowed to perform various experiments on the American people – regardless of the risks. Unfortunately, experiments on the American people aren’t new and the apologies always seem to be too little, too late.

In the meantime, the carriers jockeyed for position. A lawsuit brought by Sprint and T-Mobile, which was settled on Monday, claimed that A.T. & T.’s 5GE service, where “E” stands for “evolution,” was just 4G by another name.

Just part of the experiment…

Spalding describes more greed-driven behavior by the Telecom Industry and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai, which seems to have led to Spalding being canned from his job. The “Race for 5G” then continued without his interference.

Huawei, a Chinese manufacturer, is currently the global leader in 5G technology and has been accused by many sources of being a conduit to Chinese intelligence.

In an op-ed in the Washington Post, the Republican senators Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, and John Cornyn, of Texas, characterized the company, which is funded with subsidies from the Chinese government, as a Trojan horse that could “give China effective control of the digital commanding heights.” […]

The Times of London reported that the C.I.A. has evidence that Huawei has taken money from the P.L.A., as well as from branches of the Chinese intelligence service. Australia, Japan, and New Zealand have joined with the United States in banning Huawei hardware from their networks. So far, though, the Trump Administration’s campaign to shut out Huawei is finding limited traction.

Freaking out yet?

Huawei equipment is cheaper than its Western rivals and, in the estimation of researchers at the Defensive Innovation Board (DIB), which advises the Secretary of Defense on new technologies, in many cases, it is superior.

I feel sick. Regardless, banning Huawei won’t secure the networks anyway.

Even in the absence of Huawei equipment, systems still may rely on software developed in China, and software can be reprogrammed remotely by malicious actors. And every device connected to the fifth-generation Internet will likely remain susceptible to hacking.

FCC chairman Ajit Pai recently announced that the commission will block another Chinese company, China Telecom, from operating in the U.S. due to security concerns.

Even so, the “Race for 5G” is still on despite the fact that it “can actually kill people.” That’s because the FCC and seemingly even Trump are still determined to win this insane race even while The FCC is being investigated for collusion with the Telecom Industry and lawsuits have also been filed against them regarding forced 5G installation.

In October, Trump signed a memorandum on “Developing a Sustainable Spectrum Strategy for America’s Future.” A few weeks later, the F.C.C. auctioned off new swaths of the electromagnetic radio spectrum.

(There was another auction last month, with more scheduled for later this year.) Opening up new spectrum is crucial to achieving the super-fast speeds promised by 5G.

The New Yorker finally mentions worldwide opposition due to health risks from 5G.

Deploying millions of wireless relays so close to one another and, therefore, to our bodies has elicited its own concerns.

Two years ago, a hundred and eighty scientists and doctors from thirty-six countries appealed to the European Union for a moratorium on 5G adoption until the effects of the expected increase in low-level radiation were studied.

In February, Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, took both the F.C.C. and F.D.A. to task for pushing ahead with 5G without assessing its health risks. “We’re kind of flying blind here,” he concluded.

Flying deaf, dumb, blind and sweaty! There’s research that has proven 5G is harmful.

There’s also that previously “unthinkable surveillance potential” offered by 5G:

A system built on millions of cell relays, antennas, and sensors also offers previously unthinkable surveillance potential. Telecom companies already sell location data to marketers, and law enforcement has used similar data to track protesters.

5G will catalogue exactly where someone has come from, where they are going, and what they are doing.

Paired with facial recognition and artificial intelligence, the data streams and location capabilities of 5G will make anonymity a historical artifact.

In China, which has installed three hundred and fifty thousand 5G relays — about ten times more than the United States — enhanced geolocation, coupled with an expansive network of surveillance cameras, each equipped with facial-recognition technology, has enabled authorities to track and subordinate the country’s eleven million Uighur Muslims.

According to the Times, “the practice makes China a pioneer in applying next-generation technology to watch its people, potentially ushering in a new era of automated racism.”

So anywhere 5G is installed, automated racism is possible. Wow – as if systemic and institutional racism isn’t enough.

Concerned yet? The U.S. Day of Action Against 5G is on May 15
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Killing Birds by 5G and HAARP!

Carol Duff, MSN, BA, RN -

May 15, 2019 0

By Enkidu Gilgamesh

  1. Life & Radiation
  2. Made to kill birds?
  3. Geoengineering, the ultimate!
  4. 5G as DEW of mass control!
  5. Conclusions
  6. Further Research

1. Life & Radiation
All living creatures have to emit and absorb electromagnetic waves of a specific spectrum. But there are limits for the energy intensity.
Too little results in deficiency, starvation, disease and death.
Too much leads too injuries and sudden death.
Energy is a source of life, but can be turned into a weapon of targeted mass killing.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed8DBXMKayk]

The use of the spectrum of energy has a similarity with the sonar waves, which various whales use for communication or paralyzing and killing of their prey.
Very intensive military sonar causes death and damage of these mammals by destroying the specific tissue of their biological sonar system.
Video of Military Killing Marine Life
2. Made to kill birds?
Parallel to the mass stranding and death of sea mammals, we can observe mass death of birds and bats by …

  • wind-turbines,
  • solar thermal power plants,
  • solar panels, grabbing the space for food,
  • Geoengineering-HAARP radiation.
We are all informed about that. It is not a secret, but the whole gigantic complex of communications and climate engineering industries propagate their deadly implementations as measures for “protection of the climate and the biodiversity“.
How psychopathic must these people be to sell their mass killing as “protection” of anything?
How dumbified must their victims be, buying these distracting lies?
5G demonstrates its power by mass killing of birds, but why is the health and environment impact of 5G is not researched?
Is 5G a tool of human made evolution, which is used to decide who is “fit to survive”?
From the perspective of the Geoengineering gang the answer is very simple, all living creatures have to “adapt to climate change” by 5G or die.
If “some birds” fall dead from the skies, than they are “not fit enough for the climate controlled environment“.
Like many mammals learned to live in the ocean, when the continent Antarctica become cold, now all living creatures have to adapt to Geoengineering as fast as possible. Some generations may suffer heavily but some will survive! All have the same chance! No one is excluded from this competition!
‘Telecom Industry Did No Research on Health Impacts of 5G’By Prof. Paul Heroux and Akshit Sangomla,
Global Research, April 05, 2019, Down To Earth 27 March 2019
Paul Heroux: All artificial electromagnetic radiation is a problem because biological systems are not adapted to it.
Technology is quite literally destroying nature, with a new report further confirming that electromagnetic radiation from power lines and cell towers can disorientate birds and insects and destroy plant health. The paper warns that as nations switch to 5G this threat could increase.
In the new analysis, EKLIPSE, an EU-funded review body dedicated to policy that may impact biodiversity and the ecosystem, looked over 97 studies on how electromagnetic radiation may affect the environment. It concluded this radiation could indeed pose a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and plant health, The Telegraph reported.
This is not a new finding, as studies dating back for years have come to the same conclusion. In fact, one study from 2010 even suggested that this electromagnetic radiation may be playing a role in the decline of certain animal and insect populations. The radio waves can disrupt the magnetic “compass” that many migrating birds and insects use. The creatures may become disorientated, AFP reported.
Weak Broadband Electromagnetic Fields are More Disruptive to Magnetic Compass Orientation in a Night-Migratory Songbird (Erithacus rubecula) than Strong Narrow-Band Fields
Susanne Schwarze1,2, Nils-Lasse Schneider1,2, Thomas Reichl1,2, David Dreyer1,2, Nele Lefeldt1,2, Svenja Engels1,2, Neville Baker3, P. J. Hore3 and Henrik Mouritsen1,2*

  1. Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
  2. Research Centre for Neurosensory Sciences, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
  3. Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, UK
Magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds is embedded in the visual system and seems to be based on a light-dependent radical pair mechanism. Recent findings suggest that both broadband electromagnetic fields ranging from ~2 kHz to ~9 MHz and narrow-band fields at the so-called Larmor frequency for a free electron in the Earth’s magnetic field can disrupt this mechanism.
3. Geoengineering, the ultimate!
Geoengineering is the ultimate tool of exploration and processing of the main global resources energy and water, but it is also the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
Intelligence is the causal connection of evidence by complete knowledge. Therefore we need to collect all openly available evidence about Geoengineering on the layers of our planet Earth and connect this with fundamental knowledge of physics, meteorology, chemistry, biology and engineering. What we also need is psychology and methods of fraud.
Geoengineering is applied in the …

It is not a coincidence, that with the breakdown of the statehood of Somalia under the pretext of a fake revolution, also bird killing radiation came to attention.
FlashForward 1.03-Southern Somali 1991-Dead Crows
The same mass bird death can be observed under the first implementations of 5G!
4. 5G as DEW of mass control!
Please read the following article. I will quote some paragraphs and the embedded youtube video here.
5G Will Use the Same Frequencies as Pain-Inflicting Military Weapon
The Millennium Report December 31, 2018
What does the 5G network and a non-lethal weapon developed by the military have in common? The Department of Defense has developed a non-lethal crowd control device called the Active Denial System (ADS). The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz waves at a target—that is, millimeter wavelengths. Anyone caught in the beam will feel like their skin is burning. The burning sensation stops once the target leaves the beam. This weapon operates on 95GHz waves and 5G will operate on the same frequencies.
“Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. However, 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, …
Millimeter waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems.
See the video below for the 5G frequency weapon in action:” [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAZXnSsFIow]
Non-Lethal Weapons Program, U.S. Department of Defense
Active Denial System FAQs

Q1. Why do we need this technology?A1.The Active Denial System is needed because it’s the first non-lethal, directed-energy, counter-personnel system with an extended range greater than currently fielded non-lethal weapons. Most counter-personnel non-lethal weapons use kinetic energy (rubber rounds, bean bags, etc.). A kinetic-based system has a higher risk of human injury, and its effectiveness varies in relation to the size, age and gender of the target. The Active Denial System, however, is consistently effective regardless of size, age and gender and has a range greater than small-arms range. The Active Denial System will provide military personnel with a non-lethal weapon that has the same effect on all human targets.
5G will be the platform for tomorrow’s smart cities
This trend is compounded by the effects of climate change: Even as urban populations swell, cities must find ways to reduce resource consumption and mitigate carbon emissions. At the same time, changing rain patterns are redefining urban stormwater management. In New York City this summer, torrential downpours have frequently overwhelmed drains, roads and transit systems. Conversely, cities in Sweden are experiencing one of the driest seasons in decades. As precipitation seems to continue to come down in shorter, more concentrated bursts, droughts and flooding are becoming increasing concerns. Real-time telemetry is arguably the most powerful tool a city has to respond to these challenges, but a scalable sensor network demands a stronger, more reliable platform for cellular connectivity. That’s where 5G comes in.
IoT sensors will monitor everything from air quality, to energy use, to traffic patterns. This technology will enable everything from smart parking, to crowd management, to emergency response. Since many of these devices will be embedded in difficult to reach, often dangerous locations, wireless connectivity will be key in enabling flexible design and on-the-fly reconfiguration.
“With the emerging 5G network and the internet of things, it is possible to deploy technology in ways that protect the environment and promote long-term sustainability.”
5. Conclusions

  • 5G technology is implemented without research on health and environment!
  • 5G frequencies are used as weapons of crowd control.
  • 5G & IoT will be used to control all resources of Earth.
  • 5G & will be used to control the people.
  • 5G & IoT will be used for climate control.
  • 5G & IoT are a component of Geoengineering.
6. Further Research
On this blog you will find other articles which touch the same topic from other perspectives. Some have been linked within the above text. A few will be listed here:
EMF health impact! | Global sensoric climate control! Social scoring!
How hurricanes are made with high frequency radiation!
Resistance against 5G in Switzerland with many documentaries.
by Arthur Firstenberg
The single most important fact about 5G that nobody is talking about is called “phased array.” It will totally change the way cell towers and cell phones are constructed and will transform the blanket of radiation which has enveloped our world for two decades into a million powerful beams whizzing by us at all times.
Dr. Martin Pall, Ph.D.: Electromagnetic Field Exposure – The Cellular Effect on Humans
Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression.
Pall ML1.
Low intensity microwave EMFs have been proposed to produce neuropsychiatric effects, sometimes called microwave syndrome, and the focus of this review is whether these are indeed well documented and consistent with the known mechanism(s) of action of such EMFs. VGCCs occur in very high densities throughout the nervous system and have near universal roles in release of neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones. Soviet and Western literature shows that much of the impact of non-thermal microwave exposures in experimental animals occurs in the brain and peripheral nervous system, such that nervous system histology and function show diverse and substantial changes.
A specific article about DEW will follow.
Thanks to my friend @Mi for brainstorming. She inspired, required it and also supplied external resources.
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Hundreds of Respected Scientists Sound the Alarm About Health Effects of 5G

Even though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have on the gene..

Even though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have on the general population, Verizon and AT&T are starting to put up their 5G networks in major cities all across the nation.

Today, the total number of cell phones exceeds the entire population of the world, and the big cell phone companies are making a crazy amount of money providing service to all of those phones.

And now that the next generation of cell phone technology has arrived, millions of cell phone users are looking forward to better connections and faster speeds than ever before.

In fact, President Trump says that 5G networks will be up to 100 times faster than the current 4G networks that we are using right now:

5G will be as much as 100 times faster than the current 4G cellular networks. It will transform the way our citizens work, learn, communicate, and travel.

It will make American farms more productive, American manufacturing more competitive, and American healthcare better and more accessible. Basically, it covers almost everything, when you get right down to it. Pretty amazing.

And just as 4G networks paved the way for smartphones and all of the exciting breakthroughs — they made possible so many things — this will be more secure and resilient.

5G networks will also create astonishing and really thrilling new opportunities for our people — opportunities that we’ve never even thought we had a possibility of looking at.

Sounds great, right?

But in order to achieve such vastly superior performance, 5G networks will use technology that is completely different from 4G networks.

5G waves are “ultra high frequency” and “ultra high intensity”, but they are also easily absorbed by objects such as buildings and trees.

So although cell towers will be much, much smaller, but they will also have to be much, much closer together than before.

According to CBS News, it is estimated that the big cell phone companies will be putting up at least 300,000 of these small towers, and it has been projected that it will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to fully set up the 5G network nationwide.

Needless to say, there is a tremendous amount of money at stake, and the big cell phone companies are trying very hard to assure everyone that 5G technology is completely safe.

But is it?

Today, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that indicates that the electromagnetic radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with is not good for us.

Hundreds of scientists that are engaged in research in this area have signed the “International EMF Scientist Appeal”, and this is how that document begins…

We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Based upon peer-reviewed, published research, we have serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices.

These include – but are not limited to – radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitting devices, such as cellular and cordless phones and their base stations, Wi-Fi, broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors as well as electric devices and infra-structures used in the delivery of electricity that generate extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF).

In the next paragraph, we are told that “cancer risk”, “genetic damages”, “functional changes of the reproductive system”, and “neurological disorders” are some of the health risks that have been discovered by the scientific research that has been conducted so far…

Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.

Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.

Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.

And remember, 5G technology is going to take all of this to an entirely new level.

Because the 5G towers are going to be so powerful and so close together, it will essentially be like living in a closed radiation chamber 24 hours a day.

Over in Israel, one scientist has discovered that the surface of the human body actually draws in 5G radiation “like an antenna”:

What’s further disturbing about 5G radiation is how the human body responds to and processes it.

Dr. Ben-Ishai from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem discovered as part of a recent investigation that human skin acts as a type of receptor for 5G radiation, drawing it in like an antenna.

“This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes,” writes Arjun Walia for Collective Evolution about the study.

“… human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology,” he adds.

In other words, our bodies are essentially magnets for 5G radiation.

Read: The Millimeter Waves Used by 5G Will Be Highly Absorbed by the Skin

So will it be worth it?

Will you be willing to risk your life in order to have better connections and faster speeds?

Sure, your phone will be more useful than ever before, but there is also the possibility that you could get cancer. Even the American Cancer Society acknowledges the risk:

A recent large study by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) exposed large groups of lab rats and mice to RF energy over their entire bodies for about 9 hours a day, starting before birth and continuing for up to 2 years (which is the equivalent of about 70 years for humans, according to NTP scientists).

The study found an increased risk of tumors called malignant schwannomas of the heart in male rats exposed to RF radiation, as well as possible increased risks of certain types of tumors in the brain and adrenal glands.

Of course all previous studies have been done on existing cell phone technology.

No studies have been done on the health effects of our new ultra-powerful 5G technology, and this has many scientists extremely concerned.

Dr. Martin Pall, a PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, says that rolling out 5G without any safety testing whatsoever “has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”.

Unfortunately, there is no organized opposition and 5G networks are going up all over the country right now.

So it won’t be too long before you are being bombarded by “ultra high frequency” and “ultra high intensity” cell phone radiation wherever you go, and most people won’t even realize what is happening.

And if you do get sick, the cell phone companies sure aren’t going to pay the bill.

By Michael Snyder - a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared Now, The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

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US Government Has Known About the Serious Adverse Health Effects Associated With 5G Decades, Hid the Scientific Research Reports From the Public

Saturday, June 8, 2019 12:46

U.S. Navy Research Report
Documented Numerous
Radio-frequency and
Microwave Radiation
Health Hazards
in 1972

State of the Nation
What can say: “The government lied, and LOTs of people died.”

That’s exactly where this nation is right now given the exceedingly dangerous and patently unlawful military deployment of 5G in all 50 states.
How do we know this to be a scientific fact and indisputable truth?
Because the U.S. Federal Government has been in possession of hard scientific research studies that conclusively proved numerous medical ailments and health conditions caused by the exposure to microwave and radio-frequency radiation.


This is precisely why the government has repeatedly refused to conduct the statutorily mandated health and safety studies on 5G—the Fifth Generation Cellular Network Technology. The authorities already know how hazardous and harmful 5G is. Which is why an Historic Class Action Was Lawsuit Filed Against the FCC by Municipalities Across the USA.
NMRI Research Report

What follows is an official research report published by the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) 0n April 20, 1972 that clearly documents the “Health Hazards” and “Electromagnetic Radiation Injury” caused by “Microwave and Radio-frequency Radiation”.
Now the American people will know why the nationwide 5G roll-out is as dangerous as it is illegal. The government has no right to harm or kill, injure or main, sicken or afflict, paralyze or incapacitate the citizenry.
Governmental conduct that produces these extreme consequences to the populace profoundly violates the public trust between the governed and the government. Furthermore, such malfeasance and misconduct irrevocably breaks the social contract between We the People and the U.S. Federal Government. The sacred covenant between the U.S citizenry and it’s government has, essentially, been rent asunder.

One can only imagine that the 2000 scientific research references which were utilized to form the basis of this report in 1972 has since grown to 20,000 or even 200,000 in 2019, 47 years later.

Perhaps this is why the Government-Corporate Complex has foisted the 5G roll-out on the country without any of the required research; they already possess the irrefutable and quite damning evidence.
Please know that SOTN was not happy when we read this report; for it confirms our worst suspicions about the ongoing MILITARY DEPLOYMENT OF 5G. As follows:
5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)

The skeleton of this undeniable government-corporate conspiracy to harm the American people is fleshed out in the exposés posted below:
They’re totally lying about the 5G roll-out!

5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!

5G ROLL-OUT is an Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People

5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium

ULTRA-SOS: 5G Roll-out Seriously Endangers Every Person on Planet Earth

5Ggate: The Greatest Criminal Conspiracy in U.S. History

Wireless Radiation: Stop the 5G Network on Earth and in Space, Devastating Impacts on Health and the Environment

5Ggate evidence

The screenshots that follow were taken directly from the aforementioned NMRI research report. The concerned reader is highly encouraged to read pages 7 through 11 posted below.
For a more comprehensive listing of report citations, please click on the original link at http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Navy-Medical-Research-Institute-Military-Microwave-Radiowave-Report.pdf.
Now many will come to understand why it’s so important that:
The 5G roll-out must be terminated,
before it terminates US.

State of the Nation
June 8, 2019
N.B. Anyone who doubt the existence of the 5Ggate scandal is invited to read this bombshell report. 5Ggate: A Political and Financial Scandal of Epic Proportions

Continue reading at: http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Navy-Medical-Research-Institute-Military-Microwave-Radiowave-Report.pdf.

5G: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against the FCC by Municipalities Across the USA

The screenshot posted below was taken from a class action lawsuit aimed at first slowing down and then vacating the FCC “order and declaratory ruling purporting to streamline the deployment of wireless facilities by pre-empting local government authority”.

It is critical for every U.S. citizen to understand that this illicit and highly consequential order by the FCC is wholly unprecedented.

It is also reckless to the extreme. Much more significantly, however, this FCC ruling represents a massive and complex criminal conspiracy that will seriously injure the American people.

That the FCC would blatantly attempt to unlawfully arrogate power unto itself to foist 5G on the entire nation represents the height of federal overreach and governmental hubris.

Such an illegal order is clearly a tyrannical move by the U.S. Federal Government to improperly impose the deployment of 5G on every city and county in the 50 states.

Not only is this usurpation of municipal authority completely unconstitutional, it’s a flagrant violation of various federal laws, state statutes, county codes and city ordinances.

There’s a HUGE back story to how the ongoing 5G roll-out even got started. It concerns the stealthy establishment of what’s known as the Government-Corporate Complex.

The only way that the out-of-control 5G juggernaut can be correctly understood is to become aware of how "The Government-Corporate Complex Took Complete Control Of The USA".

5G Crisis

It is quite shocking that the American people are now faced with an unparalleled public health disaster because of the patently unlawful deployment of the extremely dangerous Fifth Generation Cellular Network Technology nationwide.

How, pray tell, did this happen?

That’s simple: The IT, WiFi, Smartphone and Telecom Industries essentially took over the Federal Communications Commission, that’s how!

Once this coup was successful, the FCC was used to override and supersede any and every legal impediment that stood in the way of the seamless deployment of 5G across the USA.

The completely corrupted FCC was able to do this in spite of the fact that the 5G technology platform was not tested as required by law for the most basic safety concerns and human health risks.

Therefore, it’s indisputable that various federal statutes have been violated, ignored and flouted.

That such a national technology roll-out could even take place without first passing through the many levels of mandatory testing and approval is as inconceivable as it is insane.

Given how pervasive and profound the inevitable health consequences and environmental impacts of 5G truly are, there’s obviously an enormous government-corporate conspiracy at work.

Otherwise, this overwhelming juggernaut could never have made it this far with the 5G roll-out.

The 5G Back Story

What follows are just a few exposés posted by the website which flesh out the skeleton of the complex and convoluted conspiracy intent on doing great harm to the American people.

5G Termination Strategy

SOTN is not just another edgy Alt Media news website. Our team includes multiple strategists who formulate strategies to address real emergencies like 5G. Hence, there are often several agendas hidden in each of our featured posts.

Not only do we have many concerned members from the U.S. Intelligence Community contributing intel on a regular basis, we frequently receive radioactive info/data from government and corporate whistleblowers, deep insiders and well-positioned patriots.

With that said, it is the firm consensus of our network that this vital advocacy to shut down 5G can only be successful by employing the following time-tested strategy.

It’s entirely true that you can’t beat city hall; never could, never will. However, the statehouse can. So can the SCOTUS. And the POTUS.

In fact, the federal government can also make it very difficult for the states, the counties and the cities.

However, that game works both ways; the cities, counties and states can defy and make things very difficult for the Feds. So can the courts, as the country has witnessed activist judges undermining the President at every turn.

This same disruptive dynamic works with regard to the relationship between the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America.

While it’s clear that Washington can quickly chill a corporate enterprise with a single tariff or criminal prosecution, various corporate sectors can exert extraordinary influence on the government as well.

What’s the crucial point?

As the proverbial “David” in this epic war to prevent a 5G genocide, it’s the job of We the People to pit the various “Goliaths” (e.g. city, county, state, federal and corporate entities) against each other until a satisfactory outcome is achieved for the populace.

Only in this way, after “David” expertly slings his shot at the different “Goliaths” on the battlefield, can We the People be assured that they will be slain where it concerns this perilous 5G roll-out.

In other words, very smart citizens (the “Davids”) can aim their sling shots at each government and/or corporate entity (the “Goliaths”) that are the biggest players and serious stakeholders.

When those “Goliaths” that fall do get back up, they only see other “Goliaths” on the battlefield. In this fashion, we let them take each other down, and then out, as only they can do to each other.

The Class Action

For example, this historic class action lawsuit filed by numerous cities is a perfect illustration of this “David v. Goliath” strategy at work. It’s clearly a war between the cities and the FCC (or federal government).

(Order and declaratory ruling purporting to streamline the deployment of wireless facilities
by pre-empting local government authority)

The liberal-leaning cities are deathly afraid of this 5G deployment as the roll-out is hitting the largest metro areas first and fast.

The urban populations are now wise to the fact that 5G is much more dangerous than even the most graphic exposés have revealed such as the following video:

The beauty of this massive class action suit is that the involved cities are spread across the USA and provide legal coverage for much of the country.

Should a successful suit precipitate an injunction, for instance, an immediate “cease and desist” order will be issued to every Telecom corporation participating in this deadly conspiracy nationwide.

Some of the cities represented in this rapidly growing class action lawsuit


The FCC really ******* up with their dictatorial imposition of 5G.

Not only is the US government now vulnerable to countless costly lawsuits, every corporate co-conspirator is liable to immense financial damages.

In point of fact, the legal and monetary exposure associated with this misguided scheme are greater than any other in U.S. history.

When the 5G dominoes begin to fall, there will be so much financial devastation inflicted on the corporate criminals and legal liability assumed by the government corruptocrats that a sea change is inevitable.

That sea change will surely see the power taken from the government and put back into the hands of We the People.

13 Reasons 5G Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity

5G (5th Generation) is now being actively rolled out in many cities around the world.

Simultaneously, as awareness over its horrific health and privacy impacts is rising, many places are issuing moratoriums on it or banning it, such as the entire nation of Belgium, the city of Vaud (Switzerland) and San Francisco (USA).

Radiofrequency radiation (RF or RFR) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) are being increasingly recognized as new types of pollution – environmental pollution.

Here are 13 reasons exposing the 5G danger, which could turn into an unmitigated health and privacy catastrophe if enough people don’t rise up to stop it.

1. 5G Danger: Hijacking Your Sweat Duct Antennae

The 5G network uses and broadcasts frequencies which affect our sweat ducts, which act as antennae. In other words, our largest organ, the skin, can be influenced and manipulated by 5G.

As I reported in this the article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast, scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai exposed the connection between 5G and our body’s sweat ducts in this video:

“[The 5G frequencies] will zap [us] with wavelengths that will interact with the geometrical structure of our skin … We found that sweat ducts work like helical antennas … the sweat duct was an integral part of the mechanism for the absorption of energy, electromagnetic, between 75-100 GHz, and that if you changed the character of the sweat duct, i.e. made it work, you could actually change that absorption at some point, and if you could do that you could trace how a person is under stress.“

2. 5G Danger: 5G Amplifies EMF Damage via VGCCs

Wireless radiation and EMF scientist Dr. Martin Pall has done groundbreaking research in explaining exactly how EMFs cause premature aging and injury to the human body, including damage to fertility, brains, hearts and even DNA!

He pioneered research showing how EMFs activate the body’s VGCCs (Voltage-gated calcium channels) which causes them to release excess calcium ions into the cell.

This then leads to nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite and free radicals. Many studies like this show peroxynitrite damages DNA. Dr. Pall has stated unequivocallythat the “5G rollout is absolutely insane.”

3. 5G Danger: Pulsed Wave Far More Damaging than Continuous Wave Radiation

A significant and unique feature of Smart Meters is that they emit pulsed wave radiation not continuous wave radiation. In other words, they run in start-stop cycles of emitting a burst of EMF then going temporarily inactive.

This happens an incredibly high amount of times per day; court documents with testimony from utility companies (like Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California) reveal that smart meters send pulsed waves between 9,600 and 190,000 times per day!

In this 2018 video, Dr. Pall states there are 13 studies which show that pulsed wave EMFs are more active (and dangerous) than continuous wave EMFs. You can read the evidence here.

4. 5G Danger: 5G Promotes Deep EMF Penetration

The main reason why cell or mobile phones are more dangerous for children than adults (apart from the fact that radiation absorption is cumulative over a lifetime) is due to EMF penetration.

Dr. Pall writes:

“The industry has also made claims that more conventional microwave frequency EMFs are limited in effect to the outer 1 cm of the body. We know that is not true, however because of the effects deep in the human brain, on the heart and on hormone systems.

Perhaps the most important two studies demonstrating effects deep within the body are the studies of Professor Hässig and his colleagues in Switzerland on cataract formation in newborn calves.

These two studies clearly show that when pregnant cows are grazing near mobile phone base stations (also called cell phone towers), the calves are born with very greatly increased incidences of cataracts.”

Hässig wrote in his 2009 study:

“Of 253 calves, 79 (32%) had various degrees of nuclear cataract, but only 9 (3.6%) calves had severe nuclear cataract. Results demonstrate a relation between the location of veals calves with nuclear cataracts in the first trimester of gestation and the strength of antennas.

The number of antennas within 100 to 199 meters was associated with oxidative stress and there was an association between oxidative stress and the distance to the nearest MPBS (Mobile Phone Base Station).”

5. 5G Danger: 5G is a Weapons System Disguised as a Consumer Convenience

Mark Steele has been very outspoken against 5G and has now been widely interviewed, including by Project Camelot and also by Sacha Stone in his documentary 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event.

Steele claims that although widespread reports state that 5G is operating in the 24-100 GHz range, it is actually sub-gigahertz (meaning under the GHz threshold, so still measured in MHz).

He says 5G is a weapons system like long-range radar, phased array radar and directed energy (DEW was used in 9/11 and various fires like the Paradise fires). He claims that when you examine 5G hardware, it has a dielectric lens which is proof it is a weapons system.

Autonomous vehicles can use 5G to shine in mirrors of other drivers (which is so strong and damaging it is equivalent to assault). Mark talks about how 5G is powerful enough to kill babies in wombs. He states:

“5G is a weapons system, nothing more, nothing less. It’s got nothing to do with telecommunications for humans. 5G is a machine to machine connection for autonomous vehicles.”

6. 5G Danger: LA Firefighters Develop Ailments After Being Too Close to Towers

In this video a 25 year veteran firefighter from Los Angeles compares cell towers to cigarettes. He calls for a stop to the cell/mobile phone base stations being built on or near fire stations.

Firefighters are not the only ones suffering the effects; it was reported that hundreds of birds fell from the sky in the Netherlands during a 5G test.

7. 5G Danger: Same Frequencies as used for Crowd Dispersal

5G purportedly uses millimeter wave (MMW) frequencies, so called because the frequencies are so high (in the 24-100 GHz range). Since 1 GHz = 1 billion GHz, we are talking about frequencies with very very short wavelength (the distance between the peak of one wave and the next). The distances are so tiny they are measured in millimeters, hence the term millimeter wave.

These are the exact same frequencies used by the military for their non-lethal weapons such as Active Denial Systems for crowd dispersal. These weapons have the capacity to cause tremendous injury.

Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai said, “If you are unlucky enough to be standing there when it hits you, you will feel like your body is on fire.”

8. 5G Danger: Mutagenic (Causing DNA Damage) and Carcinogenic (Causing Cancer)?

The MMW frequencies of 5G cause mitochondrial DNA damage – which is then passed down generations. 5G is mutagenic. These mutations are inherited by the next generation!

This has grave implications for genetic purity. How many people are thinking about this when they can’t stop looking at their screens? This website lists many studies showing the mitochondrial damage that occurs after exposure to EMF radiation.

With mutagenesis usually comes carcinogenesis. In other words, once something is powerful and dangerous enough to cause DNA damage, chances are high it will lead to cancer. Mark Steele says 5G is a class 1 carcinogen, although the WHO (World Health Organization) very conservatively classifies cell phone towers as a class 2b possible carcinogen.

It’s important to note, however, that the WHO is an agency of the UN which was set up by the Rockefellers, an illustrious NWO Illuminati family who plan to use the UN as a vehicle to usher in a One World Government.

5G is being rushed out without the proper safety testing done, so we don’t have much data on how 5G specifically causes cancer, but there is an abundance of evidence showing how 2G, 3G and 4G EMFs are implicated in many kinds of cancer, including brain cancer. This website has a good collection of the many studies done.

9. 5G Danger: Phased Array Densification

5G requires significantly more transmitters or broadcasters than earlier generations. It is a plan of massive infrastructure creation, with stations, towers and bases planned to be put almost everywhere, including in the heart of residential neighborhoods. The effects of this kind of densification could be disastrous.

5G is powerful enough to 3D map the inside of your home and other buildings. Mark Steele specifically highlights the 868 MHz frequency, previously used for battlefield interrogations and which can travel with ease through bricks and concrete.

He claims this frequency can single out specific people … interesting given all the electronic harassment and gang stalking which occurs against TIs (Targeted Individuals).

5G infrastructure will consist of small phased array antennas shooting out radiation at their targets like a bullet. The rays of microwaves they produce will be strong enough to pass through walls and human bodies. We will be blanketed with this 24/7/365, and what’s worse, the coverage area is slated to be broader than the current 4G, eventually encompassing every square inch of Earth.

10. 5G Danger: Killing All the Insects?

Insects, birds and children are the most vulnerable to 5G due to their body size. Claire Edwards is a former UN staff editor who brought the EMF/5G issue to their attention of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. She stated in an anti-5G rally speech in Stockholm:

“It’s interesting to note that in the last 20 years we have lost 80% of our insects. And if we get 5G, we’re going to lose 100% of our insects. When the insects go, we go too.”

Both insects and 5G need antennas: insects use them, among other things, in their sense of smell, while 5G uses them to propagate waves. Not surprisingly, insects are sensitive to 5G EMF waves; this recent study showed that insects exposed to 5G radiation experienced an increase in their body temperature.

“Studies have shown that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects. This phenomenon was not observed with 4G or WiFi.”

Meanwhile the study Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz concludes:

“Future wavelengths of the electromagnetic fields used for the wireless telecommunication systems will decrease and become comparable to the body size of insects and therefore, the absorption of RF-EMFs in insects is expected to increase.”

11. 5G Danger: Space-Based 5G

5G is planned to be an inescapable grid – with plans afoot to beam it down from space! This ties into the Space Fence agenda as I discussed in my article Space Fence: Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas. The organization International Appeal Stop 5G on Earth and in Space writes:

“At least five companies are proposing to provide 5G from space from a combined 20,000 satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit that will blanket the Earth with powerful, focused, steerable beams. Each satellite will emit millimetre waves with an effective radiated power of up to 5 million watts from thousands of antennas arranged in a phased array.”

It is vital to understand the bigger picture of the grand conspiracy here. All these disruptive and hazardous technologies – 5G, wi-fi, wireless radiation, HAARP, ionospheric heating, geoengineering, GMOs, etc. – are going to be woven into one giant integrated system of surveillance, command and control. Just as one small example, geoengineering involves the spraying of chemtrails loaded with metal particulates – which 5G can use.

12. 5G Danger: Re-Radiation Inside the Body

Way back in 2002, RF researcher Arthur Firstenberg published an analysis of 5G long before the technology was approved. He explained how, due to 5G EM pulses being extremely short and delivered in bursts, they actually replicate inside the body – and end up creating tiny new 5G antennas internally. Firstenberg wrote:

“… when extremely short electromagnetic pulses enter the body, something else happens: the moving charges themselves become little antennas that re-radiate the electromagnetic field and send it deeper into the body …”

“These re-radiated waves are called Brillouin precursors … They become significant when either the power or the phase of the wave changes rapidly enough … This means that the reassurance we are being given – that these millimeter waves are too short to penetrate far into the body – is not true.”

This echoes a previous point made – that 5G penetration is a serious danger.

13. 5G Danger: Insurance Companies Refuse to Underwrite Big Wireless. What Do They Know?

Insurance companies (the most famous of which is Lloyds of London) have made headlines by refusing to insure Big Wireless (the telecommunication corporate conglomerate) against wi-fi and 5G-related illnesses and claims:

“Well, Lloyd’s November 2010 Risk Assessment Team’s Report gives us a solid clue: the report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was “inconclusive” and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer.

“Keep in mind that Lloyd’s Risk Assessment study of wi-fi was published over 8 [now 9 – Ed.] years ago. Even back then, however, their Risk Assessment Team was smart enough to realize that new evidence just might emerge showing that the various wi-fi frequencies do cause illness.”

Conclusion: 5G Grid Part of Larger Command, Control, Surveillance and AI Agenda

5G is qualitatively and quantitatively different to 4G. It is much more than just the next step up from 4G. 5G will not only beam tens to hundreds times more radiation than 4G, but the introduction of MMW technology means a whole new host of hazards. History repeats itself.

Just like it took some time for real science to catch up with tobacco/cigarettes, and just like it took some time for real science to catch up with the monstrosity that are GMOs (now rebranded as BioEngineered Foods), so too will real science catch up with 5G.

In the meantime, you can expect all sorts of junk science to be put forth to justify it, including misdirections and distractions like only focusing on the thermal effects of wireless (and ignoring the evidence of dangerous non-thermal effects).

Ultimately, 5G is part of the NWO agenda to set up a giant, inescapable command and control grid that eliminates all privacy and allows the manipulators to surveil every single person on the planet all the time. If there was ever a time for activists to step up in the name of freedom, truth, health, privacy and sovereignty, now is the time.

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