5th house and want of children

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Oct 29, 2011
I was curious to see what people thought about the 5th house and the want of children. Especially the effect the ruling sign has on it.

Personally, I have 5th house Sagittarius and I feel that I'd much rather adopt children than have some of my own (obviously I wouldn't physically have them, but you know what I mean):
Interesting! Moon rules my 5th...you'd think I'd desperately want children but nope! Never wanted kids...possibly because the Moon is in Virgo, a somewhat emotionally sterile sign. But lately things have changed. I always said I'd only have a baby if I was in love, which I am. My partner has 5th house ruled by the Moon, and his Sun is Cancer 5th house, and Moon Pisces, he has wanted to have children for a while now...it's nice I get to do this for him. Realistically we won't be able to try until he sells his apartment and we get our finances in order, and the way the market is today things aren't looking great...he can't seem to sell his apartment, hence why I've been kicked out as he renovates lol. Oh well, was hoping for a Capricorn baby but if we delay we my end up with a Cancer baby :love: Which would mean conception and birth will coincides with my Saturn return...the baby will have a freakin' Saturn in Scorpio like mama...unfortunate as it implies intimacy issues. Better give them lots of hugs :lol:
Interesting! Moon rules my 5th...you'd think I'd desperately want children but nope! Never wanted kids...possibly because the Moon is in Virgo, a somewhat emotionally sterile sign. But lately things have changed. I always said I'd only have a baby if I was in love, which I am. My partner has 5th house ruled by the Moon, and his Sun is Cancer 5th house, and Moon Pisces, he has wanted to have children for a while now...it's nice I get to do this for him. Realistically we won't be able to try until he sells his apartment and we get our finances in order, and the way the market is today things aren't looking great...he can't seem to sell his apartment, hence why I've been kicked out as he renovates lol. Oh well, was hoping for a Capricorn baby but if we delay we my end up with a Cancer baby :love: Which would mean conception and birth will coincides with my Saturn return...the baby will have a freakin' Saturn in Scorpio like mama...unfortunate as it implies intimacy issues. Better give them lots of hugs :lol:

You ought to try for a Scorpio baby, because that child will cleary be superior to all of his peers... :p
My 5th house is Pisces and I am indeed poetic, dreamy, romantic and compassionate. there are no planets within however the ruler, Neptune, is joined with Saturn in the 12th. Any thoughts on how the energy of the ruler gets 'transferred to affect the other house?
I have sun in scorpio, leo rising with sun/merc/venus/uranus and neptune in 5th. Jupiter is conjunct sun/merc and on edge of 4th/5th.

I have never really wanted children though I am good with them.

My fifth house cusp is scorpio if using placidus and sag if using whole sign.

For me I think the idea freaks me out rather than being comletely against it.
Also, I am thinking it is my capricorn moon square saturn/pluto in 4th that is giving me the fear of having children, rather than the 5th house placements (especially since they are so benign!)
Moon is urge to nurture, to have a nest of pips.
5th house is the creation of children, finding joy in their rearing.
Moon is more the emotional "need" to create, to do or create something that brings emotional comfort and pleasure. 5th house is where we have fun with it.
hilarous. i have my sun in 5th. cancer, no less. i don't like kids. never did, never will.
I've Jupiter in Leo ruling Pisces 5th. No planets tenanting. I don't really want kids, but I do quite like them, as long as I don't have to deal with them all the time.
5th house Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius - haaaa ok I'm not fond of sacrifices. Adoption might be ideal if I ever decided to raise a young sprout...but I need to raise myself and I don't think I'll ever get there - Peter Pan syndrome.

I'll adopt a kitten instead, lol. =^.^=
bittermoon ~
nothing hilarious about it.
sun in 5th is eternal child star.
"there can be only one"
they are not much interested in sharing stage.
the good news is that you realize it.
I have venus in taurus in 5th house and sometimes, I would just naturally attract kids. I don't know if that's exactly the effect of having that placement. But oftentimes, even when I'm just staring at a certain kid or baby, without having an intention of staring them at all, they would just stare at me back and smile :love: There are also times where I could feel that I really do attract them, and that is when I baby talk to them (oftentimes, in gibberish language), they would respond positvely, as if we understand each other. Hahaha. I miss kids!!
Cancer is on the cusp of my 5th house. The ruler of my 5th house, the Moon, is in Libra, in the 8th house.
I have Saturn in Leo, in the 5th house.

I have never had a burning desire to have children, and always knew that if I did have them, it would be much later in life.

I have always felt that children are a huge responsibility and I know that I would take that responsibility incredibly seriously (thank you Saturn!! Ah!).

However, there is a part of me that knows that if and when I have children they will help to release a hidden creativity within me... this is just an intuitive feeling I have, and perhaps it relates back to Saturn in Leo in that 5th house.

Lately, I have been thinking more and more about having children...but perhaps that is because I am getting to that now or never age!
I have moon in cancer on the 5 house cusp and I can safely say that I would love to have lots of children!

Yes I might be a little naive about this currently as I don't have any children right now but one thing is for sure, children are amazing! I cant imagine a better life than to be the father of lots of children.

This would mean though that she would have to go to work whilst I stayed at home having loads of fun with them haha
I have Pisces on the 5th house cusp and nothing else. I read that in an empty house you can trace the Cusp ruling planet through your own chart until you reach the end, which for me went: Neptune in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo, finally Mercury in Virgo. Is this correct? Can you follow the cusp ruling planet backwards through your chart and ultimately apply the one at the end? If so Mercury would also apply to my empty 8th house.
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Cancer is on the cusp of my 5th house. The ruler of my 5th house, the Moon, is in Libra, in the 8th house.
I have Saturn in Leo, in the 5th house.

I have never had a burning desire to have children, and always knew that if I did have them, it would be much later in life.

I have always felt that children are a huge responsibility and I know that I would take that responsibility incredibly seriously (thank you Saturn!! Ah!).

However, there is a part of me that knows that if and when I have children they will help to release a hidden creativity within me... this is just an intuitive feeling I have, and perhaps it relates back to Saturn in Leo in that 5th house.

Lately, I have been thinking more and more about having children...but perhaps that is because I am getting to that now or never age!

I think I can relate to most of this with
(placidus/eq-H) Leo in 5th (Moon-Saturn in 7 Lib) or
(WH) Cancer sun 5th. (Moon-Saturn 8th)

I have always had a desire but know it's a huge responsibility that I'm unsure of undertaking plus my Uranus bars the way to give up the freedom to rearing. But I know I can be a good mother. (if I do). I also despise big families so don't want more than 1 child. Adoption crossed my mind quite often too.
never had any desire to have kids in my 20s like many woman do, i took it seriously and would never get pregnant with anyone who i didnt think was a potential long term partner

I did get pregnant in my mid thirties with fiancee and was overjoyed, never looked back, just go on with it, the joy a child brings is indescribable

Saturn in capricorn in fifth