6 reasons you're single (Astrology)

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Hmm, I've got Moon and Mars in an Air sign which satisfies one of the reasons. But I've also got Venus in Aries conjunct Mercury in Pisces, which I think is a bigger factor. This sounds strange, but I often find that I'm more attracted to fictional characters than real life people. It's mostly because fictional characters can exist in an ideal way in my mind whereas real people obviously cannot. I often find myself too disappointed in real people to be attracted to them.
Hmm, I've got Moon and Mars in an Air sign which satisfies one of the reasons. But I've also got Venus in Aries conjunct Mercury in Pisces, which I think is a bigger factor. This sounds strange, but I often find that I'm more attracted to fictional characters than real life people. It's mostly because fictional characters can exist in an ideal way in my mind whereas real people obviously cannot. I often find myself too disappointed in real people to be attracted to them.

That's interesting.

I have 12th house venus and moon in gemini, mars in fire/leo. I definitely have an attraction to fictional people as well. Especially in film, and in books. and for me, it's never the conventionally good looking one, or person that saves the day. I like the misfits and outsiders with all the emotional depth and substance.

Sometimes I get enamoured by someone in a painting! I know they are not real, ( since I am not a nutter) but I can so easily fall in love with them. lol.

My venus and moon are mercury ruled and venus is opposite neptune.

And to address the Original posting..

intimacy for me, is definitely time to be with my thoughts, read a book, take a stroll, watch a film at home in the dark. I don't usually mind being alone. I can easily entertain myself, by watching and listening to other people and being out in the world. :smile:

yep. yep.

the Venus in Aqua description, I think also applies too Aqua moons. They make better friends than partners too. since their friends often come before their partners anyway.:bandit:
Course I had to check this out to see if I had some of what was listed! I have the Venus Nep conjunction (3) and also my Moon in an Air sign (4).
I have 2 of these definitely, and all 6 maybe :sad:

Venus conjunct saturn.

Moon in an air sign.

The maybes:

Venus in the 11th house - a lot like venus in Aquarius

Venus sextile pluto, but the closest aspect in my chart, & pluto in the 1st in libra - a bit like venus in scorpio

Mars in Virgo - the sun's not the there but the ascendant is

Venus trine neptune, & mars square neptune - similar to venus or mars conjunct neptune

At least now I know why :crying:
Just realised I have two more of these indicators:

Venus square uranus, which is similar to venus in aquarius,

& venus in the dwad of scorpio.

Now I feel justified in my single existence :joyful:
At first I thought it was humorous which is why I checked it out.

I see it's not, though I'm always open and curious about research in the community.

I definitely enjoy being single. Unfortunately, none of the features are in my natal chart.

I have to say that I don't see anything wrong with being single. I'm astounded that some people (not pointing fingers) think that there's something wrong with that.
Yep and loving it too! I see this a mile off in my chart. However, I have "dabbled" in marriage before "twice" :surprised:

1. Sagittarius ascendant & SN. Its ruler - Jupiter Rx @ Aries/Taurus cusp
2. Pluto/Venus conjunction (5 minute orb) and conjunct Uranus (2 degree orb) in Leo, In other words, overly independent and dominant in social situations... heheh... :wink: so only by being alone can I express this!
3. Sun conjunct Mercury trine Saturn Rx in Air signs, mentally disciplined and detached with defined boundaries.
4. Mercury, ruler of the descendant semi square (perfect) Uranus + quincunx Pisces Moon (its a mixed bag of quickness in thought and neptunium flavoured emotions especially so with moon conjunct IC..)
5. Mars in 8th house Cancer T-square (4 degree orb) to Jupiter and Neptune which is in Libra. I have a preference for partners who can be "deep" in emotional conviction and not afraid to go there..
6. Consideration of the overall Elemental balance of the chart - eg. little or no earth, only air, fire and some water... so basically, I'm not practical and down to earth with the day to day challenges of being in 1 on 1 personal relationships.

Oh well, such is life! ... :rolleyes:
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Venus in Aquarius out of sect in the 11th ruled by Saturn in Pisces combust square Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Reserved and mistrustful to the point of seeming cold and indifferent.
Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius and Venus opposite Neptune conjunct Moon in Scorpio. Over idealising the feminine, so extremely fussy and then always feeling like they're in a much higher 'league', and at times painfully shy and insecure, not to mention fear of rejection :rolleyes:
That's interesting.

I have 12th house venus and moon in gemini, mars in fire/leo. I definitely have an attraction to fictional people as well. Especially in film, and in books. and for me, it's never the conventionally good looking one, or person that saves the day. I like the misfits and outsiders with all the emotional depth and substance.

Sometimes I get enamoured by someone in a painting! I know they are not real, ( since I am not a nutter) but I can so easily fall in love with them. lol.

My venus and moon are mercury ruled and venus is opposite neptune.

And to address the Original posting..

intimacy for me, is definitely time to be with my thoughts, read a book, take a stroll, watch a film at home in the dark. I don't usually mind being alone. I can easily entertain myself, by watching and listening to other people and being out in the world. :smile:

yep. yep.

the Venus in Aqua description, I think also applies too Aqua moons. They make better friends than partners too. since their friends often come before their partners anyway.:bandit:

I am this way, too! Watching the Thor movies, I think Loki is the sexy one. :lol: Also I had a crush on Beetlejuice when I was nine. Messed up, I know.

But I have no Aqua planets to justify it! Mars is in 8th house? I have a wide square of Uranus to Venus (Uranus being in the 7th house), I suppose, and trine from Neptune and Mars. Who knows.

The only thing on that list that applies to me is Venus in Virgo. No problems finding a partner, generally.

One of my friends has Gemini Moon (ruler of 7th house) conjunct Chiron and oppose Saturn and Uranus, Aqua Venus (ruler of 5th) square Pluto, Scorpio Mars, Cap Neptune conjunct ASC and Sun, Pluto conjunct MC. I don't ever see him finding a long term relationship with all his hang-ups even though he really wants one, but he's slowly getting to place where that might change.

Maybe we could get our fictional characters to hook up so we can have a mutual romance through them :wink:

I used to do that with a friend of mine in high school. We'd "RP" on notebooks during class, and eventually our characters (mine a guy and hers a girl, both terrible people) hooked up. :lol: It's a fun past time. :cool:
I think venus rx should also be there too:tongue: I have venus rx in an air sign:alien:
Ditto on the 7th house Saturn and there's Venus sq Pluto. I naturally push people away - it's my mechanism and I hate it. I don't hate being single though. Been nearly drowned trying to chase after the fish I've lost.
I have none of the above, and have never been in a relationship and don't desire one: too much responsibility and stress. I like my freedom to come and go as I please and not meet the demands of anyone. I'm cautious about trusting anyone, I don't trust the opposite sex, not even my own sex. I have trust issues.

Scorpio Asc
Sun in Taurus in 6th house
Moon in Scorpio in 12th house
Mercury in Taurus in 6th house
Venus in Aries in 4th house
Mars in Pisces in 4th house
Jupiter in Cancer in 8th house
Saturn in Capricorn in 2nd house
Uranus in Capricorn in 2nd house
Neptune in Capricorn in 2nd house
Pluto in Scorpio in 12th house

A bolt load of squares to the Venus, no important positive aspects. Moon conjuncts pluto, Sun opposes both Moon and Pluto. Perhaps it's my Saturn in aspect to all my other earthy placements...And yes, Venus sq Saturn...Or it must be all of aspects to the independent Uranus...Sun, Mercury conj Uranus, Venus sq Uranus, Jupiter opposes Uranus...

According to this list, what's my problem? :tongue: :biggrin:
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Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury
7th house Uranus
Uranus rules the 3rd house. Mars in Leo conjuct ASC and Saturn I also have a Leo moon in 12H.My Venus in Cancer suffers the most longing for companionship lol.
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