8th house moon

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May 16, 2006
Hi, I have a 8th house moon, I read on some astrology websites that this is a bad placement, can someone give me a short read on how it influences one, also how it influences your career, finance, etc............

My birth detials:
Date of birth: 28th june 1989
Time of birth: 11.20-11.40am
Place of birth: Birmingham, England

Many thanks
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This is from Lyn Birkbecks book,

Miss S
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I'm resurrecting this old thread cos a friend of mine has Gemini moon in 8th house square uranus,venus and pluto in 11th of scorpio. So he can range from emotionally controlling, obsessive, jealous -- to wanting freedom and independence. Although the venus square moon is usually characterised as stress from early childhood connected to mother, because of the square I also think that his virgo venus in detriment is also debilitated in expressing affection.

Any comments? three nasty squares here :crying: Anyone else with 8th house Moon?

The sign of the Moon will indicate which. People with the Moon in 8th House are commonly born to parents who cannot function at an emotional level. athis placement of the Moon can indicate the loss of a parent early in life in which the child is burdened by the bereaved parent’s emotional needs. Although acutely sensitive to the emotional states of others, they have had little practice in emotional expression early in their lives, tend to be emotionally insecure in adulthood

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Hi everyone

I have my moon in the 8th house.

It is in Libra 7' conjunct Saturn 7' and Jupiter 6' square Mars in Capricorn 7' in the 11th house.

For me family, my mother and emotions have always been a deep source of pain, hurt, responsibility and duty in life.

I'm not too sure about how having just the moon there works but if anyone has Saturn there too it makes you hold back emotionally and from what I've read it is because there is a fear of being hurt. Usually a fear born out of having an unemotional mother in childhood.

With any squares it is an inner conflict or tension that you feel so with a square to Mars It makes me emotionally explosive at the worst times but at my best I have a tremendous amount of energy to tackle whatever I am working on. I've found what works for me is thinking and planning before acting especially when it comes to making important life choices. When dealing with people I find that using the positive Libran qualities aids me well when asserting myself in a confrontation. I never hold on to what I am angry about, if someone upsets me I confront them straight away and tell them I did not like what they did. Its amazing how doing that can release all of the anger.

Looking at your chart Amit89 I see you have a beautiful Mystic Rectangle in the water/earth - fixed/cardinal signs.

What does it represent in your life? From what I understand of them they take some work to get the hang of but when you learn how to it becomes a strength you can use.

Skimming over your chart I see you have a Gemini MC with Mercury conjunct and Jupiter conjunct Mercury. Perhaps your life direction/career is tied up in some form of communication such as writing/journalism/teaching/speaking/public relations. Your ASC is Virgo, 3rd house cusp is Scorpio along with Pluto there and your 6th house cusp is Aquarius with the North node there. I think you are destined to help and heal others through speaking/writing etc. What do you think about that. Let me know

I'm resurrecting this old thread cos a friend of mine has Gemini moon in 8th house square uranus,venus and pluto in 11th of scorpio. So he can range from emotionally controlling, obsessive, jealous -- to wanting freedom and independence. Although the venus square moon is usually characterised as stress from early childhood connected to mother, because of the square I also think that his virgo venus in detriment is also debilitated in expressing affection.

Any comments? three nasty squares here :crying: Anyone else with 8th house Moon?

The sign of the Moon will indicate which. People with the Moon in 8th House are commonly born to parents who cannot function at an emotional level. athis placement of the Moon can indicate the loss of a parent early in life in which the child is burdened by the bereaved parent’s emotional needs. Although acutely sensitive to the emotional states of others, they have had little practice in emotional expression early in their lives, tend to be emotionally insecure in adulthood


Hi Astrologer50

Wow! Those are some very powerful planets to be squaring your friends moon. Are you able to post their chart?


Do you have any mediumship/psyhcic abilities due to this placement?
It is in Libra 7' conjunct Saturn 7' and Jupiter 6' square Mars in Capricorn 7' in the 11th house.

For me family, my mother and emotions have always been a deep source of pain, hurt, responsibility and duty in life.
moon square mars usually suggests a very bossy mother? Mars squ Saturn is frustration and stop go situations espec to do with joint finances and sexual matters?

yes have posted his chart now thanks..
Whilst mars squ jupiter should suggest a confidence aspect
Moon in the 8th ... I read, that this position makes people popular or famous...
I have Moon conjuncting Saturn in the 8th and Gemini. In my childhood I was very quiet, didn't speak very much but always thinking. My attachement to my mother was very, very great, she occupied my whole mind, I was falling and getting up with her, like she wanted it. She was my life.
Later on she did much squarrels, separated me of my whole family by "telling nonsense" - yes, the words (Gemini) were too hard (Saturn) and did evils mighty fine. But I loved her and continue to love her. And so I excuse her.

Others said, that my childhood must have been under the enormous stress of my mother; and others said that my birth must have been a very difficult situation for my mother. Then an astrologer s
oh! I have been interrupted! So I continue :

as I wrote already, an astrologer said, that this Saturn placed in the 8th makes somebody very chaste.

Myself I experienced great difficulties from my origin family and separations what I didn't want to have. But as this is in Gemini I saw also that these painful situations were passing and not during.

Another astrological situation is, that I have what someone calls "a karmic triangle", that is Moon/Saturn in semi-sextile to Lilith and in sextile to Pluton (Lilith semi-sextiles Pluton). I don't know, what this can be. Any suggestions here?

My most recent ex had an 8th house Cancer moon. She says her mother never showed her affection. Cancer moon is already protective of their emotions, but in the 8th house, it almost becomes a life or death situation in revealing how they feel. It can be hell on a relationship for someone to be so secretive about their deepest feelings.

acutely sensitive to the emotional states of others..only too aware of how closeness can be abused, probably owing to your sensing and taking personally something that happened between your parents.
Her parents divorced when she was younger. Now the 8th house is a deep dark house of secrets, and taboo subjects, so this is kind of hard to bring up. But one thing I noticed about her mom from pictures and videos was that she didnt like to talk much, and her hairstyle/clothing gave me the impression she was lesbian. I was watching Dr. Phil the other day, dealing with women who were sexually confused and didnt come out until their 30's or 40's. So in line with deep dark secrets that people keep to themselves, in retrospect, I get the feeling that her mother was secretly lesbian, or came to realize this, and her deep, dark secret may have caused the divorce. Needless to say, my ex doesnt like to talk much about her past, her family, or what caused her parents' divorce. But she lives with her mom(still single), who used to call me "that boy" when referring to me.

The painful thing is, I think she may have instilled a bit of her hatred and distrust (and disgust?) for men into my ex, who also has some "masculine" tendencies. I think she has picked up her mom's tough traits as a defense mechanism and means of survival.
A fear of being hurt. Usually a fear born out of having an unemotional mother in childhood.
Again, 8th house always brings up issues that are uncomfortable to deal with in public settings, and this can also deal with things spoken of in the "deep dark disturbances of Pluto" thread. I think issues like rape, or prostitution are found here, so as you can see, if that's in someone's past, or their mother's past, you can understand why they may have trust issues, fear of getting emotionally close to people etc. In this case, if a woman has been sexually abused by a man/or men (I think the 8th house rules these secrets), then she may develop a hatred for men, and may instill it in their daughter if they have any.

Again, uncomfortable subject to get into, but that's what the 8th house is about. On the positive side, someone said "I read, that this position makes people popular or famous." and that they can "comfort others in a deeply subtle way." I find this to be true,this person I know really was able to tune into my own pain and emotionally connect and identify with me and tries to cheer everyone up. I learned however, that their issues are too deep for the average person to help them with. 8th house issues are best dealt with professional help.

So my ex has a deep fear of being hurt by a man, like her mother was. Unfortunately, she seems to have picked up negative patterns of behavior from her mother which would drive a man away if the relationship becomes too deep. Let's just say I dont envy anyone with this position of the moon, but the positive side is, once these 8th house demons are faced, it can be a tremendous source of emotional power, and ability to understand and heal others at the deepest emotional levels.

ps I apologize in advance, and want to clarify I have nothing against anyone who is gay/lesbian. I think the 8th house represents "the closet" that some may be afraid to come out of. I think it's a subject so sensitive, and taboo, I rarely find it being brought up in astrology in general and that says alot about how deep and sensitive a subject it is..It may seem off topic, but I brought it up as food for thought for whoever may have overlooked this as an 8th house issue in their life
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Hi everyone,

My moon is in taurus, square venus, mars, opposite pluto, sextile sun, trine saturn, uranus and neptune which makes it the most powerful and most aspected planet in my chart.

I was very emotional and sensitive when I was young, I would miss home whenever I went out.

My mother died a long time ago, and this has brought a lot of stress to my family. It seems like I've had to mature from a very young age, I've also got a load of domestic duties daily and this can be a burden (I've got saturn in the 4th, conjuct uranus and neptune). I never understood my mother, maybe because I was so young. She had an extremely tough life and she tried her best to be a good mother. After I was born, she went through major depression and my father had to look after me, and do the things that mothers would normally do for a number of years.

My father cannot really understand me from an emotional level and now I'm old and I've got my career and social life ahead of me, he seems to get paranoid and think I'm going to leave him and he needs companionship.
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Hi everyone

I have my moon in the 8th house.

It is in Libra 7' conjunct Saturn 7' and Jupiter 6' square Mars in Capricorn 7' in the 11th house.

For me family, my mother and emotions have always been a deep source of pain, hurt, responsibility and duty in life.

I'm not too sure about how having just the moon there works but if anyone has Saturn there too it makes you hold back emotionally and from what I've read it is because there is a fear of being hurt. Usually a fear born out of having an unemotional mother in childhood.

With any squares it is an inner conflict or tension that you feel so with a square to Mars It makes me emotionally explosive at the worst times but at my best I have a tremendous amount of energy to tackle whatever I am working on. I've found what works for me is thinking and planning before acting especially when it comes to making important life choices. When dealing with people I find that using the positive Libran qualities aids me well when asserting myself in a confrontation. I never hold on to what I am angry about, if someone upsets me I confront them straight away and tell them I did not like what they did. Its amazing how doing that can release all of the anger.

Looking at your chart Amit89 I see you have a beautiful Mystic Rectangle in the water/earth - fixed/cardinal signs.

What does it represent in your life? From what I understand of them they take some work to get the hang of but when you learn how to it becomes a strength you can use.

Skimming over your chart I see you have a Gemini MC with Mercury conjunct and Jupiter conjunct Mercury. Perhaps your life direction/career is tied up in some form of communication such as writing/journalism/teaching/speaking/public relations. Your ASC is Virgo, 3rd house cusp is Scorpio along with Pluto there and your 6th house cusp is Aquarius with the North node there. I think you are destined to help and heal others through speaking/writing etc. What do you think about that. Let me know


Thank you very for having a look at my chart Scorpio MC20!

I'm looking to go into the world of business, hopefully one day run my own business. I am also looking to write my own book, regarding self development and travel. Although business is not my prized career choice, I am thinking about going into writing related careers. I do write in depth in my spare time.

I want to help others and help whenever I can. I hope to become a part time humatarian and try to find solutions to third world problems in the near future.

All the best,
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If moon describes mother and square pluto from 8th to 11th what does that say about their relationship?

I found this other snippet off the interentet


The eighth house asks us to enlarge or sacrifice our ego boundaries in order to enter into relationship or union with another or others. To do so, some aspect of our personality or ego must die. Usually it is some thing, not some one, that dies, and with the passing away of that limiting aspect of our personality we experience a releasing freedom

Moon square Pluto --- You are a natural loner, impatient and potentially aggressive in attitude unless carefully controlled and moderated. Self-expression is often direct, with a style lacking in social graces and diplomacy, sometimes abrasive and brusque, especially with those you do not respect. This can create work and social problems; but these do not particularly bother you, as you prefer to be true to yourself. What you do need is to retain self-integrity and discover how to maintain a positive relationship with others

Moon square or opposition Pluto
You are not always open with your feelings. Although you have a strong urge to share your innermost emotions with others, you have a simultaneous desire to control what others know about you, which likely stems from fear. You crave a deep feeling of belonging and intimate connection with others, and yet your approach to realizing these desires is often self-defeating. Attempts to control situations as you strive towards this goal generally backfire. Fear of loss and betrayal can consume you, and manipulating others so that you can keep them attached to you leads to empty satisfaction at best, and hopelessness at worst.


Anyone else got this aspect or squares from moon to uranus and/or venus??

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Do you have any mediumship/psyhcic abilities due to this placement?

moon square mars usually suggests a very bossy mother? Mars squ Saturn is frustration and stop go situations espec to do with joint finances and sexual matters?

yes have posted his chart now thanks..
Whilst mars squ jupiter should suggest a confidence aspect

Hi Astrologer50

With regards to having any medium ship/psychic abilities, I am highly intuitive as well as an emotional empath. My mind is very perceptive although I think that is more my Mercury/Uranus conjunct in Scorpio.

My mother wasn't bossy, she was an immature, neglective, unemotional woman. My grandmother had a lot to do with raising me and she was a very strong, hard, strict woman. I am the oldest child of 8 and because my mother was an alcoholic I was left to care for my younger siblings. From a young age I was handling my mothers money and up until earlier this year I stopped because I was sick of her defying my advice and spending money while leaving her bills to pile up. It was the best thing I have ever done because I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulder. Since my grandmother passed away back in 1997 I have been the boss, leader and matriarch of my family. What I say goes and my siblings always look to me for direction and guidance regarding family matters. The frustration and stop/start situations have really been based around my mother and her money/business affairs and the correct way in raising children properly. As for sexual matters, well I have always felt inhibited and scared to let go and open up during sexual intimacy. On the surface I am a very warm and open person but at the same time I am extremely guarded to the point where people barely suspect I have anything to hide. Does that make sense?

Hi everyone

Usually a fear born out of having an unemotional mother in childhood.


Ok I just want to clarify the above.

What I mean is the mother was inattentive or negligent of the child's needs or even went as far as abandonment. My mother hurt me deeply this way and I became a child who was insecure, clingy and distrusting of others. Emotional attachment is a very sensitive area for me as I am scared that others will not love me the same as I love them but less. So what I do is act unemotional and ignore many people. In the end I really only have my family who are my friends. Does that make any sense to any of you?

Thank you very for having a look at my chart Scorpio MC20!

I'm looking to go into the world of business, hopefully one day run my own business. I am also looking to write my own book, regarding self development and travel. Although business is not my prized career choice, I am thinking about going into writing related careers. I do write in depth in my spare time.

I want to help others and help whenever I can. I hope to become a part time humatarian and try to find solutions to third world problems in the near future.

All the best,

Hi Amitkumar

That's brilliant!:biggrin:

Good luck and best wishes for the future


Do you have any mediumship/psyhcic abilities due to this placement?

moon square mars usually suggests a very bossy mother? Mars squ Saturn is frustration and stop go situations espec to do with joint finances and sexual matters?

yes have posted his chart now thanks..
Whilst mars squ jupiter should suggest a confidence aspect
Also your emotional life is at odds with your sexual expression along with the repression and conflict with the square to Saturn. Likelihood of no inheritance or having to battle for it. THere can be secrets surrounding the home life and mother figure. Not a good placement for joint ventures of any kind. Difficulties with loans and debts.
oh! I have been interrupted! So I continue :

as I wrote already, an astrologer said, that this Saturn placed in the 8th makes somebody very chaste.

Myself I experienced great difficulties from my origin family and separations what I didn't want to have. But as this is in Gemini I saw also that these painful situations were passing and not during.

Another astrological situation is, that I have what someone calls "a karmic triangle", that is Moon/Saturn in semi-sextile to Lilith and in sextile to Pluton (Lilith semi-sextiles Pluton). I don't know, what this can be. Any suggestions here?

Saturn in the 8th can give sexual difficulties yes. Pluton semi sextile Lilith is not valid. Dont sweat the small stuff.