A few questions on debility cancellation.

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He said the debility is "cancelled" if the debilitated planet is recieved by a dignified ruler. So no, the planet is not still debilitated according to roberts words. Cancelled is a fitting word considering that this is a thread on debility cancellation. Note that he used the word cancelled as opposed to say.... Mitigated. Hand also refers to this combination as a dignity at around 15 mins and 36 seconds into the video.

Another quote from hand: "when a planet is recieved by a dignified ruler it gains some of that dignity for itself"

If you cant even understand this then I give up on you, but honestly I just think youre playing dumb to get under my skin.

Either way I could care less about your comprehension issues, I posted this for others who may be interested. For everyone else the words I quoted begin at around the 15 minute mark.
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He said the debility is "cancelled" if the debilitated planet is recieved by a dignified ruler.

So no, the planet is not still debilitated according to roberts words.
nevertheless you said:

From Robert Hand: "When a planet is recieved by a dignified ruler it gains some of that dignity, in an extreme example a planet thats debilitated if its recieved by a dignified ruler, the debility is cancelled and acts as if its dignified"

Source: robert hand on reception. Its on youtube.

Dont take it up with me jupiter, take it up with robert. Just be sure to include a smiley face, Im sure that will convince him of the error of his ways.
Clearly then the planet ACTS AS IF IT IS DIGNIFIED
which is a very different matter
from being essentially dignified
a distinction that is not necessarily immediately clear
to those unfamiliar with traditional methods

If you cant even understand this then youre clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed,
but honestly I just think youre playing dumb to get under my skin.
Either way I could care less about your comprehension issues, for everyone else the words I quoted begin at around the 14-15 minute mark.
I posted a link to the the extrapolated remark in context
of the entire two hour talk ON RECEPTION by ROBERT HAND
the 'youtube video' referred to is

Cancelled is a fitting word considering that this is a thread on debility cancellation.
Certainly a DISCUSSION is invited
the OP requires clarification on the issue

keep in mind that
dr. farr emphasises
earlier on this thread:

Although I follow many of the concepts and interpretations of Modernist astrology
(which discounts much of what I have posted above)
as an eclectic I also use concepts and methods from Traditionalist and Hellenist traditions as well,
and I do consider what I have posted above, to be valid:

however "cancellation" is perhaps a "charged" term
(because of its connection with Vedic astrology),
so lets use "modification" (the concept of modification, or modulation) instead...
Note that Robert Hand uses Traditional as well as Modern AND Vedic techniques

this may well be a reference to 'cancellation' in a VEDIC astrology context

Note that he used the word cancelled as opposed to say.... Mitigated.
Hand also refers to this combination as a dignity at around 15 mins and 36 seconds into the video.

From a solely Traditional perspective
a debiltated planet cannot suddenly become 'undebilitated' :smile:
under the circumstances outlined
reception by a dignified ruler
a planet may have more resources at its disposal
and is therefore able to ACT IN A DIGNIFIED MANNER
and yet is not essentially dignified nevertheless
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Robert hand says that a planet in its fall or detriment can have that debility cancelled if its aspected by a dignified dispositer. Some vedics believe this as well.

Rather than sort out word choice, and debate semantics, Ram, what exactly do you think the idea of "cancelled debility" means?

A debilitated planet is always going to be debilitated. Always. If it is received by a dignified planet, then yes, that can mitigate the debility and be a bit "uplifting" if you will. If it is received by a dignified planet and in aspect then the uplifting will be stronger. But the reality is that the debilitated planet will always remain debilitated.

An "extreme case" example, from a story in the Bible (it's just chock full of astrological examples) about Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers. In that case, we could say that Joseph was debilitated (and probably peregrine as well) but received by a dignified Pharoh. His debility wasn't cancelled, but it was mitigated to the point that Joseph eventually became the second most powerful man in Egypt after Pharoh.