My long-term plan this year is save money to move abroad but it is really difficult because our money don’t have value in another country.
There it is: the eleventh and ninth house theme. You're working on a longterm goal. Emotionally, you're connected to the ninth and eleventh houses because your longterm goal (11th) is to move abroad (9th).
All my hobbies are connected to use a PC, maybe I will meet someone by internet or reconnect with some people who studied with me and live in my neighborhood.. My Venus in SR is in 3rd house.. But I don't really like these ideas xD..
If you don't like those ideas, you don't have to accept them. Those were only a few possible interpretations. There are other things those placements could mean.
It's also possible that you'll meet someone indirectly through those channels. Maybe you'll reconnect with an old school friend whose gorgeous, single cousin, who you never met before, just happens to be hanging around, or something like that.
Here's something else that suggests that, if you meet anyone, it's through a reconnection with the past: Venus, as you pointed out, was in your SR third house, and right now, it's about to turn retrograde. Venus rules your natal DC. And your SR 9th and 2nd houses, too. Looks like the delay you mentioned in moving abroad. Your 9th house endeavor is delayed by the slowness of earning the money to finance it (2nd house).
The Venus retrograde will take place in your natal fifth and SR seventh house. Another suggestion of finding a partner by going back.
One of your SR fifth house predictions has already manifested: you joined this forum. That's pursuing a hobby, and you've met people online that way. Maybe not in a dating sense, but that's still meeting people who share a hobby with you, which is what the fifth house is about.
Excuse my English. I hope you can understand me.
Quite well.