That's a matter of debate. I think a lot of modern astrologers would give Uranus more power. In a simple fulcrum-lever (see-saw, teeter-totter) type of model, the further away a planet is from the earth, the more gravity it exerts, sort of like a small child (cf. Pluto) further out on the see-saw able to balance a heavier child closer to the fulcrum. Then evolutionary astrologers envision a wonderful future of liberation, harmony, enlightenment, and so on; in which mean old Mr. Saturn is the barrier to be broken.
My view is, "not so fast." Saturn rules a lot of life's material reality. We wouldn't exist on the earth plane without it. For example, if you don't want to pay your rent and be constrained by financial issues, that could be Uranus. Saturn is the one who reminds you that, unless you want to be evicted, you should pay your rent whether you feel like it or not. Saturn runs a diagnostic on our life, sort of like a mechanic doing a check-up on your car. If something in our life needs adjustment or fixing, Saturn will show you what it is. Saturn rules self-discipline.
Saturn is domiciled in your chart, so it has a lot of strength.
The earth element is very strong in your chart, so you actually have the capacity for being "grounded" in material reality, whatever other ideas and visions you pursue.
Incidentally, I am a very Uranian person, with sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius; and sun trine my Uranus-MC conjunction.