With such an emphasis on Scorpio planets, you would expect this person to be extremely private, deep and a shrewd business woman. The opposition from Saturn to the stellium would also emphasis the seriousness and focusness of the temperament. A bit of a loner too.
Well, not at all. This is the most theatrical Leo-esque person I know. No inhibitions or retraints whatsoever combined with a deep urge to please and be liked at all costs. Also the most free-spirited and generous, borderline irresponsible, individual. This to me does not make sense for such a Scorpio oriented chart. I have known her for several years now and I still haven't seen that mysterious/unpenetrable side to her.
Interesting, indeed!
With Scorpio so prominent, we have to remember that all is not as it seems, no matter what. Scorpio can be secretive and private without being introverted, and this chart seems to be one of those, I'd say. With that powerful stellium in the 10th house, she's all out there, in public, in her life and career. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction will give her a significant "larger than life" quality, too. We often think of Scorpio as obsessed with depth, with deep things, underlying issues, and so on. But it's also fascinated by the "higher" things that are not always recognized--overarching themes, connections, symbols and associations.
The Sun in Scorpio will have her relentlessly focused on knowing everything possible about whatever is going on but with the stellium so high in her chart, we can't expect her to have much of the dark, dour Scorpio self-presentation that some people find unsettling. Her strong watery emotions are balanced by a keen intellect (Mercury) that's completely in the service of her Sun. Meanwhile, the Sun's conjunction with Jupiter and Venus should give her a particular kind of beauty, the vanity that goes with it, but possibly some insecurity, there, too. (I think that conjunctions with Venus usually indicate anxiety of some kind because the desire to be pleasing and lovely in various ways inevitably conflicts with other expressions of the personality.)
This Leo-esque portrayal could also be her way of being self-protective, of keeping her limitations, inhibitions and self-doubt at home, with Saturn in the 4th house. Her Moon is exalted in Taurus, there, and absolutely determined to avoid unnecessary change whenever possible. She might have had a hard time deciding what she wants to do with her career or in public life, but should settle into something she enjoys in time.
All of this aside for a moment, I think that what's most important is that Uranus is conjunct Mars in the 9th house. Those two planets form what Noel Tyl calls a "peregrine island" by which he means that the only significant aspects they form are to each other. Because they're not strongly tied in to the rest of the chart, the aspect takes on considerably prominence of the kind he would say "threatens to run away with the chart." Uranus is the co-ruler of Aquarius and when in Libra, gives the individual a humanitarian zeal that's further energized by Mars which could account for your description of this woman as
the most free-spirited and generous, borderline irresponsible, individual.
Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius and probably keeps her from flying off in a purely Uraniun wild-child sort of way.
At least, that's what I think!
If I were working on this chart, I'd ask about this. And since her Moon is close to the IC, ask about her mother. A lot. Her mother probably has influenced her more strongly than anyone else in her life.