Well-known member
"Greetings,I thought that I'd throw another theory of mine into the mix.
It has to do with a hypothesis of mine that I and a few associates think makes very good sense. When I completed it [at least as complete as I have managed to date] my friend Suryakant, a yogi, whom is of Norwegian ancestry, said: "This is 'Runic'."
It involves, primarily, the 'Triplicities'. This would be in addition to the present theories.
All elements represented in the Zodiac should be thought of as 'On the Earth', 'Above the Earth' and 'Below the Earth'.
The Signs Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus are elements 'On the Earth".
The Signs Aries, Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn are the elements 'Above the Earth'
The Signs Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo are the elements 'Below the Earth'
This makes sense. Of the element, Earth, Taurus is known to rule the plains, valleys and pastures, hence, 'On the Earth'. Capricorn rules the mountains, hence 'Above the Earth'. Virgo the caves, 'Below the Earth'
Now about the Fire signs. Leo rules fire by combustion and although it in turn is ruled by the Sun, the Suns' heat is not felt until it strikes the surface of the Earth, hence, 'On the Earth'. Aries rules electrical fire and that is, in its' most natural and common state, lightning, hence, 'Above the Earth', That leaves Sag., which rules fire by friction and it would have to be 'Below the Earth'. [Fire below the Earth created by the frictions of movement below us]
As for Water. Cancer represents all waters 'On the Earth', Pisces, 'Above the Earth', meaning it rules the rains, [which in turn without there would be no streams or rivers, which the old notion believes that it does rule rivers and streams] and Scorpio 'Below the Earth' which gives support and is in turn supported by the old notion that it rules swamps and things of that nature that are fed by underground water sources.
For the Air signs. Gemini is known to represent the exhalation of breath and would be considered 'On the Earth'. Libra the in between breath, 'Below the Earth' and Aquarius, the inhalation breath, 'Above the Earth' This makes sense as per the legend that Aquarius is the "Water Bearer" as it's considered 'Air above the Earth' and Pisces, as explained above, 'Water above the Earth' [Rains]...I believe you should see what we are getting at here. That Aquarius is the upper atmosphere that is required to dispense rain.
As I explained at the Astrodienst Astrologers forum, there is a program that aired the day after I came up with this explanation. It was on the 'History Channel' here in the States on cable television. This program was about modern weapons and discussed a Russian sub that was built to withstand great depths and had an exceptionally strong hull.
This submarine sank in water so deep that its hull collapsed eventually. The narrator said that when the hull did finally collapse that the men inside couldn't have suffered very long as there would have been an explosion created by the friction of the water rushing in under such extreme pressure that the air in the sub would ignite! Water igniting Air!!!
Now take this "Runic" arrangement and note the following.
A Submarine is somewhat of a cave...Virgo.
The Air inside the Sub, not unlike the air in a cave...Libra.
Water rushes into the cave...Scorpio.
Leads to fire by friction...Sagittarius.
I would also like to have you consider the book of the Bible Genesis for this analogy.
In the beginning there was only the 'waters of the deep'...Cancer.
The breath [wind] blew over the waters...Gemini
The lands appeared...Taurus.
One last thing to add here is my proposed re-arrangement of the duplicity of positive and negative signs.
As it is currently accepted you end up with positive and negative always opposing one another in the Zodiac. This is un-natural, as Tesla proved Edison's generator [Direct Current] was and was thus in-efficient.
Tesla claimed to have gotten the inspiration for his Alternator [Alternating Current] from the universe around him.
Thus the Zodiac should be divided half and half not unlike the Yin-Yang diagram. We believe Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sag. and Cap. to be the 'positive' signs and the remainder to be the 'negative'
Of course this leads to the conclusion that there are positive and negative types of both sexes...and a host of other new considerations. [I have another posting on this, theory of mine as to what I derived from Tesla about energy polarity elsewhere in this forum in a thread on Masculinity and Femininity]
The point here is that possibly all laws of the physical universe can be found in a proper explanation of the Zodiac.
Thus leaving one to conclude that Astrology is not only a science but the Mother of all Science."
...."excerpt from the 'Rudhyar Archival Project', "Uranus Versus Saturn, the Value of Inconsistency"[I beleive this is okay as per the copyrights].
"When we say of a person bringing up an argument to prove a point that he is "consistent," we mean that his speech reveals a continuous sequence of known causes and expected results, of accepted premises and rational deductions. The continuity of his thinking is evident, and the arguments are contained within the framework of a well-tested logic. The trouble with such a procedure, however, is that it produces only results of the same order as the experiences which originally helped to devise the procedure. In a very real sense, the nature and quality of one's search condition in advance what one will find. If we use Saturnian means to solve a problem, the solution will not leave the realm of Saturn. Likewise, all the discoveries of modern science are conditioned by the scientific methods and quantitative techniques used in the process of discovery. The universe we see today is the universe as our "scientific" mind allows us to see it. It assuredly is not the universe in all its reality! It is the universe seen through the Saturnian consistency of our logical ways of thinking."
[some hours later] I realized in reading the initial post that mention was made of 'MESO', a term I have never heard before applied in the manner it was.
I mean, I have heard and am quite familiar with 'microcosom' and 'macrocosom' but had never given any thought to it beyond that. I had to ponder for a moment what "meso" meant...and then I realized it's representative of what is manifest to us on this plane.
Thus the whole concept of 'Macro', 'Meso' and 'Micro' is the same as "Above the Earth", "On the Earth" and "Below the Earth"...is it not?
Also I've found connections between scientific fact of observable processes of nature and the application of musical tonality to the Zodiac. That is, my explanation of musical tonality as to how it corresponds with the Zodiac. [I can provide the explanation and examples if asked to.]
I see Astrologers as divided into two groups: Those that are mechanically proficient and those that are 'seers' i.e. those folks that can visualize the overall 'Gestalt' of the astrological situation...and possibly a third group that can do both....I see myself as belonging to the second group...but I am aspiring to be part of the third group.
I was watching the History Channel here in the States the other night and caught a program on the formation of the Earth.
In this program the narrator talked about how when underground water hit seams of molten lava underground it solidified those seams into 'strata' and they eventually were thrust upwards into mountains.
...underground water > Scorpio
...underground molten lava > Sagittarius
...above the Earth mountains > Capricorn
...AH! The plot thickens!
...ps, check out my thread in the 'Numbers and Astrology" sub-forum titled "The Seven and the Five"
[a sub-forum which apparently no longer exists. This is now to be found in the "Spiritual" sub-forum. ptv Oct. 12, 2018]
as to what developed from that theory has some scientific application/implication which you all may find of some interest.
...also, it's been my observation, and it's been pointed out to me, that as a result of this 'arrangement' of the nature of the Zodiac it is implied that the waters "Above the Earth" [Pisces], are just as influenced by the Moon as the waters "On the Earth" [Cancer]...an interesting conjecture!
...in support of evidence for this 'Runic Theory', I offer this post from a thread at the Sabian Forum...about the oil platform fire in the Gulf of Mexico
By Runic Astrological theory [I've got a post of this Runic thing here at this forum], [Elements Above the Earth, On the Earth, & Below the Earth] Virgo rules Earth-Below the Earth. i.e., e.g. 'Caves' {notice the womb implication} and oil is an earth element /substance from cave like pockets. Saturn is presently in the last degrees of Virgo. Aries rules Fire-Above the Earth i.e. e.g. 'Lightning'...but also all electrical fire. As Uranus is about to enter Aries I suspect the fire and was some sort of electrical fire that got out of hand or just downright caused an explosion. [Pisces is a water sign, of course, but by Runic theory it rules Water-Above the Earth [hence 'Rain/Snow'..which without there would be no streams/rivers...which has become mistakenly identified with Piscean rulership...Cancer rules all Water-On the Earth.]
This combo of Saturn 'The Lesson Giver...the Distributor of Karma' in opposition to Uranus, "The Great Awakener...The Deliverer of Sudden Change' has caused some mayhem...that's for sure...whether it proves to have been caused by something 'electrical' remains to be seen...I'll certainly be following the story.
..and in added observation, as my brother, Daniel, once said to me [taught me]..."The last degree of a Sign is where all the lessons of that Sign come to bear pressure...a tough degree [the 30th] for anyone to have a Natal Planet in their birth chart" [Esp. Moon in Capricorn!]...as this event occurred so close to the last degree of Virgo and Pisces simultaneously ...it certainly does make sense.
[update...2 days later}
..well, the latest theory on the Oil platform explosion/fire is due to a bubble of methane gas...Libra represents Air Below the Earth..and Saturn was briefly in Libra [Air Below the Earth] before returning to Virgo...it keeps adding up ...!
It has to do with a hypothesis of mine that I and a few associates think makes very good sense. When I completed it [at least as complete as I have managed to date] my friend Suryakant, a yogi, whom is of Norwegian ancestry, said: "This is 'Runic'."
It involves, primarily, the 'Triplicities'. This would be in addition to the present theories.
All elements represented in the Zodiac should be thought of as 'On the Earth', 'Above the Earth' and 'Below the Earth'.
The Signs Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus are elements 'On the Earth".
The Signs Aries, Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn are the elements 'Above the Earth'
The Signs Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Virgo are the elements 'Below the Earth'
This makes sense. Of the element, Earth, Taurus is known to rule the plains, valleys and pastures, hence, 'On the Earth'. Capricorn rules the mountains, hence 'Above the Earth'. Virgo the caves, 'Below the Earth'
Now about the Fire signs. Leo rules fire by combustion and although it in turn is ruled by the Sun, the Suns' heat is not felt until it strikes the surface of the Earth, hence, 'On the Earth'. Aries rules electrical fire and that is, in its' most natural and common state, lightning, hence, 'Above the Earth', That leaves Sag., which rules fire by friction and it would have to be 'Below the Earth'. [Fire below the Earth created by the frictions of movement below us]
As for Water. Cancer represents all waters 'On the Earth', Pisces, 'Above the Earth', meaning it rules the rains, [which in turn without there would be no streams or rivers, which the old notion believes that it does rule rivers and streams] and Scorpio 'Below the Earth' which gives support and is in turn supported by the old notion that it rules swamps and things of that nature that are fed by underground water sources.
For the Air signs. Gemini is known to represent the exhalation of breath and would be considered 'On the Earth'. Libra the in between breath, 'Below the Earth' and Aquarius, the inhalation breath, 'Above the Earth' This makes sense as per the legend that Aquarius is the "Water Bearer" as it's considered 'Air above the Earth' and Pisces, as explained above, 'Water above the Earth' [Rains]...I believe you should see what we are getting at here. That Aquarius is the upper atmosphere that is required to dispense rain.
As I explained at the Astrodienst Astrologers forum, there is a program that aired the day after I came up with this explanation. It was on the 'History Channel' here in the States on cable television. This program was about modern weapons and discussed a Russian sub that was built to withstand great depths and had an exceptionally strong hull.
This submarine sank in water so deep that its hull collapsed eventually. The narrator said that when the hull did finally collapse that the men inside couldn't have suffered very long as there would have been an explosion created by the friction of the water rushing in under such extreme pressure that the air in the sub would ignite! Water igniting Air!!!
Now take this "Runic" arrangement and note the following.
A Submarine is somewhat of a cave...Virgo.
The Air inside the Sub, not unlike the air in a cave...Libra.
Water rushes into the cave...Scorpio.
Leads to fire by friction...Sagittarius.
I would also like to have you consider the book of the Bible Genesis for this analogy.
In the beginning there was only the 'waters of the deep'...Cancer.
The breath [wind] blew over the waters...Gemini
The lands appeared...Taurus.
One last thing to add here is my proposed re-arrangement of the duplicity of positive and negative signs.
As it is currently accepted you end up with positive and negative always opposing one another in the Zodiac. This is un-natural, as Tesla proved Edison's generator [Direct Current] was and was thus in-efficient.
Tesla claimed to have gotten the inspiration for his Alternator [Alternating Current] from the universe around him.
Thus the Zodiac should be divided half and half not unlike the Yin-Yang diagram. We believe Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sag. and Cap. to be the 'positive' signs and the remainder to be the 'negative'
Of course this leads to the conclusion that there are positive and negative types of both sexes...and a host of other new considerations. [I have another posting on this, theory of mine as to what I derived from Tesla about energy polarity elsewhere in this forum in a thread on Masculinity and Femininity]
The point here is that possibly all laws of the physical universe can be found in a proper explanation of the Zodiac.
Thus leaving one to conclude that Astrology is not only a science but the Mother of all Science."
...."excerpt from the 'Rudhyar Archival Project', "Uranus Versus Saturn, the Value of Inconsistency"[I beleive this is okay as per the copyrights].
"When we say of a person bringing up an argument to prove a point that he is "consistent," we mean that his speech reveals a continuous sequence of known causes and expected results, of accepted premises and rational deductions. The continuity of his thinking is evident, and the arguments are contained within the framework of a well-tested logic. The trouble with such a procedure, however, is that it produces only results of the same order as the experiences which originally helped to devise the procedure. In a very real sense, the nature and quality of one's search condition in advance what one will find. If we use Saturnian means to solve a problem, the solution will not leave the realm of Saturn. Likewise, all the discoveries of modern science are conditioned by the scientific methods and quantitative techniques used in the process of discovery. The universe we see today is the universe as our "scientific" mind allows us to see it. It assuredly is not the universe in all its reality! It is the universe seen through the Saturnian consistency of our logical ways of thinking."
[some hours later] I realized in reading the initial post that mention was made of 'MESO', a term I have never heard before applied in the manner it was.
I mean, I have heard and am quite familiar with 'microcosom' and 'macrocosom' but had never given any thought to it beyond that. I had to ponder for a moment what "meso" meant...and then I realized it's representative of what is manifest to us on this plane.
Thus the whole concept of 'Macro', 'Meso' and 'Micro' is the same as "Above the Earth", "On the Earth" and "Below the Earth"...is it not?
Also I've found connections between scientific fact of observable processes of nature and the application of musical tonality to the Zodiac. That is, my explanation of musical tonality as to how it corresponds with the Zodiac. [I can provide the explanation and examples if asked to.]
I see Astrologers as divided into two groups: Those that are mechanically proficient and those that are 'seers' i.e. those folks that can visualize the overall 'Gestalt' of the astrological situation...and possibly a third group that can do both....I see myself as belonging to the second group...but I am aspiring to be part of the third group.
I was watching the History Channel here in the States the other night and caught a program on the formation of the Earth.
In this program the narrator talked about how when underground water hit seams of molten lava underground it solidified those seams into 'strata' and they eventually were thrust upwards into mountains.
...underground water > Scorpio
...underground molten lava > Sagittarius
...above the Earth mountains > Capricorn
...AH! The plot thickens!
...ps, check out my thread in the 'Numbers and Astrology" sub-forum titled "The Seven and the Five"
[a sub-forum which apparently no longer exists. This is now to be found in the "Spiritual" sub-forum. ptv Oct. 12, 2018]
as to what developed from that theory has some scientific application/implication which you all may find of some interest.
...also, it's been my observation, and it's been pointed out to me, that as a result of this 'arrangement' of the nature of the Zodiac it is implied that the waters "Above the Earth" [Pisces], are just as influenced by the Moon as the waters "On the Earth" [Cancer]...an interesting conjecture!
...in support of evidence for this 'Runic Theory', I offer this post from a thread at the Sabian Forum...about the oil platform fire in the Gulf of Mexico
By Runic Astrological theory [I've got a post of this Runic thing here at this forum], [Elements Above the Earth, On the Earth, & Below the Earth] Virgo rules Earth-Below the Earth. i.e., e.g. 'Caves' {notice the womb implication} and oil is an earth element /substance from cave like pockets. Saturn is presently in the last degrees of Virgo. Aries rules Fire-Above the Earth i.e. e.g. 'Lightning'...but also all electrical fire. As Uranus is about to enter Aries I suspect the fire and was some sort of electrical fire that got out of hand or just downright caused an explosion. [Pisces is a water sign, of course, but by Runic theory it rules Water-Above the Earth [hence 'Rain/Snow'..which without there would be no streams/rivers...which has become mistakenly identified with Piscean rulership...Cancer rules all Water-On the Earth.]
This combo of Saturn 'The Lesson Giver...the Distributor of Karma' in opposition to Uranus, "The Great Awakener...The Deliverer of Sudden Change' has caused some mayhem...that's for sure...whether it proves to have been caused by something 'electrical' remains to be seen...I'll certainly be following the story.
..and in added observation, as my brother, Daniel, once said to me [taught me]..."The last degree of a Sign is where all the lessons of that Sign come to bear pressure...a tough degree [the 30th] for anyone to have a Natal Planet in their birth chart" [Esp. Moon in Capricorn!]...as this event occurred so close to the last degree of Virgo and Pisces simultaneously ...it certainly does make sense.
[update...2 days later}
..well, the latest theory on the Oil platform explosion/fire is due to a bubble of methane gas...Libra represents Air Below the Earth..and Saturn was briefly in Libra [Air Below the Earth] before returning to Virgo...it keeps adding up ...!
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