A Strange Day

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Sep 20, 2008
Hello all: I titled this a "Strange Day" because it was nothing I had planned although from time to time I think of my only sibling, a younger sister who I haven't seen or talked to since 2004.

We were never really very close due to childhood trauma we both suffered, and she went her way (as a hippie in communes) and I went my way, following the straight & narrow path. 18 months between us made a huge difference in our needs and desires even with similar background of environment.

Today I decided to try and find her on the internet knowing she lives about 3 hours from my home.

I was successful on FB although she did say she doesn't use it much if at all.

I was happy to connect but it didn't sound like she was, as our breaking up was very hard on both of us. So hard, I wrote about it in a book because she was a big part of the entire trauma that occurred in 2004. I don't know if she read that book, I rather doubt it, or if her daughter did again, I'd doubt they'd have the interest.

Suffice it to say she knew what she did was very wrong (I think) and hurt me terribly in 2004. I told her as much in my house as she visited that day so there was no real question in her mind how I felt.

Meanwhile, since she was my ONLY sibling and both parents are dead, I sent her a birthday card and apologized for my excessive emotional outburst from that day. I never heard back from her.

NOW, I decided to reach out today before I read any of my transits or even considered they could play a role.

I just now checked R.Hand's overall "short astro insight" into my chart for this month and here it what it said that rather blew me away:

Jupiter opposition Moon: The first move
End of April 2021 until end of December 2021: This is a time when feelings and emotions play an important part in your life, and relationships based on feelings and emotions become very important. This influence is usually experienced positively as warm feelings within yourself and from others. You feel emotionally very generous and giving. Relationships are usually quite good and rewarding now, and those that you have been building up for years may begin to produce results. You can now decide clearly which ones are worthwhile and which are not.

Your love relationships and relations with women can be either very good or very bad, probably not anywhere in the middle. It all depends upon your general reaction to this influence.

I looked at her transits and saw she had Tr Moon & Venus (same as I do), going over her 12th house and opposing her Venus-Chiron conjunction in her 6th house. :pouty:

For me, you can see tr Moon & Venus on my chart here - but other then this, we both have a Leo Moon with Venus in Sagittarius 1st decan. Her Venus is 6 deg. as is her Chiron :( My Venus is 3 deg. in my 5th house. The transits were in Gemini.

If you see anything else here I should know about that I missed regarding a lost sister and me making contact please let me know:

This would be the 2nd meaningful relationship with a woman for me in a week.
The first was a neighbor who is almost like a daughter to me, and her politics are 180 deg. from mine. I think we kissed & made up without talking politics.
My sister is the 2nd meaningful (or use to be) -

I should also mention, I just found out today that HER Moon was not in Cancer like I thought, she gave me her tob and it's in the 1st decan Leo - (mine is the last decan of that sign)
Both of us share my mother's Sagittarius for Venus.

My sister is a Libran, born 10/15/49. Myself, 18 months older
Perhaps I can provide some perspective, as I have had a similar drama play out with my own sister [younger]. We were very different personalities and could seldom find some common ground, which was consistent during our teen years.

While my mother was still alive, until 1985, we tried to keep the peace between us in terms of family interactions. Then my father died in 1989 and the settling of the minimal estate created an even greater rift between us.
Within the next year we finally had an emotional break-up, and have since been totally estranged.

As I picked up on astrology, during my first Saturn return, I began to recognize the influence of my square aspect of Saturn to Venus in my natal chart. Then sometime later I worked with the more challenging Yod, involving Venus being at odds with my Mars/Capricorn sextile Moon / Pisces.

I can see now how the Saturn / Venus square for me represents a karmic indicator of betrayal, conflict or disappointment from the past, which continues to hound me even into my senior years.

In your case you have Venus trine Saturn, along with other soft aspects, which to me indicates that you are the one more receptive to resolving your relationship issues, while your sister apparently still needs her personal space.
Your strong Scorpio influence in the 5th H denotes great tenacity and the will to work towards reconciliations...at the same time, this can imply great intensity and drama involved in matters of love.

Your prominent Saturn/Pluto conjunct is a reference to the karmic dynamics you experience in your relationships as well, suggesting that within yourself you have the tenacity and the will to put effort into healing within yourself.

At the same time, here you have Saturn being in square to Chiron, while Pluto is sextile to the NN, so solving your karmic issues is also a powerful drive within yourself. What that requires, though, is a dedication to gaining access to your Soul and your inner awareness, along with the realization that you do have choices that you can apply to such lifetime dramas.

But of course life gets busy...and complex changes are being heralded for this month in particular, due to the upcoming eclipse cycle that gets underway on May 26, where we may be influenced by a Super Lunar Eclipse in the first decan of Sagittarius, which will excite your Venus trine Saturn [ commitment, accountability and doing the right thing.]

Remember that Venus is not simply about love in relationships, but also relates to your values and your beliefs that come from your experience with relationships . In some instances Sagittarius is also about learning to ‘let go’ of past dramas that impede your progress. In that regard, Jupiter will also be moving into Pisces, during which time it will be working to expand on our spiritual awareness and explore avenues for personal growth and awareness

You might want to view a podcast about this Eclipse

[ keep in mind that lunar eclipses typically relate to females with familial ties].
Feel free to contact me if you wish further discussion about your chart.
Wishing you all the best and please be kind and patient with yourself.

Thank you Kimbermoon; indeed, I was looking today at the 2021 Eclipse cycles.

I saw that both my sister's Venus and my own will be triggered possibly by the Eclipse in late May or has been already -

on May 26, where we may be influenced by a Super Lunar Eclipse in the first decan of Sagittarius, which will excite your Venus trine Saturn [ commitment, accountability and doing the right thing.
For all the heartache, I do feel blessed to have my Sun's ruler Saturn trine to Venus so its never hard for me to forgive , but sadly, those I have had issues with seldom take it for what it is.

I see now that my sister has Venus 1st decan Sag but square Saturn in Virgo.

All I can do is remind her I'm here, which I've done now 3 times. Once in 2004 and yesterday and today I sent a FB acct. for the Catholic School we both attended with some funny photos she'd probably enjoy. I also sent her a few photos of her in that school. No word ..back. But that's ok.

p.s. I will check out that podcast. Thanks again XX00
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