ABC of Countries and Constitutions etc.

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Jan 22, 2007
I'll start with Afghanistan.
Quote:- "The constitution was approved by the consensus in January 2004 after the 2003 loya jirga.[3] The Constitution consists of 162 articles and was officially signed by Hamid Karzai on January 26, 2004"
Ancient Greek day marker used, being previous sunset at Kabul, using parans, as Sun set, Sirius was Rising,

Hi Jup,
Thanks for the post,
Parans use day markers, perhaps they are used in projected fixed stars measure as well in electional astrology involving Sirius and Alnilam, anyway using midnight day marker can be standard, we rarely get actual time, many that we do find are also marked.
So i'm leaving the Afghan independence day on 19th August 1919:- conjunct Alnilam by under one degree by projected measure:-picture 0004.jpg
"On 4 July 2020, Tebboune announced that the referendum would occur in September or October 2020.[22]

On 24 August 2020, the date for the referendum was set for 1 November, the anniversary of the start of Algeria's war of independence.[23]

The revised constitution was adopted in the Council of Ministers on 6 September,[24] in the People's National Assembly on 10 September, and Council of the Nation on 12 September, but its implementation is currently contingent on the results of the 1 November referendum.[25][26]" don't always mark referendum, but when parliament pass constitution, which was 12th September 2020, this was marked by ancient Greek day marker being previous sunset on 11 September 2020, while Alnilam was within one degree of the Nadir.picture 0009.jpg
Andorra is so small, i have left this out, so i move on to Angola, not all carry on with empire alignments of the past, there are not any independence alignments.
However one of the big players of the war in Angola were UNITA, this was a horrid war where between 500,000 and 800,000 people died, it would seem they used electional astrology when they founded on 13th March 1966. start with three day starts being ancient Greek day marker, previous sunset, modern midnight or ancient Egyptian day marker being sunrise, it would seem that ancient Greek day marker was used, being sunset on 12th March at location, i will show chart and explain on next section:-Picture 0010.jpg
By using ancient Greek day marker we have Jupiter conjunct MC which is rare, and will not happen that close again until 2049
Pluto and Uranus are conjunct near Asc., and Sun and Saturn are conjunct on Desc.
I have more charts yet to come being parans
Independence from Portugal does have a lot of symbolism involving the first world war, you will note it triggered a war on 11/11/1975:- half are Roman Catholic:- co-incidences keep coming, as Saint Martin of Tours is the Patron Saint of Soldiers, and his feast day is 11th November, obviously this date is very old in the church which is far older than W.W.1., link below:- Armistice was the first part of two designed to end W.W.1., the other was The Treaty of Versailles, so all armies set down arms at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month 1918, so could this be deliberate? Ottoman Empire sent out Fatwas to begin W.W.1. on 11/11/1914 was restored between US-Germany by quote below:-
"Signed at Berlin on August 25, 1921; came into force with the exchange of ratifications at Berlin on November 11, 1921."–Germany_Peace_TreatySo is there any symbolism attached?:- is a master number:- will continue soon.
Next on list is Antigua and Barbuda, Britain wanted them to join up with the West Indies Federation, which didn't last long, link below:-
"West Indies Federation,[1][2] also known as the West Indies,[3][4] the Federation of the West Indies[5] or the West Indian Federation,[6][7][8] was a short-lived political union that existed from 3 January 1958 to 31 May 1962."
The Capital was Port of Spain, that i don't have an exact fix on but Piarco is close enough Day marker used with Sirius culminating on 3 Jan 1958, graph below:-
I didn't find any alignments for Argentina, they may have done this on actual time on day, and they have not been recorded.picture 0014.jpg
I thought i would add some thoughts on Australia, being the next on the list
Some events are at actual time, but sunrise, sunset or modern midnight are used to align stars.

The inauguration of the commonwealth of Australia, or Federation of Australia was held on 1st January 1901 in Sydney Australia.

It was marked at location by Sirius Isis culminating which is interestng at midnight as it is the place where it gets to it's highest point before going down to set, on the M.C. and is a special place to align to in beliefs to draw down powers.

The Place to see this in the southerm hemisphere is due or true north, it is the opposite to the northern hemisphere being due south.

events of the day, shown below:-

You can see Sirius culminating on graph below:-

By sunrise it shows the sun rising while Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star is setting:-
Also the ceremony started at noon, therefore at 12pm Sirius would be on the Nadir or I.C. the opposite to midnight, to get all these alignments taking place in Sydney means the location was carefully thought out and picked to have the alignments, my thought are they are probably hermetic electional alignments.

HMS Sirius has a special place in Australian history.
Another report about the original HMS Sirius can be read below:-
You will find that the ship was named the Berwick originally but was renamed Sirius on 12th October 1786.
I need to show two astronomy graphs, both obviously at the same time, below i'm showing the Sun setting on 11th October 1786, being ancient Greek day marker, the other graph will be shown on next picture:-
I think the location of Sirius at time of renaming would be Deptford near estuary of the River Thames, where shipbuilders were during that time, perhaps the ship was having a minor refit. Anyhow the ship was named on 12th Oct. 1786 and we know that able seaman John Conway joined the crew on 28th October 1786 at Deptford, link below:-
So as Sun set at location of HMS Sirius, Sirius star clicked into place on the Nadir at Due North, i would be astonished to find that this was not by deliberate human involvement!