ABC of Countries and Constitutions etc.

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Please note that Chad's first constitution is dated to 31 March 1959, quote and link below:-
"The new Republic of Chad proclaimed on 28 November 1958 adopted its own Constitution on 31 March 1959. It was the first
Constitution of Chad adopted by legislative Act 71 by its Constituent Legislative Assembly. It was written in the preamble to
the First Constitution which was adopted on 31 March 1959 by the Constituent Assembly that: “by an act of free
determination, the Chadian people constituted themselves as a Republic1”
Scroll down to "INTRODUCTION":-
N'Djamena is the Capitol, graph below:-picture 56.jpg
Next is Chile, i'm getting tired so i will just leave links on this and continue tomorrow:-
"There is debate regarding date to use by link below, i'm interested in 1st January 1818, not 12th Feb. 1818, quote and link below:-
The Independence of Chile It was a process that began on September 18, 1810 with the appointment of the First National Government Junta, and culminated on February 12, 1818 with the swearing in and proclamation of Independence. Chile became independent from the Spanish kingdom through the Act of Independence, dated in Concepción on January 1, 1818."
"The Fiestas Patrias (literally Homeland Holidays)[1] of Chile consist of two days, with a third one added on some years:

"18 September, in commemoration of the proclamation of the First Governing Body of 1810, and marking the beginning of the Chilean Independence process."
The swearing in and proclamation of Independence. Chile became independent from the Spanish kingdom through the Act of Independence, dated in Concepción on January 1, 1818."
MIDNIGHT DAY MARKER CHOSEN WITH SIRIUS CULMINATING, BEING IN Southern Hemisphere, the culminating angle is true North.
The other date of 12 February 1818, i was unable to find an alignment.
Graphs below on next thread section.
Many South American Countries were under the constitution of Spain in early years, on 19th March 1812, quote and link below:-
Long title
  • Political Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy
Territorial extent
Spanish Empire
Passed19 March 1812
Enacted12 March 1812
Signed byPresident of the Cortes of Cádiz
174 deputies
4 secretaries
Effective19 March 1812 (first time)
Hi Monk :)

MAUI - In good occult fashion, happened on August 8th
at the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal
when the Sun, Sirius, Orion’s belt & the Earth are completely aligned.

While claiming no expertise - just noticing too many Sirius “..coincidences..” with the Maui fires

Hi Jup,
Rule no, 1.
We are pumping large amounts of Co2 out by large forest fires, this is on top of looking at constitutions:-
It is the only way to save us, we are not getting there, putting up reflective umbella's along the ecliptic could give us time.
To save time this will cost trillions, while we try to get there, we could just burn up,
Hi Jup,
Rule no, 1.
We are pumping large amounts of Co2 out by large forest fires, this is on top of looking at constitutions:-

It is the only way to save us, we are not getting there, putting up reflective umbella's along the ecliptic could give us time.
To save time this will cost trillions, while we try to get there, we could just burn up,
Hi Monk :)

Power lines breaking in high winds is very common.
Whenever there is a major storm, powerline workers from several states are called in to repair the lines.
Many surmise there's more to this than meets the eye.
How do cars burn while going down the highway, there's no sign of vegetation near the cars?

Hi Jup,
As you mention Hawaii, i thought i would add National Hawaii Day on 5th July:-
By using projected Measure on year that Hawaii was accepted in the union, being 1959, we find Sun conjunct Sirius.
We also need to look at Capital of the Union being Washington DC on 5th July.
where we find Alnilam rising with the Sun, being ancient Egyptian day marker.picture 61.jpg
Next is Comoros, Capital is;-
So date is 1975, on 6th July.
i'm tired, i'll be back
With Comoros on date of 6th July 1975, using midnight day marker, we find Sirius on Nadir, graph below:-
picture 63.jpg
Congo is next, it is very complex with wars slavery and coups, i'll stick my toe into this, but not go too far, it would take up too much time.
However i will start at the beginning, quote below:-
"The Congo Free State (a personal possession of King Leopold II), with Leopold II as its sovereign, was established on July 1, 1885 as a result of the Treaty of Berlin. The Congo Free State was transferred from being the personal property of Leopold II to a Belgian colony and became the Belgian Congo on November 15, 1908. The Republic of the Congo gained its independence on July 1, 1960."
Some alignments that i give will be in Brussels, Belgium, some will be in Kinshasa that was once the Capital Leopoldville
Graph below showing midnight day marker on 1 July 1885 in Kinshasa, Sirius on Nadir:-
picture 64.jpg
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Quote below:-
"The International Association of the Congo (French: Association internationale du Congo), also known as the International Congo Society, was an association founded on 17 November 1879 by Leopold II of Belgium to further his interests in the Congo."
This is aligned from Brussels, Belgium, Egyptian sunrise day marker with Sirius Setting, Graph below:-picture 65.jpg