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Two bullets fired on a Sarajevo street on a sunny June morning in 1914 set in motion a series of events that shaped the world we live in today, W.W.1., W.W.2., the Cold War, and our difficulties in the Middle East all trace their origin to the gunshots that interrupted that summer day, 28th June 1914, Saint Vitus Day.
The victims, Arch-duke Ferdinand, on his wedding anniversary, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his wife Sophie were shot by 19 year old Gavrilo Princip who burned with the fire of Slavic nationalism, he envisioned the death of the Arch-duke as the key that would unlock the shackles binding his people to the Austro_Hungarian Empire. He was well picked as most of the conspirators were dying from TB, therefore didn't mind being martyers, very clever Mr Dimitrijevic and the probably metaphysical Black Hand Society.

Serbia figured prominently in the plot, providing the guns, ammunition and training that made the assassination possible, they may also have seen a symbolic connection to the Battle of Kosovo Poyle, so in theory used that date for this auspicious event in history.
Gavrilo Princip become an unwitting "Pied Piper", as this assassination precipitated the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia and started the involuntary dance of death or Saint Vitus Dance of W.W.1.
So you don't get confused by above comment.
"Saint Vitus day moved from Julian Calendar to 28th June 1914 in Gregorian Calendar, the same as Vidovdan, quote and links below:-
His feast day is celebrated on 15 June. In places where the Julian calendar is used, this date coincides, in the 20th and 21st centuries, with 28 June on the Gregorian calendar."
More info below:-
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I will continue with the trial of those responsible for the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand tomorrow, the trial started in Sarajevo on 12 October 1914, an auspicious date as you will see!
Quote and link below:- 0897121228 (set) Notes:
  • "Translation of: Sarajevski atentat.
  • Trial held in the District Court in Sarajevo, Oct. 12-23, 1914."
Midnight Day Marker on 28 June 1921 in Belgrade with Sirius on Nadir, graph below:-
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There are few logo's more obnoxious than the Black Hand logo, being a flag with the skull and bones a fizzing bomb, a dagger and a poison bottle!,_logo.pngEven more obnoxious than the logo of Skull and Bones:-'t take me a wrong way, i have a fake poison bottle to remind me not to drink too much as i'm very disabled so have health problems, i put a nip of whisky in it ha ha!

Otto von Bismarck died in 1898, however in 1888 he made a chilling future quote:-


The war to end all war​

“One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.”– Otto von Bismarck (1888)​ got that right!
We need now to investigate the Black Hand Secret Society:- i will be investigating the May Coup.
Quote and link below:-
The May Coup (Serbian: Мајски преврат, romanized: Majski prevrat) was a coup d'état in the Kingdom of Serbia which resulted in the assassination of King Alexander I and his consort, Queen Draga, inside the Stari Dvor in Belgrade on the night of 10–11 June [O.S. 28–29 May] 1903. is called the May Coup because this happened on 28/29 May 1903 in the Julian Calendar, but in using astronomy or astrology programs we need to use 10/11 June 1903 which is a Gregorian Calendar date.
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There are few logo's more obnoxious than the Black Hand logo, being a flag with the skull and bones a fizzing bomb, a dagger and a poison bottle!,_logo.png
Even more obnoxious than the logo of Skull and Bones:-
Don't take me a wrong way, i have a fake poison bottle to remind me not to drink too much
as i'm very disabled so have health problems, i put a nip of whisky in it ha ha

Sirius 31 Year Old - North Star Spirits Whisky 70cl :)

There are some who want to put their deeds in the sky, what they believe to be the Akashic Records. Paran we can see this by praying to the gods, below is Pyramid text, where the constellation of Orion is Osiris, the center is Belt of Orion and center star is Alnilam, report from Bernadette Brady, quote and link below:-
The idea, desire and methodology of the ascent of the soul has been a predominant, ever-present theme in the thinking of humanity. From the Egyptian Pyramid text of the Old Kingdom (2650 – 2152 BCE) we see some of the first writings where the sky is considered to be divine and the soul, after death, moving upwards towards a perfect, immortal life.


I fly from you, oh men,
I am not for the earth.
I am for the sky.
I have soared to the sky as a heaven.
I have kissed the sky as a falcon.
I am the essence of a god,
The son of a god.
Behold the faithful and loving Osiris
Has come as the stars of Orion, the Beautiful One
I have come that I may glorify Orion.
My soul is a star of gold
And with him
I will traverse the sky forever. (Pyramid text )
The black magician of W.W.1. and Black Hand took the name Apis which means Osiris.
Alexander I of Serbia was assassinated on 11 June 1903 in Belgrade, link and quote below:-
King of Serbia
Alexander I
Александар I Обреновић

Alexander in 1900
Reign6 March 1889 – 11 June 1903
Coronation2 July 1889
PredecessorMilan I
SuccessorPeter I
Born14 August 1876
Belgrade, Serbia
Died11 June 1903 (aged 26)
Belgrade, Serbia will deal with the paran chart of this tomorrow.
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Dragutin Dimitrijevic, Apis was heavily involved in the assassination of Alexander I,ć
"The conspirators searched the palace and eventually discovered the royal couple and murdered them in the early morning of 11 June 1903. They were shot and their bodies mutilated and disembowelled, after which, according to eyewitness accounts, they were thrown from a second-floor window of the palace onto piles of garden manure.[14] King Alexander and Queen Draga were buried in the crypt of St. Mark's Church, Belgrade." use day starts, in this case, midnight day marker was used with Alnilam on the Nadir, it could be that Apis marked the assassination in the sky with his adopted name!555-356.jpg
Many who align to the stars are benign, which i feel is the case with Sirius Lodge, quote and link below:-

Sirius Lodge​

Motto: 'I have entered in as a man of no understanding.
I shall come forth in the form of a strong spirit.'
Location: This lodge meets in Tunbridge Wells.

Meetings: Eight times a year minimum, usually on the afternoon of the fourth Sunday of the month, except in January, May, August and December.

History: Lodge Sirius was founded in 1919 and continued to function, even through World War II.
The lodge built the current temple themselves and it was consecrated on 28th March 1971. present temple was consecrated on 28 March 1971 in Royal Tunbridge Wells, UK.
Midnight day marker, with Sirius Setting at location along horizon:-
I thought i would leave a puzzle, i have little doubt that the Shire of Isis was named by early colonists in Australia, perhaps the came from near the River Isis being the Thames as it flows through Oxford, perhaps it reminded them of all boat racing regatta's that happen on the Thames.


Map of Isis Division and adjacent local government areas, March 1902
The Isis Division was established on 1 January 1887 under the Divisional Boards Act 1887, on land previously part of the Burrum Division.

With the passage of the Local Authorities Act 1902, Isis Division became the Shire of Isis on 31 March 1903
Isis Lodge quote below:-
The first Lodge meeting was held in the new hall on 8 October 1897. wonder if it was named after the Nile river and the Goddess Isis, the star of Isis is Sirius.
The Logo of the Shire of Isis does seem to have a Middle East goddess flavour:-
Midnight day marker and Egyptian day marker, sunrise below for Shire of Isis:-
The town of Childers in Queensland is named after Hugh Childers:- name of Isis is probably named after the River Isis in England.
Many boating races are associated with the River Thames or River Isis. of these races has the feel of the colonial past, being connected with the higher class, there is even an Eton Boating song attached, you can hear hear part of it from this old colonial film, set up to 01 hours 12 minutes:- Henley Regatta starts by Temple Island.
The town of Childers in Queensland is named after Hugh Childers:-

The name of Isis is probably named after the River Isis in England.
Many boating races are associated with the River Thames or River Isis.
Before the Romans came it was called '..Tems..'
but the Romans latinised it and called it '..Tamesis..'
Various names have appeared since then.
The name '..Tamyse..' was popular in Anglo-Saxon times

but it has been known as 'Thames' since c. 1600.

When and why the 'h' was introduced is not known.
It was once suggested that the Roman word '..Tamesis..'
derived from the joining of the word '..Isis..'
an alternative name used by some for the River
above / around Oxford
and the '..Thame..' tributary that meets near Dorchester
but there is no foundation for this idea.

Most etymologists now appear to agree :)
that the name '..Thames..' is derived from the Sanskrit
ancient Indian word '..Tamasa..' meaning '..dark river..'
or '..dark water..'
& that the use of the word spread from India through the Celts to Britain.

"..Whilst on the matter of the name of the River Thames.
There is no record of the name in any early charter
it was not used by the Romans or Saxons
and does not appear before the 14th century
when it first appeared as '..Isa..'
It seems it is a name conjured up by scribes
in the 14th century for some unknown reason.." :) of these races has the feel of the colonial past, being connected with the higher class, there is even an Eton Boating song attached, you can hear hear part of it from this old colonial film, set up to 01 hours 12 minutes:- Henley Regatta starts by Temple Island.
Quote and link,Jup,
However some think the river is named after goddess Isis, which attracts metaphysical beliefs:-

The name ISIS is not an acronym: it refers to the Ancient Egyptian goddess and the local name for the River Thames. dates can clear this up, scroll down link below to 4th Page and read under "a Year around Isis" it tells the date of when the first Neutrons were produced being 16 December 1984:- was opened by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on 1 Oct 1985 will be showing charts tomorrow.
Hi Jup, i'm clear of cancer,.....whoopi do!

Quote and link,Jup,
However some think the river is named after goddess Isis, which attracts metaphysical beliefs:-
Cheers thanks Monk :)
The name ISIS is not an acronym: it refers to the Ancient Egyptian goddess and the local name for the River Thames. dates can clear this up, scroll down link below to 4th Page and read under "a Year around Isis" it tells the date of when the first Neutrons were produced being 16 December 1984:- was opened by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on 1 Oct 1985 will be showing charts tomorrow.

Hi Jup, i'm clear of cancer,.....whoopi do!
Hi Monk - yay!
Hi Jup,
When Margaret Thatcher inaugurated the Isis neutron and muon source on 1 October 1985 it was the same alignment on day and location as the Vatican Obelisk.:-

picture 130 40% (3).png

When the Vatican wise sit fearful for our fate,
While paying homage to the relic beyond their gate,
The oath, the obelisk, high on Capitol Hill,
bending the Cosmos to their ego and will,
Hydra's wine bittersweet, raised high in a flagon
Betwix't freedom and love, or release of the Kraken!
When karmic dark clouds hang crying from the sky,
and those of the 33 degree calculate and scry,
Look to the angles, there you will find God star might,
T'is the Cosmic bugle, first blood in the Sirius fight!

Isis chart below:-
