About Retrogrades!!!

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Mar 23, 2013
Hi, today when I was staring at my own horoscope, a small question struck in my mind. I was wondering If Mars considers mercury as an enemy, then if Mars is in retrograde in a horoscope and aspects Mercury, does that change their relations too??? for example, if Mars aspects mercury then mars considers Mercury as its enemy, but if Retrograde Mars aspects Mercury, does Retrograde Mars still considers Mercury as its enemy or Friend???
According to generally accepted Vedic doctrine, retrograde increases the strength of the rx planet, it does not change the nature of the planet nor its "friends and enemies". Parasara stated that a retrograde planet is like a planet in exlatation-and remember that exaltation can mean an amplification of malefic influences as well as an amplification of benefic influences. So, in answer to your specific question, Mars would "regard" Mercury as an "enemy" whether or not Mars-or Mercury for that matter-were direct or retrograde.
(Acutally, "enemy" and "friend" really mean "dissonant energies" and "resonant energies"-the terms enemy/friend were used to express this actual enegetic harmonic/disharmonic relationship, to make such a subtle relationship more easily understood in common parlance)
Dr Farr ,

Mars and mercury are enemies , so mars in virgo is not a good house for mars right ?

And to add mercury is also in virgo both in same house .. so whats will be the effects ?

Mutual discord-HOWEVER, the influence of this discordance will be modified by other factors influencing Mars and Mercury-the sarvashtakavarga bindus for the signs Mars and Mercury are in, and whether each planet contributes a bindu in the BAV table of the other planet (or not), will modify the degree of the dissonant relationship of Mars and Mercury: now, it wouldn't reverse it, but it could either amplify the dissonant relationship or it could reduce the influence of the dissonant relationship, down to even an unimportant level.

Now, with Mercury in same sign as Mars (ie, both in Virgo), they are in fact conjunct, with Mercury stronger than Mars (unless Mars is retrograde-then they would be approximately even in strength) So the delineation would be of Mercury conjunct Mars as elaborated in the literatue: if the sign they are both in (Virgo) has high sarva bindus, the - indications of this conjunction would be reduced to a minimal effect; if average # of bindus, the - indications of this conjunction would be moderate in effect; if a below average # of bindus, the - indications of this conjunction would be considerable and significant.
Dr farr ,

not mars howver mercury is retrogarde .
and the bindus are 29 .

howver its not a tight conjuction as mer is 0.09 and mars is 29 degree in virgo .

Mercury then is doubly strong (domicile + rx): 29 bindus is close to above average: I would consider the - indications (of the Mars/Mercury conjunction) to be pretty weak.
yes Dr farr ,

and infact even my mars ad was also very good - -

sun also join this yoga , and sun is 13 degree , so he is between mer and mars .

and i read that when kendra lord are in trikonas it is a rajyoga .

According to generally accepted Vedic doctrine, retrograde increases the strength of the rx planet, it does not change the nature of the planet nor its "friends and enemies". Parasara stated that a retrograde planet is like a planet in exlatation-and remember that exaltation can mean an amplification of malefic influences as well as an amplification of benefic influences. So, in answer to your specific question, Mars would "regard" Mercury as an "enemy" whether or not Mars-or Mercury for that matter-were direct or retrograde.
(Acutally, "enemy" and "friend" really mean "dissonant energies" and "resonant energies"-the terms enemy/friend were used to express this actual enegetic harmonic/disharmonic relationship, to make such a subtle relationship more easily understood in common parlance)

Thank you Dr. Farr, your post solved my confusion.:biggrin:
I would consider the - indications (of the Mars/Mercury conjunction) to be pretty weak.

Yes me too, I also think that when they aspect each other fully, they are considered weak. For example, Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Pisces.