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rahu said:
hi rubella,
the memory is fickle.i have a history i can't remember,but the psychological traits i have worked out ,have made it clear.
also,looking at your chart ,transit wise ,you are currently under a similar vib[abusive] vib now.this is not a good time to confront anyone about this potentiality.one of many psychological trait you may have to work on is resentment.

Resentment is a HUGE issue for me.
You're very right.

I just have no idea how you get rid of it.

Thanks :)
resentment is a tough one.for all a thing i know ,i haven't completely dealt with it either but it does haunt me as much as it did once.
the first way to approach resentment ,is to realize that abuse is a cultural trait.it is passed from abuser to abuser through the generations.so if you resent your abuser,you have to resent the abuser who abused the abuser.abusers have themselves been abused.so where to you stop resenting on the train of abuse.to not let go of resentment means the abuser is still abusing you,by making you waste you mental and emotional enrgies on a situation you can change.you must realize you must go on.a focus of abuse is to degrade and retard you in your life.overwhelming resentment keeps your in the grip of the abuser mind.if there are things you can do for grievance then do them,but if not you must save your enrgies to focus on your life,not the past.
rahu said:
the first way to approach resentment ,is to realize that abuse is a cultural trait.it is passed from abuser to abuser through the generations.so if you resent your abuser,you have to resent the abuser who abused the abuser.abusers have themselves been abused.so where to you stop resenting on the train of abuse.

So VERY true. Having undergone specific forms of physical, mental and emotional abuse myself, it was finally through astrology (which is just conscious psychology in some ways:) ), and understanding the WHY on the abusers' parts, that enabled me to accept, change my ideas about a situation and, yes, finally forgive and let go. The 'release', the 'weight off my mind' experienced was like floating.

attachment, to Venus


You asked:
...I'm not sure if I was brought into this world to be an outlet for others pain and anger and hurt. I have often wondered...perhaps that's why my energy came into being...I am whatever my surroundings are, whoever I am with...

When we are children, we experience our energies directly, since we have little or no ability to control the flow of our energies or use them. And so, if we have challenging energies in us, this can tend to draw challenging circumstances to us. In your chart you have Libra (relationships) modifying Uranus (friends, also rebellion) conjunct (energy is combined with) Virgo (daily work) modifying South node (the past) conjunct Jupiter (expansion) conjunct Pluto (transformation, also sex, control) focused in the 12th house (spirituality, also deception, confusion) square (energy needs to be combined with) Mars (being, also action, anger) focused in the 2nd house (physical). The result was a daily past filled with angry, expansive, rebellious, sexual deception from those around you.

Being a Buddhist, you understand "attachment"...well, with all that energy attached to your South node, you are "attached" to your past: you tend to think that everything that happened as a child defines who you are as an adult. The challenge is to let GO of the child memories...and live life as an adult. While you COULDN'T do anything about your life as a child you CAN do things about your life as an adult. But not by being a doormat to others. While your South node is focused in confusion (12th house), your North node (future goals) is focused in the 6th house (daily work). Working at things, putting one foot in front of the other, doing things because they serve others in their best interests by helping them being wiser, better, nicer, etc. Being a doormat doesn't help you do your routines...it just enables people to indulge in their evil side.

"When I was a child, I thought as a child. Now that I am an adult, I have put away childish things." These are spiritual words to LIVE by. And, it is possible that all this is nothing new...you have made your peace with your past, decided not to be a doormat to others, and are a strong, confident person. If not, just remembert that Venus (relationships) in Aries (being, also action) is the sign of the CONQUEROR in relationships...be sure to USE your energy for YOU...don't give it away to others.

That is the biggest challenge with strong power in our charts...it can seem so challenging to us that we get in the habit of giving away our power to others, instead of learning how to use it ourselves. You have GREAT power in you, which, now you are an adult, you can use to help build the future you deserve.


Well said words. And yes what has happened in my childhood is done and gone. Waters under the bridge as they say or tears that have long been cried and dried up. The here and now is where I live, because it's the only thing that really exists..this moment..right here..right now..

Yes I understand the views of being someones doormat, and I think to succumb to anothers anger or issues without consciousness of it, and what they are working out and why I was brought into the interaction is being a doormat. It only serves to keep circling around ...unfullfilled and unfinished... as the unconciousness tries to be heard..repeating and repeating.

But I don't think everyone is here to be "someone", to be an individual. When the aries tries to fight for "myself" I only hit a brickwall. Don't forget the chiron there. Through experience I find I have a healing affect on others; and yes at my "own" expense. If you were to look at my being as something I own. But if I use that aries energy to stay strong, to take each step forward knowing I'm truly just an illusion in this world and nothing more, I can continue to experience what I have experienced yet still give out love and understanding. Using that strength to let chiron heal others and still carry the weight of my own pain I cannot heal. Aries helps me to keep taking those steps each day.

I once had a dream with an unusual experience upon awakening. I was dreaming that I was dreaming; and the dream inside the dream I learned that everything was make believe; if we believe it..we make it..I woke up laughing.. realizing I was laying with a make believe body on a make believe bed surrounded by make believe walls..in the laughter tears started rolling down my face..and there was a strange sensation of the room disappearing around me, and my body was disengrating, it almost gave me the impression of what it must feel like to be toothpaste being squeezed from a tube..it was like my disolvement was being squeezed out into nothingness..and I jerked back scared..and found myself again in my make believe world. To live in this world takes strength.

I am not a doormat, but I guess the definition or label like so many other things we label out there is up for interpertation. I'm an energy that gives my self freely to what others need. Forgiveness needs no reason; it's an act of compassion and given because the other needs it. I let myself be what others need, full of love and ready to leave when the healing is done, already forgiving them before the pain was ever felt.

Neptune in the 2nd house of self worth....pisces moon..venus in chiron and north node in the house of service... I think I am fullfilling my routine here on this Earth this go around.

Thank you for the loving words Wilson; and sage advice.
I can't believe how many of us are actually seeing these traits in the people in our lives and that these traits are truly aligning themselves properly with astrology. I guess I shouldn't be surprised but I am.
I just want to say that, as a very Earthy-Air temperament, I have seldom been so moved by posts as those written by VenusInAries. I wondered about family genetics playing their role in her abuse and if this earthly fact has taken away all essence of Self. If not, her chart should be intepretted at a level with which most of we earthbound mortals would experience difficulty; the soul level and the meaning behind a 6th house NN in Pisces.

I feel humbled.

Thank you but again I'm only me and my views are only what they are for the moment, right here and now. But other's have different views because the world looks different in everyone's eyes.

But I do wonder about lack of self at times yes. The abuse started when I can remember age 2 so I don't believe the self was truly ever able to establish itself. I also with an 8 degree orb have Neptune opposing my Sun in my Natal and currently going thru a transit of Neptune square my Sun, so I am sure all factors in how my view is being formed.

I have a friend on here who we have shared open and honest talks about self and he thought with the abuse and my ability to share openly about it might help with those wanting to gather information for astrologically learning. But I do think the human aspects we all share on this forum are wonderful. I learn so much from others.
I am the second of 5 children. I was the only one that was abused. My mother verbally abused me and she could be physical at times. I was also abused by a aunt that my parent's made us live with while they worked. She verbally and physically abused me. I was also abused by 2 uncles. I have always had a problem with men trying to take advantage of me. Now that I am older this does not happen anymore because I have shyed away from talking to men. I grew up being scared of men. I will attach my chart , so that viewers might find a link in a persons natal chart that might show signs of abuse.


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I natally have Saturn square Pluto, and Saturn square Chiron. I think i experienced the effects of this just over 10 years ago when I stayed in an physically/emotionally abusive relationship for a few years. I think the transit that may have triggered it was transiting Chiron square natal Saturn. Transiting Saturn was conjuncting natal Moon/trining natal Saturn also.

I have transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mars at the moment (for quite a long moment!). I've learned to take this power into myself and not give it over to others, otherwise there are certainly many others more than willing to take it for me.

hi sara,
your T square with saturn square the moon opposed to the jupiter/chiron conjunction correlates to the abuse by your mother and aunt.the jupiter adds the element of a generational pattern of abuse.you have a sun conjunct to the venus/chiron midpoint which are square to mars,this shows physical/sexual abuse by males ,and jupiter brings in the aspect of uncles.the saturn/chiron midpoint is squatre to mercury and opposed to neptune.this shows a abusive mental environment and indicates that alcohol or drugs wer often part of the abusive environment.i would think you may have had to overcome a drug/alcohol indulgences because of this.though you may have also rejected these elements as you understood their negative effect.your saturn/mars midpoint is square to pluto which adds to the severity of the physical and sexual abuse.
you seem to have strong pyschic abilities which may have helped you cope with this difficult karma.
hi neptune.
your squares are fairly wide but the pluto/chiron midpoint is very close to a exact conjunction to saturn,with saturn oppoded to the neptune/venus and neptune/mercury midpoint wjile also square to the MC.
this would correlated with your abusive relationship and the neptune would possibly indicate that he had a substance abuse problem also.
your neptune rising indicates that you are also extremely psychic and probably have visions ,
rahu said:
hi sara,
your T square with saturn square the moon opposed to the jupiter/chiron conjunction correlates to the abuse by your mother and aunt.the jupiter adds the element of a generational pattern of abuse.you have a sun conjunct to the venus/chiron midpoint which are square to mars,this shows physical/sexual abuse by males ,and jupiter brings in the aspect of uncles.the saturn/chiron midpoint is squatre to mercury and opposed to neptune.this shows a abusive mental environment and indicates that alcohol or drugs wer often part of the abusive environment.i would think you may have had to overcome a drug/alcohol indulgences because of this.though you may have also rejected these elements as you understood their negative effect.your saturn/mars midpoint is square to pluto which adds to the severity of the physical and sexual abuse.
you seem to have strong pyschic abilities which may have helped you cope with this difficult karma.
Hi, Rahu
Thankyou for the reply. I have to say that I am unlike any of my siblings in that I am the only one who is spirtual. Even as a child when I was little I would ask god to send my sisters christmas presents instead of me because I knew that we were poor. I was always different then anyone I knew, In school, in order to fit in I just pretended to be someone that I was not. No one knew the real me. I started going to church when I was 8 years old and as I got older I would ask lots of questions. The people would get upset with me because I would question everything that they were saying. I tried real hard to believe alot of what they were saying but, it did not make alot of since to me. There are times in my life where I have wanted to tell people, Am I the only person in the world who gets it or are there others out there. I found out as I got older that I was not alone. I somehow know things without knowing how. For instance, One night I was laying down to go to bed and I started thinking about where my daughter's birth certificate is, then I started thinking about what if there was a fire and I had to get out would I know where it was. I laid there thinking about it and I remembered where I put it. I told myself that I was going to get all my important papers and put them all together in a folder in the morning. Then there was a knock at the door, I got up to answer the door and it was the sherriff telling us that we had to evacuate because there was a grass fire behind are house and that it has already burned 3 homes. This is just one of the many things that have happened to me. I am also able to feel what other people are feeling, I have been able to do this since I was little. I have never been wrong about a person to this day. I can always see right through a person. I am not sure how this happens, I just trust it. I sometimes get sick around them or I immediatly do not like them, even if they are really nice. My husband would get really mad at me when I told him that I did not trust that person or that I did not like them. He said that I am a negative person and that I should not judge people. I would get upset and not say anything else. The funny thing is, I would end up being right everytime. There are alot of other things that people may not believe, but It would take up to much of my time to write it all down. I also wanted to tell you that I have never been into drugs or drinking and would never want to. I have a very strong mind and I do not allow myself to become addicted to anything. If I feel like I am becoming addicted to a certain thing, I stop it. Ex.. caffeine, fast food. I think that I had to experience all these bad things in my life for a reason. I may have not been so spiritual if I had not experienced this. Thankyou again for your reply
I'm just adding data from my own files.

This is a painful subject, but I hope we will all learn from it.

I have not yet looked at the charts posted, which I will do after posting this…

First, a former friend, man, VERY difficult childhood. Horrible childhood. Who knows what happened before he was adopted. Father was schizophrenic, horribly abusive verbally, mother most likely as sexually abused.

Sun/Moon conjunct in 8th, Pluto close by, all in Leo, Cancer on the 8th cusp.

This does not include physical or sexual abuse.

Another woman, definite sexual abuse from father:

Sun in 3rd, Moon in 9th, weak opposition but strongly square Pluto/Saturn conjuction in the 12th. Jupiter also in the 12th, only planet in Scorpio, but Scorpio Asc.

I have much more information on alcoholism or substance abuse, but I do have a few charts of people, close to me, who have been abused, and Pluto/Mars/Uranus square/conjunct/opposition personal planets seem common, Neptune too because often there is psychological warping going on, really evil mind-games.

I'm looking at one chart with Sun/Mars/Venus conjunct in Aries in the 10th opposing Neptune in the 4th, Jupiter opposing POF. Pluto square Moon is the worst, only 27 minutes orb. Horrible abuse.

You are looking for abuse of power, domination, cruelty. It can show up anywhere, but those planets that show the potential for violence are in hard aspects. Look perhaps more often to the Sun for men (who were abused as boys), more often to the Moon for women, but there is no hard, fast rule.

I would put Pluto opposite or square Mars right at the top of the list, with my limited experience.

I can't share the full charts, because these are people I know well, and it would be a violation of friendship, but I have studied them. I want to thank all the people who shared their stories. I've learned a lot from this topic, and I have to say that I feel very lucky not having gone through such horrible treatment.

Hi, I do not have this persons birth time, but will call his office Monday to try and get his birth time. His name is Dave Pelzer, He has written several books on the abuse he went through from his mother. His birth date is 12/29/1960. He was born in Daly City,CA.
I was speechless after reading here what you people have gone through. Deep down i feel so much yet really really adore the courage you all have.
You all were really great. All the best in life ! Never give up and continue helping those in need !
I'm glad someone started this thread and at the same time sad for all who suffered abuse.

A few years ago, I started a new job. One woman is into astrology and since I have an interest in it she offered to do my birth chart. That was before I knew I could do it myself on the internet.

A few days after, she came up to me and said that I was sexually abused at the age of 10! I really did not know anything about aspects and configurations or anthing like that. I was both shocked and upset because I did not think she minded her own business, in a sort of way. I felt she should have not told me something so serious without really being sure. I had not given her permission to do my chart for the purpose of finding something like that! I also felt devastated. What if she was right? I spoke with my parents which obviously did not turn out so well. They of course assured me nothing happened. But I have it in my mind that they might be lying. It hurts me to this day. I have no memories and will probably live the rest of my life wondering. If it did happen, it would answer so many questions as to why my life is such a mess.

If anyone would like to take a look at my chart, by all means go ahead. And I will not be shocked or devasted if something does come out...as this has already happened. Just would like to know some of your opinions as this board is the perfect place.

Thanks a million,
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I see an event chart, I think, for the 23rd of August of this year.

For this person to have made such a statement, in my opinion, is incredibly irresponsible.

If you had gone to her—the self-proclaimed astrologist—and had told HER that you had been abused AND had asked for her help, it would be a different story.

The real abuse that I see, so far, is an abuse of trust, on the part of the woman who took it upon herself to give you this "reading". This is absolutely WRONG. It is irresponsible, cruel and an invasion of your privacy. NO EXCUSE for this.

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hi caprising
this chart does not seem to be a abuse survivor rather a potential abuser.
this chart shows a type of individual who seems normally,socially well adjusted .with the jupiter opposed to the sun/venus midpoint ,he is good spiriited , seemingly very gregarious and a optimistic and just person.he has the qualities that make very one attracted to him and seems has a loving nature.he could be a teacher or counselor.with moon opposed to juno ,he places high value on family.
the rub her is the mars/neptune conjunction square to saturn.this gives a deceptive and ,at times, a need to physical control his environment.this can show a duplicious and scheming individual.
the potential for abusive sexual behavior is shown by the mars/neptune conjunction's midpoint with pluto.this midpoint point is conjunct the venus/sun midpoint.this can indicate that behind the nurturing,loving facade,there is malicious,obsessive,sexual complusion involved in his make up.kind of a wolf in sheep's clothing effect.
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