I’ve just discovered this site and this thread. It's difficult to find the right words to describe how moved I am by it. I hope that someone is still checking it from time to time...
I don’t know where to start. Maybe by saying that astrology has helped me to find a way to talk about my fears that have lingered around me since I can remember. That’s why I’m posting my natal chart, because I’m sure that for many it will say more than I ever can.
The word “fear” is the central part, because I can’t say that I remember being physically abused. I don’t even know if it could be something from the past lives, because I do have vivid, dreams, which often have prophetic quality to them. Awake, I don’t have visions, it’s more of knowledge or awareness of certain things that are/were or will be. I can’t explain how. And it isn’t something that I can control in any sense. Sometimes it’s about really important issues and sometimes it’s about something completely irrelevant.
Anyway, I’ve always had this feeling that as a woman I had to be extra careful. I was brought up never to bring myself in the situation I cannot deal with (always had someone walk me home, almost never stayed late if that wasn’t the case, never enter the elevator with a stranger, never to hitchhike etc.) and as a child, when I’m alone, never to let in the house even the men I knew, let alone strangers. One can never be fully objective when it comes to the ones you love, but I don’t think that that my environment (my mother, aunt and grandmother; no father – never knew him, was seeing him sporadically till I was about 3) was over protective. The thing is, my mum was the real thing when it comes to precognition. She never talked about it openly; she just lived in harmony with her gift and helped everyone around her.
The only thing I really am sure of is that my step-father, who entered my life when I was 7, never abused me in any way. However, that is not the case with whatever, if anything, might have happened by the age of 6, because my memories are scarce.
So, I don’t know whether my fears are based on the past (be it childhood or past lives) or the future. I just know that they can be so debilitating sometimes, because I almost never do anything if I don’t feel comfortable with it.
Verbal abuse is something I experienced in relationships (Gemini Mars in the 7th, I guess). I ended the first one in my early twenties and was relieved. But. It was a lesson I had to learn. And still am, in a way, because my husband (Gemini/Sagittarius with Pluto opposition Mars), whom I love dearly, is verbally aggressive. I’m learning to confront him instead of retreating (Mars opposition Neptune in the 1st), to show him that what his doing is wrong. Some results are fortunately starting to show.
Is there any astrological evidence that my fears could be made real and is there a way to avoid it, by living carefully as I do? I know that sometimes, circumstances are above our control, which was once subtly indicated by the astrologer I met. She mentioned something about avoiding deserted parking lots, elevators…
I’m only a beginner in astrology, but the following aspects seem troublesome: Uranus in the 12th trine Venus in the 8th; Pluto in the 10th square Venus; Lilith in the 7th opposition Neptune; Moon square Mars; Moon square Neptune etc.
I would be very grateful for any comment, similar experience…
Living without clear memory, in fear is sometimes very difficult to bear.
Thank you.