Acting as a career

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The rust on dust

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2014
A good day,

Recently I have been getting more and more frustrated with my career and where I want to be years down the line. Been working distinct 9 to 5 jobs and I just find it the worst kind of drag.
I understand most if not all dislike some aspect of their jobs. I feel however it is slowly suffocating me, sapping every little drop of creative energy I might have had, becoming a mindless zombie without a will.
I have asked about a couple of other career option I would have considered before. Writing - which I love doing in my head but the actual writing I never get to etc.
Acting has always something I have had a great affection for, but also a sort of primal fear I cannot describe. It has kept me so far in doubt if I should actually pursue a career in it.
I have often times read my own natal chart, which also points to a creative career. Heck, one might even see most classic hallmarks of a acting career or something in the arts...

I will include my natal chart for anyone curious.

Would appreciate any input into this query which is pretty close to my heart.
I put off asking about this topic for a long time, for some reason I fear the outcome and I cannot explain it.

Thank you.


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I think your charts show talent.

But many talented people cannot make a living at acting even when they are able to get parts. This field is extremely competitive, especially in this era of covid-19, when it is hard to assemble a cast and crew, or pack people into theatres.

Why don't you sign up for an acting class or try out for a part in your local amateur theater group, and see how you get on? Or do some acting on YouTube and see if you attract an audience?

Note that acting talent has ready applications in other fields that put you in front of an audience, such as teaching, the ministry, being a docent or tour guide, and sales.

With Jupiter conjunct your MC, is teaching an option for you?
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Thanks for the reply's,

@Waybread - I am aware the field is very congested and competitive, there are a lot of people that inhabit our world and acting is a very desired career. I have done some acting in the past. Stopped doing it to work and social commitments. Have not considered youtube as a outlet, might have to look into that, thank you.

Your point about Jupiter conjunct MC - I do not really consider it that strong. It is out of sign, separating and 3 degrees apart. I have however never considered teaching and I do not think I would going forward. I do not think I have anything to teach anyone nor would I be willing to in a classical classroom setting nor a teacher student relation. It seems you do consider this said conjunction however. Are there any other ways this conjunction can or should play out in Concurrence with my natal chart?

@Bunraku - I have no conception as to why that should be Bunraku. I am currently not in the state of moving nor am I actively studying or following study course online or at a school.

I appreciate the efforts made towards my query.
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You've recently become frustrated with your career because you're in a 10th house profection year and you've got Uranus transiting this house (unrest and change). Libra becomes your profected 6th house (mundane work) where you have Mars and Saturn in a sign based square to your 6th house, so you will be feeling frustrated and held back in your current work situation. When Saturn and Jupiter ingress into Aquarius and squares your MC will be a good career change time for you, this will be at the start of 2021.
I think out-of-sign conjunctions work in a natal chart. Their use is common in modern astrology. I wouldn't use them in horary normally. I also think that a natal chart is read more like a snapshot, unlike in horary where it really matters if an aspect applies or separates.

For Jupiter, 3 degrees is definitely in-orb if you use out-of-sign aspects.

Jupiter actually makes 6-in-sign aspects in your chart; 7 if you count Chiron. It has a finger in a lot of pies, so to speak.

One reason why I think out-of-sign aspects work is that midpoints are often involved. Jupiter looks to be your most elevated planet, and it is involved in a kite formation pointing to your moon-Chiron.

I wasn't thinking you could step right into a classroom tomorrow. Obviously you'd need credentials. Which is kind of a frequent problem with middle-aged people's career questions. A career that is a super match-up with a horoscope might require more expensive schooling than the person is willing or able to undertake.

With so many planets in Leo, the parental moon in communicative Gemini as the apex of a kite formation, and Jupiter conjunct your MC (!), I think you would be happiest in a job that puts you "on stage" in some way, where you do have information and ideals to convey.

What has been your education and job experience to date? Often it's better to think of a lateral kind of move vs. completely starting anew if one has to put bread on the table and a roof over one's head.

I've looked at a lot of actors' charts, and have yet to find a consistent horoscope signature. I think the horoscope indicates what type of actor a person would be, more so than whether or not they have this kind of career.

Note also that many actors do that kind of work for only part of their lives.
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Thanks again,

@Chrysalis - Quite right. Does it at all indicate the sort of career the change would bring about?

@Waybread - Ok I can value that viewpoint on the jupiter midheaven conjunction. I have read a few articles that state that aspects are not always that great. I think it was something about a planet "calling" and it then being quite strong. Specifically a conjunction which I have quite a few dilute the primordial qualities of a planet and blend it with the other's, which is not always a improvement.
I do not really know much about midpoints or their effects, I might have to look into this matter.
Jupiter is indeed my most elevated planet, I have read a bit on this subject.

I do not count the Jupiter Uranus trine since it is almost 8 degree's apart and separating, thus I do not consider the grand fire trine nor the kite.
Seeing as you do, what do you think it would imply if it was indeed active and working? The Moon being the focus of the energy of a fire trine in the 11th house in Gemini. A divulging of emotions with friends? A conscious diving into the subconscious in the presence of a group or a circle of friends?
Perhaps the realization of dreams through the communication of the subconscious thought processes? Alas I wish to read your thoughts on this point.

My background is in ICT - It is really boring and when I started it way back in school, I had a totally different conception of what it in the end turned out to be.

As I said before, I have no intention or aspirations to be a teacher to anyone. I find that I do have nothing to teach, I am not particularly intelligent nor do I have a good memory for which to store knowledge that I could forward onto others. Perhaps Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven is alluding to something else? A radical change or concatenation would have to spur me towards "classical" teaching.

I am still curious if the horary chart says yes or no though hahah :biggrin:

Eagerly awaiting further responses,

Thank you!
I didn't see this explicitly stated, but Jupiter conj. MC is actually a testimony for working as an actor. Gauquelin found that eminent actors had a higher likelihood of having Jupiter in one of the "Gauquelin zones" (ascendant, MC, IC and the degrees immediately preceding them) which of course is apparent in your chart. Just something that I think bears pointing out.
I don't think you caught my drift, rust on dust.

As I noted, most people go back to school to acquire sufficient training and education to become teachers. Their career isn't based upon what they know prior to their formal education. Most places require a university degree in education plus a solid content background for teaching. It's not like anyone rolls up to a school and applies for a job with no credentials. You don't know enough now, but you could if you applied yourself to getting the educational background. There is a big need for more technical skills on the planet.

Most teachers speak from notes, power point slides, &c. These work as mnemonic devices. Very few can sustain an entire class session just off the top of their heads.

But hey, if it's not for you, so be it. I'm fine with people rejecting my advice, but I do think they should understand what a career is actually like before doing that.

But whoa. You're interested in acting yet you do not have a good memory? How good are you at memorizing lines? You can't just go on-camera or on-stage and read from a script.

I don't know what you've been reading about aspects in astrology, but it doesn't sound like what I've encountered in my past 30 years of study.

With conjunctions, 2 planets operate together. Whether they are weakened or strengthened by the partnership depends upon what the planets are and how they are situated in a chart.

Needless to say, the MC is not a planet. It casts no orb. So we look at the planet ruling the MC's sign plus any 10th house planets for more information on one's career.

I practice a choice-centered astrology. You've already considered your kite and what it might mean. Which meaning do you like best? Try to live your life into it.

Each planet, sign, and house has multiple interpretations that are all consistent with their core meanings.

Moon-Chiron can be a recipe for hurt feelings, or wounded emotions. If one stays open to those hurts and doesn't try to ignore them, Chiron can confer a lot of wisdom and compassion for other people. In communicative Gemini, you might have some wisdom and compassion to share with other people (11th house.)

Your north node of personal growth in the 9th house relates to activities that expand your mental horizons.