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So since I was a child I have been addicted very easily to people, scents, etc bla bla. Thats also the reason why I as a 18 year old still havent tried alcohol or weed or any drugs in general, since I know I wouldnt be able to quit. Now to my question, I am especially addicted from running away from my problems; procrastinating very important tasks and so on. I have tried a lot of things but I cant seem to take myself to actually do the tasks that im supposed to do. Do you see any indicators in my birth chart? Could you tell me what would help me in this situation?
I would, respectfully, want to get my **** back together and live a lovely life with a good education and not bad marks on almost all subjects. (I used to be a straight A student and then I began playing video games and I cant seem to quit those).
Do you maybe see a future for me where I can be myself authentically? I have like 5 friends that love me the way I am, but all the others seem to have a problem with me being a transgirl that is straight. Is there maybe always gonna be conflict in my work place? I would really appreciate some input.
Thank you so much and a LOVELY new year to EVERYONE!!! May all the kindness that you showed others from last year benefit your next one!

I think that you are very much aware of all the issues. Being a

means that your are a sensitive, emotional, compassionate individual, easily influenced from environment, probably interested in something of artistic nature, with possible psychic abilities, that finds that the world is a cruel place, so often prefers to run away and escape in the world of fantasy/dreams/music/run away from responsibilities/escape through drugs/substances/run away from reality, changing jobs, when things get hard, change anything, being vulnerable to criticism. Creativity could be a way to express yourself.
So, it appears to me that you are aware what your weaknesses are, but instead of saying that this is the way things are and do nothing about it, just accepting defeat, it is good that you try harder, work, currently doing your best to continue your studies, you can do it, take full responsibility of your life, do something for yourself, because YOU and nobody else, is the one who has to do it! Your life is yours, but that comes with responsibilities, mostly towards yourself, so that you can be something, create something, be independent, improve your self-respect, build something solid and more importantly self-discipline, which appears to be a weak spot.
Avoiding any substances is No 1 priority, but you ought to find something that attracts your interest and work hard to build a career.
Being a transgirl is fine nowadays. That is a totally different subject. You aren't attracted to the opposite gender, that happens quite often! You have to trust yourself and you may find a partner to offer your love, someone who deeply cares about you in return. You aren't alone!
Best regards,