Addiction in my birth chart + being trans

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Sep 18, 2022

So since I was a child I have been addicted very easily to people, scents, etc bla bla. Thats also the reason why I as a 18 year old still havent tried alcohol or weed or any drugs in general, since I know I wouldnt be able to quit. Now to my question, I am especially addicted from running away from my problems; procrastinating very important tasks and so on. I have tried a lot of things but I cant seem to take myself to actually do the tasks that im supposed to do. Do you see any indicators in my birth chart? Could you tell me what would help me in this situation? I would, respectfully, want to get my **** back together and live a lovely life with a good education and not bad marks on almost all subjects. (I used to be a straight A student and then I began playing video games and I cant seem to quit those).

Do you maybe see a future for me where I can be myself authentically? I have like 5 friends that love me the way I am, but all the others seem to have a problem with me being a transgirl that is straight. Is there maybe always gonna be conflict in my work place? I would really appreciate some input.

Thank you so much and a LOVELY new year to EVERYONE!!! May all the kindness that you showed others from last year benefit your next one! :) <3
I think you're very wise to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Neptune generically rules drugs and alcohol, and it forms a wide square to both Venus (pleasure) and Mars (aggression.) These two planets are not conjunct, but their midpoint is a lot closer to the point of a precise Neptune square.

Pluto square sun-Mercury can get obsessive. People with the sun-Pluto square were often bullied as children, so they grow up not expecting the universe to support them. It is important not to invest in interpersonal power dynamics of the dominate-or-be-dominated variety.

Obviously school work is more important than video games-- yet there are people who make good money by designing them. Had you thought of this as a career?

Have you ever been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD, or ADHD)? I don't think this can be read directly off a horoscope, but sometimes people with this disorder have trouble following-through on tasks, large or small. It can turn really bright people into under-achievers because it is hard for them to finish anything.

The moon shows your feelings and emotional nature; and square Uranus, so your feelings can change very rapidly.

Of course, there's a lot more to a horoscope, but I hope this gives you a few points to consider.
Wow, your chart is very Piscean and watery! It seems that you need to do something artistic and creative in your career, something with aesthetics and arts, because based on your chart - you will have the most passion and motivation from that. You may have difficulty escaping bad habits because you feel too unfulfilled and stressed trying to fit what other people or society expects from you. First step is full self-acceptance and loving yourself as you are, because there is nothing wrong with you. Second step is finding something you feel truly passionate about to study and holding on to that full-force, something were you can express yourself and create something beautiful. This will motivate you to give up the bad habits and focus automatically. You have the intelligence clearly as you were straight A’s before, and so, success and a lovely life will be no problem once you pursue your passion. Wishing you all the best from the heart!
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So since I was a child I have been addicted very easily to people, scents, etc bla bla. Thats also the reason why I as a 18 year old still havent tried alcohol or weed or any drugs in general, since I know I wouldnt be able to quit. Now to my question, I am especially addicted from running away from my problems; procrastinating very important tasks and so on. I have tried a lot of things but I cant seem to take myself to actually do the tasks that im supposed to do. Do you see any indicators in my birth chart? Could you tell me what would help me in this situation? I would, respectfully, want to get my **** back together and live a lovely life with a good education and not bad marks on almost all subjects. (I used to be a straight A student and then I began playing video games and I cant seem to quit those).

Do you maybe see a future for me where I can be myself authentically? I have like 5 friends that love me the way I am, but all the others seem to have a problem with me being a transgirl that is straight. Is there maybe always gonna be conflict in my work place? I would really appreciate some input.

Thank you so much and a LOVELY new year to EVERYONE!!! May all the kindness that you showed others from last year benefit your next one! :) <3
Hi, piscessafespace
I think that you are very much aware of all the issues. Being a :sun::pisces: means that your are a sensitive, emotional, compassionate individual, easily influenced from environment, probably interested in something of artistic nature, with possible psychic abilities, that finds that the world is a cruel place, so often prefers to run away and escape in the world of fantasy/dreams/music/run away from responsibilities/escape through drugs/substances/run away from reality, changing jobs, when things get hard, change anything, being vulnerable to criticism. Creativity could be a way to express yourself.

So, it appears to me that you are aware what your weaknesses are, but instead of saying that this is the way things are and do nothing about it, just accepting defeat, it is good that you try harder, work, currently doing your best to continue your studies, you can do it, take full responsibility of your life, do something for yourself, because YOU and nobody else, is the one who has to do it! Your life is yours, but that comes with responsibilities, mostly towards yourself, so that you can be something, create something, be independent, improve your self-respect, build something solid and more importantly self-discipline, which appears to be a weak spot.

Avoiding any substances is No 1 priority, but you ought to find something that attracts your interest and work hard to build a career.
Being a transgirl is fine nowadays. That is a totally different subject. You aren't attracted to the opposite gender, that happens quite often! You have to trust yourself and you may find a partner to offer your love, someone who deeply cares about you in return. You aren't alone!

Best regards,
Your natal Sun in Pisces, like others say, gives you this dreamy procrastination. But also, transiting Neptune has been conjuncting your Sun right there, making you even more dreamy. You also have a Venus in Taurus, making you fun-loving, enjoying the good things in life.
You are lucky, as Venus conjuncts your north node=karmic journey.
Would you like to pursue a career in the arts, to utilize all this artsy dreaminess?
As for having 5 good friends, this is awesome. Some people don't even have two :)
Regarding your gender orientation, be yourself, be happy, and never worry about what others think.
Once you love and accept yourself, others will love and accept you.
Smile :)
First step is full self-acceptance and loving yourself as you are, because there is nothing wrong with you. Second step is finding something you feel truly passionate about to study and holding on to that full-force, something were you can express yourself and create something beautiful.
That is one hundred percently true. And thank you so much for taking the time of the day to write to me. That matters a lot to me. Thank you for making my day a better one :)
changing jobs, when things get hard, change anything, being vulnerable to criticism.
I totally agree, i usually like criticism but only if its sugar coated times ten. I really am very sensitive, I need someone as a partner who qualifies with taking care of that.
it is good that you try harder, work, currently doing your best to continue your studies, you can do it, take full responsibility of your life, do something for yourself, because YOU and nobody else, is the one who has to do it
thank you so much :) Its just hard that up until now everyone in my family used to guide me but now that I got older they just stopped. I just never have had the responsibility about my own life before. Its hard as I am just not used to it. Like at all. haha. Thank you so much for taking your time to write that much to me :) I hope you have a lovely life. <3
Addictions come when the thing you love doesn’t last long in its effect, but is very enjoyable. Low energy/low friction Neptune is a recipe for addiction.
This is exactly what I think. Drugs dont necessary make you addicted, its the lack of happiness you have, which you want to compensate for. Im still not addicted to any drugs, but I have stopped being vegetarian / vegan (I have been vegetarian for 4 years now and I was two months of the year vegan + every wednesday and friday too) I have went back to meat now and I have never felt worse, but also authentic Ramen with meat just taste sooo much better. haha

So get addicted to things that are good for you
I really should, its just hard because I dont even have enough energy to get to school at the right time. I have been coming late for some time now and it doesnt look like its getting better. Even now Im procrastinating on doing a science project. I really really need to get everything back together and get through with it. Its just a lot harder to do it then just saying to do it.

I hope you are having a delightful week and I wish you all the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to actually write me and help me out!

With many lovely regards
Lucy :)