Thank you everyone, you've really put my mind at ease. I've attached my chart as well for Kitchy who asked to
see mom's moon pluto to kid's pluto moon.
Again, I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to help me.
Your son has a moon-pluto quintile and you have a moon-pluto opposition.
Is it possible that you have been through addiction yourself? This might add to your concerns. Moon Pluto usually fear for their children in ways that they have harmed themselves, or were harmed, as youth? Genetic predisposition usually has more to do with it than astrology, but astrology placements can show where it rears it's head.
It's always best to remain vigilant, either way. Always offer up to your son early drug prevention - it's
never too early and they're never too young to learn about it.
I am not clear as to why you feel this concern.
Was it Katydid or StillOne who wrote about the overworked mom with a moon saturn kid? I'll agree with that - my son was raised by me and I worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs and a lot of time away from his mom when he was little. I was fortunate to have a good support system of caregivers who were "normies". Moon Saturn kids need structure and authority in daily life in order to feel confident, as weirdly ironic as it sounds. I would only suggest with your described work schedule that you pay continuous attention to how his time is structured as he grows, as well as who his caregivers and friends are and how they enjoy their 'leisure time'. I've noticed too that moon-saturn children tend to adopt parental roles sometimes, or, feeling they are parenting themselves. These are things that could lead to future use. The need to escape (neptune) the need or failure of being emotionally in control (moon saturn) - these things are perfect set-ups for potential addicts.
When he's old enough, I'd suggest you put him to work at home, at your business, or in some other managed way, since you are long-working single mom.
Pay special attention to his jupiter return in Gemini in 2nd house when he's 12-13. This is typically the first time of
anchoring, skills and behaviors, for good or bad. He is likely to be a responsible and disciplined helpmate with moon saturn in 6th..