Addiction in Son's Chart

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Jul 30, 2016
Fullerton, CA
Hi, I've never posted on a forum before and am not even sure if I'm doing this right -- but here goes.

My almost 4 year old's sons chart has many aspects that point to future drug/alcohol addiction and was wondering if any of you out there would read his chart for me and help me with understanding this. If you have any advice as to how I may prevent this (if possible). Does having this in his chart mean he WILL be an addict? Thank you for taking the time to help me. I don't know where else to turn.

Here is his info:
September, 17, 2012
Fullerton, CA, USA
Well, nothing in a chart says that a person WILL become anything. Also, I don't know what aspects you believe point to addiction...I don't see it at all? The chart looks like one with a clear, practical, hardworking head on their shoulders, not one with many vices or escapist tendencies.

There's also the issue of reading into kids' charts and projecting on to them tendencies they are supposed to have or will have. IMO, best to ignore astrology for now and just raise your child.
where is mom's moon pluto to kid's moon pluto?

people need to stop asking questions without charts. they are already trying to get more than they are willing to give.
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lobot, welcome to the forum. Can you post your son's chart? It is a courtesy on astrology sites. There is a sticky here that explains how to do it.

Oftentimes Neptune in hard aspect to a personal planet shows up in addicts'/alcoholics' charts, but there isn't a hard and fast rule. Some addicts do not have such aspects, and some people who have them never become addicts.
Thank you everyone for your replies, I'm sorry I didn't attach his chart earlier, I didn't know. Special thanks to Waybread for being so kind and helpful! And thank you sibylline for your words as well, I agree with you 100% about not projecting my fears on him, I was just concerned. Most of my worries stem from the fact that I come from a family of addicts (father, mother, grandfather) who have similar aspects in their charts -- especially with Chiron (specifically with Chiron in Pisces) and moon in Libra. I really appreciate everyone taking time the time to reply to this thread. Regardless of what his chart points to, I just know I will do my best to provide him with all the love and support I can.


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I don't see any addictive placements to drugs and alcohol in the chart. Neptune aspects would lead to some kind of addiction, but Neptune is trine Saturn and Moon with large orbs, so...

I think your son is good.
Moon/Saturn shows a restrictive, disciplinary mother who is sometimes seems harsh. This is show through your post that over worry and lead you to put restrains on your child who is still 4 years old and still have time to develop his personality. Addictive people had a troubling childhood, a non emotional fulfillment, absent parental figure. Providing your child with a loving, caring childhood and a moral/religious compass is the key to keep him away from bad things like drugs.
Thank you everyone, you've really put my mind at ease. I've attached my chart as well for Kitchy who asked to see mom's moon pluto to kid's pluto moon.

Again, I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to help me. :)


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Your 5th house of children has a very fun Moon in Aries, supported by a Fiery Grand trine. You could really help your son learn a lot of creative, athletic and artistic skills. You can be a great innovator in helping him set up a great schedule for sports, arts and crafts, music etc. His Taurus rising, strong Venus, can thrive with your help and support.

But looming in the background is the difficult T-square to Saturn in your 12th. That looks like the Father and the skeletons in your family’s past. THAT is the baggage you need to keep separate from your Son. Do not pressure him, doubt him, try to control him. Let him find his own way. Be there to drive him to music class but don’t try to control which instrument he chooses to learn.

His Venus, the chart ruler, is in Leo/4th, and he has the Sun in the 5th in Virgo. He could be an artist, craftsman, musician. [ or any number of other things.] But his Virgo sensibilities might make him be a bit hyper critical---especially towards himself. You need not criticize him. He will not need it and will be hyper sensitive to any doubt or 'corrections' he hears from you. Keep it positive because he has the self correction down, innately.
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His Venus, the chart ruler, is in Leo/4th, and he has the Sun in the 5th in Virgo. He could be an artist, craftsman, musician. [ or any number of other things.] But his Virgo sensibilities might make him be a bit hyper critical---especially towards himself. You need not criticize him. He will not need it and will be hyper sensitive to any doubt or 'corrections' he hears from you. Keep it positive because he has the self correction down, innately.

Mother being critical towards the child is shown in the child's Moon/Saturn.
Mother being critical towards the child is shown in the child's Moon/Saturn.

Yes, but that Moon/Saturn is pretty benign. There are three trines to it, no squares or oppositions. And the Saturn is exalted in Libra. So I think this is a supportive Moon/Saturn, not a destructive one.

I have the Moon in Capricorn in my 8th. Often others would look at it and say I had a cold, difficult mother. But she is a Pisces with Cancer rising. LOL She is anything but cold and destructive. She is a tad controlling, out of love and concern. But she was a fantastic, amazing mother and I see the Capricorn as her being able to successfully raise 3 kids after a difficult divorce. So that Cap Moon was SUPPORTIVE, in my opinion.
Moon/Saturn shows a restrictive, disciplinary mother who is sometimes seems harsh. This is show through your post that over worry and lead you to put restrains on your child who is still 4 years old and still have time to develop his personality.

The Moon/Saturn doesn't necessarily mean the mother was an overly strict disciplinarian. It could mean a mother who is overworked, had a lot on her plate, and/or took on the role of mother and father. I see Moon/Saturn a lot in the charts of people whose mothers worked more than one job or were single mothers.
We need to stress that the moon in a child's chart shows his experience of the mother. It's not the actual mother because siblings often have very different moon placements.

Also each horoscope placement has potentially positive and negative manifestations. We can choose to emphasize the constructive ones.
Wow! Everything you have all posted has been incredibly insightful. I'm so glad I found this community and look forward to continuing to learn. My mind has definitely been put at ease. Thank you all immensely. Sibylline, you hit the nail on the head -- I work 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week (I own a restaurant) my son is almost always with me, but I don't get to spend the kind of quality time with him I would like to, hopefully soon I will! And thank you also to katydid & waybread for explaining so much in such a constructive light.
The Moon/Saturn doesn't necessarily mean the mother was an overly strict disciplinarian. It could mean a mother who is overworked, had a lot on her plate, and/or took on the role of mother and father. I see Moon/Saturn a lot in the charts of people whose mothers worked more than one job or were single mothers.

I agree. There a person whom I know has the same type of mother, over working and achiever. Moon Saturn can occur in many scenarios. There is a girl whose mother died, and there is one other girl whose mother is very strict towards her and so on. As I said, an aspect can manifest in different lights. However, Moon/Saturn people-from what I notice- are hyper critical, over worry, over sensitive and emotional.
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Thank you everyone, you've really put my mind at ease. I've attached my chart as well for Kitchy who asked to see mom's moon pluto to kid's pluto moon.

Again, I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to help me. :)

Your son has a moon-pluto quintile and you have a moon-pluto opposition.

Is it possible that you have been through addiction yourself? This might add to your concerns. Moon Pluto usually fear for their children in ways that they have harmed themselves, or were harmed, as youth? Genetic predisposition usually has more to do with it than astrology, but astrology placements can show where it rears it's head.

It's always best to remain vigilant, either way. Always offer up to your son early drug prevention - it's never too early and they're never too young to learn about it.

I am not clear as to why you feel this concern.
Was it Katydid or StillOne who wrote about the overworked mom with a moon saturn kid? I'll agree with that - my son was raised by me and I worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs and a lot of time away from his mom when he was little. I was fortunate to have a good support system of caregivers who were "normies". Moon Saturn kids need structure and authority in daily life in order to feel confident, as weirdly ironic as it sounds. I would only suggest with your described work schedule that you pay continuous attention to how his time is structured as he grows, as well as who his caregivers and friends are and how they enjoy their 'leisure time'. I've noticed too that moon-saturn children tend to adopt parental roles sometimes, or, feeling they are parenting themselves. These are things that could lead to future use. The need to escape (neptune) the need or failure of being emotionally in control (moon saturn) - these things are perfect set-ups for potential addicts.

When he's old enough, I'd suggest you put him to work at home, at your business, or in some other managed way, since you are long-working single mom.

Pay special attention to his jupiter return in Gemini in 2nd house when he's 12-13. This is typically the first time of anchoring, skills and behaviors, for good or bad. He is likely to be a responsible and disciplined helpmate with moon saturn in 6th..
Thanks, Kitchy, for you're reply. Though I am fortunate enough to not be an addict, I did use many drugs heavily for years--though unlike my father was able to stop without any ramifications and am miraculously not an addict myself, though many of my family and friends are. My father actually runs a drug rehab now. And yes, growing up I was both harmed and then became a self-harmer. My parents are both amazing and have overcome so much and have taught me that "healthy people get help." Overall I am not a worrier, but some of the interpretations I've read of my sons charts worried me, especially the vedic stuff! I know to take online interpretations loosely, but when addiction/escapist behavior/etc. began to show repeatedly, I started to take it more seriously.

And, The V, you are right. Though I don't like to admit it about myself all of the time, I am hyper-critical (not so much with others as I am with myself) and very sensitive, both things I am working on. My son has actually been the one to teach me that good enough is good enough :)

I should clarify, I am not a single mom. My husband and I run the restaurant together, though I am the head chef and do all of our marketing as well so I work longer hours.

All of you are truly amazing!
The Moon/Saturn doesn't necessarily mean the mother was an overly strict disciplinarian. It could mean a mother who is overworked, had a lot on her plate, and/or took on the role of mother and father. I see Moon/Saturn a lot in the charts of people whose mothers worked more than one job or were single mothers.

This. Very true. I have Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and I remember as a child my mother working ALOT. She played both roles as well since my father wasn't present.
Slightly diverting -

Druex- you hit upon the notion of the moon-saturn mom wears the pants. of course, this is in the native's eyes. often, in moon-saturn, father is ever-present even in his physical absence - through mom. Reminding what a SOB or Victim or Mean as Dirt he was.

So Moon-Saturn doesn't really have an "absent father" as much as one who is not there in body.

Moon-Pluto means dad was rendered dead by mom - literally or metaphorically.

But, to be clear - if you look at true absence of father - it is usually in 10th or 4th or Neptune involved. only the ghost remains

In the OP's question about addiction - moon aspects saturn and pluto.

perhaps the concern should turn to Moon-Neptune if she did drugs frequently when she was younger but is not an addict.

There is a strange reality of addiction - in astrology it comes as timing - in recovery, it comes as 4 letters - HALT. When was is hungry, angry, lonely or tired - they find addiction in their lives more often than not.

Every parents job, as best they can, is to make sure their kids aren't hungry angry lonely or tired - and still expected to keep up appearances.

My mom told me a story about my alcoholic dad one Xmas/Hanukkah when I was little - we didn't have electricity, my dad, who was a genius by IQ and highly refined man by report, didn't have a job at holidays so he went to work at a christmas tree lot and ended up bringing home 12 christmas trees and stuffing them in the living room because my mom said "you're a drunk who can't keep a job!" to him.

no presents, no dinner, no prayers - just 12 christmas trees for the 12 days of christmas.

i was about 3 at the time, can't say I remember a lick of it - but you better bet that i always made sure we had a menorah and christmas tree and presents and food while i was raising my child.

my mom taught me that through her moon pluto to me to my kid.

to OP -

as long as you are proactive in making sure your kid is well cared for - as well as fed through your long days - never hungry angry lonely or tired from mom's overworking - you'll be okay. I hope the same for Diriux.