Slightly diverting -
Druex- you hit upon the notion of the moon-saturn mom wears the pants. of course, this is in the native's eyes. often, in moon-saturn, father is ever-present even in his physical absence - through mom. Reminding what a SOB or Victim or Mean as Dirt he was.
So Moon-Saturn doesn't really have an "absent father" as much as one who is not there in body.
Moon-Pluto means dad was rendered dead by mom - literally or metaphorically.
But, to be clear - if you look at true absence of father - it is usually in 10th or 4th or Neptune involved. only the ghost remains
In the OP's question about addiction - moon aspects saturn and pluto.
perhaps the concern should turn to Moon-Neptune if she did drugs frequently when she was younger but is not an addict.
There is a strange reality of addiction - in astrology it comes as timing - in recovery, it comes as 4 letters - HALT. When was is hungry, angry, lonely or tired - they find addiction in their lives more often than not.
Every parents job, as best they can, is to make sure their kids aren't hungry angry lonely or tired - and still expected to keep up appearances.
My mom told me a story about my alcoholic dad one Xmas/Hanukkah when I was little - we didn't have electricity, my dad, who was a genius by IQ and highly refined man by report, didn't have a job at holidays so he went to work at a christmas tree lot and ended up bringing home 12 christmas trees and stuffing them in the living room because my mom said "you're a drunk who can't keep a job!" to him.
no presents, no dinner, no prayers - just 12 christmas trees for the 12 days of christmas.
i was about 3 at the time, can't say I remember a lick of it - but you better bet that i always made sure we had a menorah and christmas tree and presents and food while i was raising my child.
my mom taught me that through her moon pluto to me to my kid.
to OP -
as long as you are proactive in making sure your kid is well cared for - as well as fed through your long days - never hungry angry lonely or tired from mom's overworking - you'll be okay. I hope the same for Diriux.
Not trying to hijack the OP's thread but what Moon-Pluto quintile represent in a chart?