Addiction in Son's Chart

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Slightly diverting -

Druex- you hit upon the notion of the moon-saturn mom wears the pants. of course, this is in the native's eyes. often, in moon-saturn, father is ever-present even in his physical absence - through mom. Reminding what a SOB or Victim or Mean as Dirt he was.

So Moon-Saturn doesn't really have an "absent father" as much as one who is not there in body.

Moon-Pluto means dad was rendered dead by mom - literally or metaphorically.

But, to be clear - if you look at true absence of father - it is usually in 10th or 4th or Neptune involved. only the ghost remains

In the OP's question about addiction - moon aspects saturn and pluto.

perhaps the concern should turn to Moon-Neptune if she did drugs frequently when she was younger but is not an addict.

There is a strange reality of addiction - in astrology it comes as timing - in recovery, it comes as 4 letters - HALT. When was is hungry, angry, lonely or tired - they find addiction in their lives more often than not.

Every parents job, as best they can, is to make sure their kids aren't hungry angry lonely or tired - and still expected to keep up appearances.

My mom told me a story about my alcoholic dad one Xmas/Hanukkah when I was little - we didn't have electricity, my dad, who was a genius by IQ and highly refined man by report, didn't have a job at holidays so he went to work at a christmas tree lot and ended up bringing home 12 christmas trees and stuffing them in the living room because my mom said "you're a drunk who can't keep a job!" to him.

no presents, no dinner, no prayers - just 12 christmas trees for the 12 days of christmas.

i was about 3 at the time, can't say I remember a lick of it - but you better bet that i always made sure we had a menorah and christmas tree and presents and food while i was raising my child.

my mom taught me that through her moon pluto to me to my kid.

to OP -

as long as you are proactive in making sure your kid is well cared for - as well as fed through your long days - never hungry angry lonely or tired from mom's overworking - you'll be okay. I hope the same for Diriux.

Not trying to hijack the OP's thread but what Moon-Pluto quintile represent in a chart?
Moon-Pluto means dad was rendered dead by mom - literally or metaphorically.

I agree about this. Moon conjunct Pluto 7 orb mother tried to degrade the image of my father.
The moon saturn conjunction indicates that a child's mother fails to love him. especially with exalted saturn - that moon is torn up. So most likely if he'll become an addict, it'll possibly be because of the abuse from you, the mother.
That strong saturn tears up the moon. and he'll dislike women a lot as a result.
The moon saturn conjunction indicates that a child's mother fails to love him. especially with exalted saturn - that moon is torn up. So most likely if he'll become an addict, it'll possibly be because of the abuse from you, the mother.
That strong saturn tears up the moon. and he'll dislike women a lot as a result.

That is ridiculous to generalize like that. I know plenty of people with Moon/Saturn conjunctions. Most of them had Mothers who loved them. There are many things that can come from a Moon/Saturn besides lack of love from Mom.

And an exalted Saturn means just the opposite of what you describe. Exalted Saturn means it is the BEST of Saturn's traits in Libra. So stability, balance, supportive mothering would be indicated. Not a lack of love, as you propose.

It sounds like you are the one with a' torn up Moon that dislikes women.' Don't project it on everyone you see with an exalted Saturn/Moon placement. :ninja:
That is ridiculous to generalize like that. I know plenty of people with Moon/Saturn conjunctions. Most of them had Mothers who loved them. There are many things that can come from a Moon/Saturn besides lack of love from Mom.

And an exalted Saturn means just the opposite of what you describe. Exalted Saturn means it is the BEST of Saturn's traits in Libra. So stability, balance, supportive mothering would be indicated. Not a lack of love, as you propose.

It sounds like you are the one with a' torn up Moon that dislikes women.' Don't project it on everyone you see with an exalted Saturn/Moon placement. :ninja:

He also have Moon parallel Neptune as a hidden aspect. How do you interpret that alongside Moon/Saturn, Katy? Could it possibly mean absent (neptune) working (saturn) mom (moon).
The moon saturn conjunction indicates that a child's mother fails to love him. especially with exalted saturn - that moon is torn up. So most likely if he'll become an addict, it'll possibly be because of the abuse from you, the mother.
That strong saturn tears up the moon. and he'll dislike women a lot as a result.

I think this is an extreme view.
That is ridiculous to generalize like that. I know plenty of people with Moon/Saturn conjunctions. Most of them had Mothers who loved them. There are many things that can come from a Moon/Saturn besides lack of love from Mom.

And an exalted Saturn means just the opposite of what you describe. Exalted Saturn means it is the BEST of Saturn's traits in Libra. So stability, balance, supportive mothering would be indicated. Not a lack of love, as you propose.

It sounds like you are the one with a' torn up Moon that dislikes women.' Don't project it on everyone you see with an exalted Saturn/Moon placement. :ninja:

Well... all people I know, including celebrity horoscopes that I saw, with moon saturn conjunction seem to have emotional life ******* up. More or less.. at least they are emotionally distant from the mother. Ofcourse They Can Be Nice People Who Achieve In Life A Lot. It's the emotions that are ******* up.

FOR EXAMPLE: there's one famous girl now Cara Delevigne (don't know if you heard of her). She's not in touch with her femininity nor simple emotions, she doesn't know if she's straight or bisexual, and during interviews she constantly mentions that her mother cherished her for her eyebrows, "because they are the best feature of her" - those are Cara's words. And as a result she became a model. I think that's terrible to say to a child that a part of her body is the best feature of her. And her saturn/moon is in Aquarius Lordship - which should also be good according to you.
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Here's one quote from a good astrology website "One tragic example I noted was a child named Lisa. Her mother put her up for adoption in infancy. She was adopted by attorney Joel Steinberg and his wife through shady means. Lisa endured six horrific years of extreme abuse at the hands of this couple, which ended when Joel Steinberg beat her to death. Her chart ruler, the Moon was in near exact conjunction with Saturn in Libra in her fourth house of home and family. Saturn in Libra is exalted and much more powerful in its influence in that sign, intensifying its malefic nature. She never even had a chance."

In our case the moon/saturn in libra is in 6th house of enemies and diseases.
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Do you know the actor, Ben Stiller? He has Moon conjunct Saturn in the 10th in Pisces. His mother, Anne Meara was very close to him and they had a very loving, close bond.

George Clooney is still very close to his mother, Nina Warren. google it, he calls himself a Mama’s boy. There are lots of pictures of them together, over the years, since childhood and up until today. And he has the Moon conjunct Saturn in Cap .

Pop Singer, Avril Lavigne, has Moon/Saturn conjunct in Scorpio in her first house. She is and always has been very close to her mom. She took her Mom with her on her tour bus in 2013 because she said she was the person she is most comfortable with.

What about Gwyneth Paltrow? was she unloved by her famous mother? They seem pretty close , in my opinion. [ Moon conjunct Saturn in Gemini]

I think it is wrong to generalize it and try to say ALL moon/Saturn conjunctions were unloved by their moms. That is too simplistic.

Saturn/Moon does indicate some parental issues of some type---lack of money, lack of quality time, distance, poor health placing restrictions, too much time spent at work, etc etc. But it does not necessarily mean a lack of parental love.
My son has moon cancer & saturn cap parallel & opposition. I am sure that he felt, at times, that i was "tearing him apart" when my stern ways showed up during his growing years, esecially with my own natal saturn in cap aspecting both. Mom could be such a "buzzkill".

A kid with moon saturn needs structure and authority to feel confident in life - otherwise they will learn it's a free for all and anything goes.

Probably the worst aspect a kid could have is a parent who truly doesn't like her/his own child - berates or beats him/her - that would be much more involved than a general moon-saturn aspect. The emotional rage would have to come from some other source, I imagine.

At any rate - OP probably doesn't want this to stretch into abusive parent discussion, since that was not what she was inquiring, but I am pretty sure there is a moon-saturn thread from within last year somewhere in the natal astrology section.
The moon saturn conjunction indicates that a child's mother fails to love him. especially with exalted saturn - that moon is torn up. So most likely if he'll become an addict, it'll possibly be because of the abuse from you, the mother.
That strong saturn tears up the moon. and he'll dislike women a lot as a result.

You can't say this. The moon shows the child's experience of the mother, not the actual mother. Saying that a problem mother causes a child to become an addict or a mysogynist is totally unsubstantiated. And not very nice.

My ex husband had moon conjunct Saturn. He was not an addict, hardly drank, got on just fine with his mother and other women.

Please do not give astrology a bad name through this kind of hateful interpretation.
Here's one quote from a good astrology website "One tragic example I noted was a child named Lisa. Her mother put her up for adoption in infancy. She was adopted by attorney Joel Steinberg and his wife through shady means. Lisa endured six horrific years of extreme abuse at the hands of this couple, which ended when Joel Steinberg beat her to death. Her chart ruler, the Moon was in near exact conjunction with Saturn in Libra in her fourth house of home and family. Saturn in Libra is exalted and much more powerful in its influence in that sign, intensifying its malefic nature. She never even had a chance."

In our case the moon/saturn in libra is in 6th house of enemies and diseases.

This is one more example of unthinking, hateful astrology. We have to take a horoscope as a whole, not cherry-pick specific signatures from particular anecdotes.

If we give the moon an orb of 10 degrees on either side of exact, 20/360 or 6% of the human population will have this aspect, not counting the square or opposition. If you use a 12 degree orb, 24/360=7%. The world population is 7.4 billion. This amounts to something like 480 million people. They are not all going to have rotten mothers, become mysogynists, be abused children, or become addicts.

Neptune in hard aspect to a personal planet often shows up in the charts of addicts/alcoholics; but many people with this type of aspect do not become alcoholics/addicts; and some addicts do not have hard Neptune aspects.
The moon saturn conjunction indicates that a child's mother fails to love him. especially with exalted saturn - that moon is torn up. So most likely if he'll become an addict, it'll possibly be because of the abuse from you, the mother.
That strong saturn tears up the moon. and he'll dislike women a lot as a result.

This is a bit harsh Lol
I agree with Katydid. My understanding of Saturn is that at its best it can indicate stability, bonding and a long-lasting relationship. At its worst it indicates suppression and obstruction.

Your examples of these celebrity mother/child relationships illustrate the good side of Saturn IMHO.

Do you know the actor, Ben Stiller? He has Moon conjunct Saturn in the 10th in Pisces. His mother, Anne Meara was very close to him and they had a very loving, close bond.

George Clooney is still very close to his mother, Nina Warren. google it, he calls himself a Mama’s boy. There are lots of pictures of them together, over the years, since childhood and up until today. And he has the Moon conjunct Saturn in Cap .

Pop Singer, Avril Lavigne, has Moon/Saturn conjunct in Scorpio in her first house. She is and always has been very close to her mom. She took her Mom with her on her tour bus in 2013 because she said she was the person she is most comfortable with.

What about Gwyneth Paltrow? was she unloved by her famous mother? They seem pretty close , in my opinion. [ Moon conjunct Saturn in Gemini]

I think it is wrong to generalize it and try to say ALL moon/Saturn conjunctions were unloved by their moms. That is too simplistic.

Saturn/Moon does indicate some parental issues of some type---lack of money, lack of quality time, distance, poor health placing restrictions, too much time spent at work, etc etc. But it does not necessarily mean a lack of parental love.
saturn is the lord of negativity, heaviness, coldness, isolation, death, crystals, also represents everything that lasts long time, strong structure.
strong saturn would suggest that person isn't afraid to get hands dirty when dealing with heavy situations, someone who's dealing well with isolation, negativity and who is very aware that life is limited and quite short.
but the best position for saturn is to stay solo in a sign, that it occupies in a chart. when theres any other planet in a sign together with saturn - saturn like an ill friend will starve it and weigh on it
Dear Kamn,

Thank you so much for that enlightening response! As an aside, in my natal I have Jupiter in Capricorn in the 9th house conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in the 8th. Hopefully Jupiter will bring out the better side of Saturn or at least mitigate its ill effects. :joyful:

When my life is good it is very, very good; when it is bad it is awful.

saturn is the lord of negativity, heaviness, coldness, isolation, death, crystals, also represents everything that lasts long time, strong structure.
strong saturn would suggest that person isn't afraid to get hands dirty when dealing with heavy situations, someone who's dealing well with isolation, negativity and who is very aware that life is limited and quite short.
but the best position for saturn is to stay solo in a sign, that it occupies in a chart. when theres any other planet in a sign together with saturn - saturn like an ill friend will starve it and weigh on it
Dear Kamn,

Thank you so much for that enlightening response! As an aside, in my natal I have Jupiter in Capricorn in the 9th house conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in the 8th. Hopefully Jupiter will bring out the better side of Saturn or at least mitigate its ill effects. :joyful:

When my life is good it is very, very good; when it is bad it is awful.

having jupiter in capricorn will most definately give problems at aquiring wisdom, being optimistic, seeing "the light in the end of the tunnel" and difficulty at seeing things in a broad manner - difficulty in seeing the full picture. Saturn in capricorn is strong - you will be appreciative of your saturn in second half of life, no doubt about it.
Mother being critical towards the child is shown in the child's Moon/Saturn.

Good point and agree it often plays out that way. I have that aspect too and my mother is very particular about things - what a child would see as a disciplinarian. It did me good though, and it was a good balance between being a disciplinarian and gentle- I also have Moon-Venus with my Venus exalted. We have a great relationship.

the V made an excellent point that one must bear in mind that if Moon-Saturn (conj - a harsh aspect) exists, be careful to balance it. That is excellent piece of advice.

Just because somebody brings up negative attributes with a planet like Saturn, it is just as much of a "ridiculous generalisation" as speaking only positive about a planet. There should be no need to snub someone for that if you don't agree. Btw, snubbing is also part Saturn because you bring out the negativity in you and reprimand another person. Mars is another one great at snubbing.
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